صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

1756. Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, No. 1, May 28.

1798. The Student, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4. 2 vols. No. 2 dated November 1st, 1798. The rest have no date. W. Hilton, Teacher.

1798. The Caterer, or Liverpool Weekly Magazine, vol. 1, No. 3. 1799. The Liverpool Phoenix, continued to 1813.

1800. Family Instructor. Five parts.

Pr. Forshaw, Edmund Street.

1801 to 1808. The New Theological Repository, consisting of Original Essays upon the Evidence, Excellency, and Doctrines of Christianity &c.

1813. Mirror of Amusement, 2 vols. Tales of Instruction and Amuse


Pr. Nuttall, Fisher & Dixon.

1816. The Liverpool Magazine, and General Provincial Miscellany for 1816. Eleven numbers, monthly.

Pr. F. Roberts, late Johnson, Manesty lane.

1816. The Liverpool Freeman; or, Weekly Magazine of Political Essays and Miscellaneous Papers. Six numbers.

Pr. F. B. Wright.

1816. The Liverpool Chronicle, and General Provincial Magazine. Monthly parts.

Pr. W. Bethell.

1816. The Corrector; or, Dramatic Intelligencer; containing Original Criticisms on the Performances and Performers at the

Theatre Royal, Liverpool, for the Summer Season, 1816.
Six weekly numbers.

Pr. Nevett's, Castle Street.

1818 to 1830. The Kaleidoscope; or, Literary and Scientific Mirror. A weekly publication, containing a variety of original and select articles. 1 vol. folio. New series, quarto, eleven vols.

Pr. and Pub. E. Smith & Co.

1819 to July, 1821. The Imperial Magazine. Illustrated with Portraits &c.

Pr. H. Fisher, Caxton Press.

1819. The Liverpool and Manchester Quarterly Magazine, containing the 1st and 2nd series, by Sarah Medley, Haymarket, illustrated. 1820, the second year's series, under the title of the Royal Magazine.

Pr. J. Lang, Drury Lane.

1820. The Bee. Fire-side Companion and Evening Tales, calculated

to blend Instruction with Delight. Twenty-four numbers.

[It was advertised that this volume should be immediately followed by another, entitled The Queen Bee, to be completed in twenty-four numbers.]

Pr. Henry Fisher, Caxton Press.

1821. The Liverpool Theatrical Investigator.

Price 1d. 129 daily

numbers. Vol. 1, ending Dec. 1st, 1821. Vol. 2, twentysix weekly numbers. Price 3d. No. 1, June 2, 1822. Pr. F. B. Johnson.

The Thespian; a series of Essays on the Drama, applicable chiefly to the Theatricals of Liverpool during the Season of 1821. Daily numbers. Price 1d. Ending Dec. 1st, 1821. Ninety numbers.

Pr. and Pub. Smith & Melling, Pool Lane.

The Censor; or Review of Public Amusements in Liverpool.
Price 2d. Eleven weekly numbers. Ending Feb., 1822.

Pr. F. B. Johnson.

The Academic; a Periodical Publication, comprising Original Essays, Reviews, Poems, &c. In twenty-two numbers, fortnightly.

Pr. and Pub. by R. Rockliff.

1822. The Hermes; a Literary, Moral and Scientific Journal. Twentyeight weekly numbers. Price 3d.

1823. Liverpool Apollonius. No. 1, and in 1824 No. 2, by J. H. Swale.

Pr. F. B. Johnson.

1824 to 1826. Life in London, 1 vol. 2nd vol. Bethell's Life in London and Liverpool, Sporting Register, weekly numbers, Price 2d. Pr. and Pub. by W. Bethell, 10, Marshall Street.

1824. The Nepenthe; or, Liverpool Weekly Correspondent and Journal of Fashionable Literature. Fifty-one weekly numbers. Published by J. De Camps, Castle Street. Price 24d. and 3d. Pr. J. Hodgson, Tarleton Street.

1825. The Engineer; or Philosophical and Mathematical Repository. only one number. By W. Marratt.

Pr. Rushton and Melling.

1826. The Liverpool Repository of Literature, Philosophy and Commerce. By an Association of Literary Gentlemen. Twelve monthly numbers. Pub. C. Gray, Paradise Street.

Pr. D. Marples, 69, Paradise Street.

1827. The Lancashire Literary Museum; or, Journal of Polite Literature, Arts, and Sciences. Quarto, weekly numbers. Price

3d. Edited by James Scott Walker.

Pr. and Pub. by Edward Willmer, 25, Lord Street.

1829. Le Panorama; Recueil Littéraire Français. Nineteen weekly numbers. Price 6d. E. Smith & Co.

1830. The Companion.

Gratuitously circulated with the Liverpool

Chronicle. Thirty-five numbers, weekly.

Pr. Wm. H. Farman.

