1836. Sermon. The Sacrifice of the Mass. By Rev. John Lyon, M.A. Catalogue of Books in the Mechanics' and Apprentices' Library, 15, School Lane. Pr. Marples. A History of the Liverpool Musical Festival, with a List of the Pr. E. Smith and Co. Deed of Settlement of Borough Bank. Established 1836. Pr. Marples. Letter to Corporation of Liverpool, on a Medical Coroner. By Pr. Mitchell and Co. A Letter addressed to the People called Quakers. Pr. Bethell. A Speech. What have the Council done? By Mr. Walmsley. A Discourse. Against the Invocation of Saints and Angels. By Pr. Davenport. Two Sermons. The necessity for a Christian Ministry in special adaptation to the Poor. By Rev. J. H. Thom. Speeches at Amphitheatre on Scriptural Education. Popery! As it was and as it is. Cork Assizes. Poll Book. First Election of Town Councillors after the Re form Bill. Pr. Mawdsley. Warehouses upon the Dock Quays. By Ald. Eyre Evans. Pr. T. Bean. The Elysium of Animals. By Egerton Smith. First Report of the Liverpool Protestant Association, held in the New Liverpool Tide Table. By T. Bywater. Anticipated Address &c., respecting a new system of Education in the Liverpool Schools. The Surveyor's Reports to the Dock Committee from 1824 to 1835. 1836. Liverpool Clarence Dock and Wigan Railway project. Instructions for the Liverpool Constabulary Force. 1837. Letters on National Education, to the Town Council. By Rev. H. M'Neile. Pr. J. Davenport. Speech of Rev. H. M'Neile, at Church of England School Pr. J. Davenport. The Millenium; The Wisdom of Jesus; and the Foolery of Pr. Ross and Nightingale. Deed of Constitution of Apothecaries' Company, Liverpool. Pr. G. Smith. Address, by John Rutter, M.D., on the opening of the Medical Pr. G. Smith. Poll Book. Sandon, Cresswell, Ewart and Elphinstone. Pr. Rockliff. Letter on Catholicism &c. By Dr. Channing. Pr. Willmer and Smith. Letters on Baptism. By Thomas Ritson. Pr. Marples. Sermon on the Death of Rev. E. M. Crossfield. By Rev. James Pr. Davenport. Remarks on Evangelical Preaching. By Rev. T. Byrth. Pr. Davenport. An Address to the Clergy of Liverpool styled Evangelical. By Pr. Cannell. Sermon. The Scriptural principle and leading objects of a Pr. Kaye. The Pocket-book of Etiquette. By Arthur Freeling. Conservative Triumph; or, the three Glorious Days! Speeches Pr. Mail Office. 1837. Report of the Gaol Acts affecting the Gaol and House of Correction of Liverpool. By Reginald Radcliffe, Town Clerk. Report of the Committee of Reformers of Rodney Street Ward, on the Corporation Schools. List of the Members of the British Association resident in or near Liverpool. 1838. Sermon. Danger cannot teach: Now is the time! By Rev. H. M'Neile, M.A. Pr. H. Perris. Funeral Services on the Death of Rev. R. S. McAll, LL.D. By Dr. Raffles &c. Pr. Marples and Co. Trial. Corporation of Liverpool against James Muspratt, Esq., Pr. Marples. A Statement of Truths, in reply to the Incumbent of St. Mark's. Pr. Perry. An Exposure of Liberal Education. By Rev. F. Ould. Pr. Perris. Plain Instructions. Shorthand. By T. C. Foster, of the Standard First Report Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society. [Succeeded and published a few days after being preached, by Rev. Fielding Ould, Rev. R. P. Buddicom, Rev. J. Jones' Mr. Rishton, Building Surveyor. First Annual Report. 1839. Observations on the Force of the Wind and the Resistance of the Air. By Henry Booth, Esq. Pr. Mitchell and Co. The Practical importance of the Controversy with Unitarians. By Rev. F. Ould, M.A. Pr. Perris. 1839. [Followed by published Lectures each successive Wednesday Evening, at Christ Church, by Rev. Dr. Tattershall, Rev. T. Byrth, Rev. J. Jones, Rev. J. H. Stewart, Rev. H. M'Neile, Rev. D. James, Rev. R. P. Buddicom, Rev. J. E. Bates, Rev. H. W. M'Grath, Rev. R. Davies, Rev. H. Stowell, Rev. W. Dalton. Narrative of the Dreadful Disasters occasioned by the Hurricane at Liverpool, January 6th and 7th, 1839. Pr. E. Smith and Co. Visit to the Corporation Schools in Liverpool. The New Act. Mr. Rowland Hill's Penny Postage. Sermon. Sacramental Religion. St. Patrick's, Toxteth. [Followed by published Lectures each successive Tuesday Even- An Account of some Experiments on Voltaic Electricity. By T. Pr. Mitchell and Co. A New Method of Slaughtering Animals for Human Food. By Pr. M'Gowan. Considerations on the Increase and Progress of Crime. By Pr. Marples. Warehouses on the Dock Quays, a Reply to a recent Publication. Pr. W. Forshaw. Warehouses upon the Dock Quays, as necessary to the promotion of the Trade and Prosperity of Liverpool, and of the neighbouring Towns and Counties in Mercantile connexion therewith. Memorial to the Dock Committee on deficient accommodation Rules and Regulations concerning the Holding of Courts, and Watch Committee; Rewards to Constables. 1840. Memoir of the late Henry Park, Esq., Surgeon, Liverpool. Portrait. Pr. Marples. 1840. Moral Code of the New Moral World. By John Finch. The Liturgic Hymns, as a Guide to Choirs and Congregations of the Established Church. Brandy and Salt. Sermon Rulers' influence for the promotion of True Religion. Pr. Perry. Sermon, Young Men's Christian Association. By Dr. Byrth, with a Letter to Dr. Tattershall. Pr. Perris. What is Christianity? By F. Hollick, L.M. Pr. Stewart. Dr. Neill's Report upon Deafness and Cure. Plates. Pr. Mitchell and Co. Catalogue of the First Exhibition at Mechanics' Institution. Pr. Marples. First Annual Report Liverpool Auxiliary Church Pastoral Aid Sermon on the Death of Rev. John Stewart, D.D. By Rev. Pr. Marples. Rudiments of Geography. By J. and W. Stephenson, Spring- On the Dispersion and Restoration of the Jews. By S. Kent, Pr. Taylor. Report of the Sanitary State of the residences of the Labouring Classes. By W. H. Duncan, M.D. 1841. Lecture on the Life of Dr. Franklin, at the Amphitheatre. By Dr. M'Neile. Pr. Mitchell and Co. Daily Prayers used at the House of Correction, Kirkdale. Proceedings at Laying of the Foundation Stone of Collegiate Sermon, Young Men's Society. By H. M'Neile, M.A. Pr. Perris. Treatise on Painful Affections of Nerves. By Dr. Cronin. Pr. Baines. |