1831. The Liver; or, Liverpool Local Correspondent. G. Smith & Co. 1832. The Lancashire Omnibus. Journal of Literature and Amusement. 1833. The Liverpool Medical Gazette; or, Monthly Journal of Medicine and the Collateral Sciences. Twelve numbers. Edited by Dr. Hunter Lane.

Pr. T. Kaye.

1834. The Watchman's Lantern; intended to throw light on the proceedings of the Wesleyan Methodist Conference and its representatives.

Pr. E. Smith & Co.

The Horoscope; a Weekly Miscellany of Astrology. Nineteen numbers. Edited by Zadkiel.

Pr. Willmer and Smith.

The Monthly Archives of the Medical Sciences. Five numbers.
Edited by Dr. Hunter Lane.

Pr. T. Kaye.

The Mélange. A variety of original pieces of Prose and Verse; comprising the Elysium of Animals. By E. Smith. Twelve monthly numbers, illustrated.

Pr. and Pub. by Egerton Smith & Co.

The Liverpool Medical Journal. Four monthly numbers.

Pr. W. Grapel.

1835. The Story Teller; or, Fire-side Companion. Twenty-five numbers.


Pr. and Pub. W. R. Knipe, 125, St. James' Street.

1837. The Rambler; or, Budget of Literature and Fun. Weekly Periodical. Edited by the Liver Club.

Pr. George Thompson.

1842. Journal of Science, Literature and Art, and of Institution Reports. Six monthly numbers, Quarto.

Pr. and Pub. H. Ganthrop.

1845. Liverpool Health of Towns Advocate. Edited by Dr. Sutherland. Published monthly from Sep. 1st to July 1st, 1847.

1847. The Liverpool Lion (afterwards added-or, Lancashire Charivari.) A Journal devoted to the illustration of Things as they are, with stray hints of Things as they ought to be. Illustrated. Weekly numbers. Price 3d. First published by G. J. Keet, Arcade. Second published by G. B. Horridge & Co., 1, Sweeting Street.

1847. Liverpool Financial Reform Association Traets commenced. 1848. Jones. Published fortnightly. Price 2d. Afterwards called The Liverpool Charivari.

Pr. Doran and Lerry, &c.

1849. The Roscoe Magazine, and Lancashire and Cheshire Literary Reporter. Six monthly numbers. E. Howell, Church Street,

Pr. E. Matthews, 35, South John Street.

1850. The Original. A Periodical established by a few young men, as an Amusement for their Leisure hours.

Pr. Albion Office.


1784. A Familiar Medical Survey of Liverpool, Situation of the Town, the Qualities and Influence of the Air, &c. By W. Moss, Surgeon, Liverpool.

Pr. R. Hodgson.

1795. Wallace's General and Descriptive History of the Ancient and Present State of the Town of Liverpool.

Pr. McCreery & Phillips.

1796. The Liverpool Guide; including a Sketch of the Environs: with a Map of the Town. Sold by Crane & Jones, Castle Street. 1797. The Liverpool Guide; including a Sketch of the Environs: with a Map. By W. Moss. Second Edition, enlarged.

Pr. T. Swarbreck.

1799. The Liverpool Guide; including a Sketch of the Environs: with a Map of the Town; and Directions for Sea-bathing. By

W. Moss. Third Edition, enlarged.

Pr. J. McCreery.

1801. The Liverpool Guide; including a Sketch of the Environs: with a Map; and Directions for Sea-bathing. By W. Moss.

Fourth Edition, enlarged.

Pr. J. McCreery.

1805. The Picture of Liverpool; or, Stranger's Guide: with a Plan of the Town.

Pr. W. Jones, at the Chronicle Office.

1807. The Stranger in Liverpool; or, an Historical and Descriptive View of Liverpool and its Environs: with a Map. Illus trated. First Edition.

Pr. by and for Thomas Kaye, 1807.

1808. The Picture of Liverpool; or, Stranger's Guide. A New Edition, considerably enlarged. Embellished with Engravings on Wood by the first Artists: with a Map.

Pr. Jones & Wright, Swift's court.

1810. The Stranger in Liverpool; &c. The Second Edition, with corrections and additions. With Illustrations and a Map:

with an Epitome of the History of Liverpool-the first of the Annals.

Pr. Thomas Kaye.

1812. The Stranger in Liverpool; &c. The Third Edition, with corrections and additions. With Illustrations and a Map.

Pr. Thomas Kaye.

1814. The Stranger in Liverpool; &c. Fourth Edition

Pr. Thomas Kaye.

1816. The Stranger in Liverpool; &c. The Fifth Edition: with a Map, and a large collection of Engraved Views at the end.

Pr. Thomas Kaye.

1820. The Stranger in Liverpool; &c. The Sixth Edition. A New Plan of the Town. One edition illustrations interspersed; another with a number at the end. An Appendix of the Family of Edward Moore (1667) first introduced.

1823. The Stranger in Liverpool; &c. The Seventh Edition. A new plan from the Sixth Edition. First entry as the Annals of Liverpool. Large number of Illustrations at the end.

Pr. Thomas Kaye.

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