صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

1825. The Stranger in Liverpool; &c. The Eighth Edition. Map same as the Seventh Edition. An Import and Export

Chart added.

1829. The Stranger in Liverpool; &c. The Ninth Edition, with cor rections and copious additions. Profusely illustrated, with

an appendix, from the Ancient Town Records &c. &c.

Pr. T. Kaye.

1833. The Stranger in Liverpool; &c. The Tenth Edition. A New Map. Illustrated by small views.

1834. The Picture of Liverpool; or Stranger's Guide.

correct Map of the Town.

Pr. and Pub. Thomas Taylor.

1836. The Stranger in Liverpool; &c. Eleventh Edition.

Pr. Thomas Kaye.

A New and

Cornish's Stranger's Guide. First Edition. Pub. 37, Lord Street. 1839. The Stranger in Liverpool; &c. Twelfth Edition. A New Map, much enlarged. Illustrations many and finer.

Pr. T. Kaye.

1840. The Stranger in Liverpool; &c. Twelfth Edition.

Pr. T. Kaye.

1841. The Stranger in Liverpool; &c. Twelfth Edition. A New Map, numerous illustrations.

Pr. T. Kaye.

1842. Smith's Stranger's Guide to Liverpool. By Alexander Brown.


1843. The Picturesque Hand-book to Liverpool;

Edition of the Stranger's Pocket Book.

A new and accurate Plan of the Town.
Castle Street.

being an improved Fourth Thousand.

Wareing Webb,

1843. Smith's Stranger's Guide to Liverpool. By Alex. Brown, A.M. With Illustrations and a Map of Town, Price 4s. With Plan and two Engravings, Price 2s.

Published by Benj. Smith, South Castle Street.

1844. The Stranger's Pocket Guide through Liverpool. Second Edition.

A Plan of the Town.

Published by Benj. Smith, South Castle Street.

Pictorial Liverpool. Illustrated by Engravings, Woodcuts, and

Lithographic Drawings, fifty in number.

Map. By James Stonehouse.

Published by Henry Lacey, Bold Street.

New Outline

A New and complete Hand-book for the Stranger in Liverpool.
A New Outline Map. A New Edition. No Illustrations.

By James Stonehouse.

Published by Henry Lacey.

1846. Brown's Threepenny Guide through Liverpool.

For Cheap

Trains. An Engraved Map. By James Stonehouse.

Pr. and Pub. by John Brown, Dansie Street.

The Picturesque Hand-book of Liverpool; with a day at Birkenhead. A Map of the Town, and above One Hundred Engravings. Fifth Edition. By H. M. Addey.

Published by Benj. Smith, South Castle Street.

1850. The Stranger in Liverpool.

Twelfth Edition.

By Thomas Kaye. Re-issue.



By A. Craig Gibson, F.S.A.


THE English Lakes are commonly spoken of as of Cumberland or Westmoreland; and comparatively few amongst the crowds that flock thither every season make themselves aware of the fact that a considerable portion of what is popularly called the Lake District—a portion, too, containing every variety of scenery that may be imagined as ranging between the most savage and sterile grandeur and the softest and most luxuriant beauty-lies within the boundaries of Lancashire, the county whose name, perhaps beyond any other, suggests ideas widely apart from anything associated in our thoughts with the worship of the sublime and beautiful in nature.

The queen of our lakes, Windermere, is bounded on twothirds of its circumference by a Lancashire shore. The smaller lake of Esthwaite, whose chief attractions are the irregularity of outline, formed by its green peninsular hillocks and its general air of placid beauty and repose, is entirely in Lancashire. Entirely in Lancashire, too, is Coniston Water, around the head of which are concentrated and combined, as I devoutly believe, more of the true elements of natural beauty than may be found within the same limited bounds in any other part of the world.

Lancashire also possesses numerous small sheets of water, varying from a mile to a hundred yards in length, and called 66 tarns." The situations of all of these are romantic and wild-in some instances almost inaccessible. Such are the lakes contained in that part of the Hundred of Lonsdale, distinguished as "North of the Sands," separated from the rest of the county by the great bay of Morecambe, and generally reckoned part of the lake country. It consists of the Lordship of Furness and the Parish of Cartmel. Furness has been described as an island, and called so by one of its old Abbots, from being surrounded, with the exception of a few yards at the water-shed, on the pass where the three counties meet, by river, lake and sea. It is divided into High and Low Furness, or Furness Fells and Furness Plain; and it is the mountainous part of Furness, rich in topographic and scenic, and not deficient in historic interest, that I propose to bring under the notice of this Society, in a short series of papers; and, taking its metropolis, humble as it is, as properly first, I shall devote this to the description and history of the town of Hawkshead.

Readers of Wordsworth will remember that in his principal poem, The Excursion, he relates that he first knew the pedler-hero of his narrative


In a little town obscure,

A market-village, seated in a tract

Of mountains, where my school-day time was passed.

The little town obscure" was Hawkshead, which at the period of Wordsworth's youth was famous for its Grammar School.

Besides the late poet-laureate, another bard, one of a very different stamp, has honoured Hawkshead with his notice. Richard Braithwaite, author of that eccentric and witty doggerel, Drunken Barnaby's Journal, names it as one of the resting-places in his "Itinerary," thus

Donec Hauxide specto sensem;
Illinc sedem Lancastrensem.

In the English version

Thence to Hauxide's marish pasture;
Thence to th' seat of old Lancaster.

On this meagre passage one of Braithwaite's annotators remarks" HAUXIDE.-This place, as well as a few others, "are only named to say 'farewell,' as though Barnaby made "no long tarrying therein. For these partial omissions it is "difficult to assign a reason, unless it may be conjectured "that it is not attributable to dearth of incident, but that "Braithwaite knew himself to be too intimately known in "the neighbourhood of particular towns to remain, if they "were described, long undiscovered as author of the poem.” This is exceedingly probable ;-Braithwaite, having relations resident at Hawkshead and his family-seat at no great distance, would be known there as a country gentleman of dignity and state, and could not wish to be identified with such a disreputable vagabond as he has left us in his "Drunken Barnaby." Amongst his Remains after Death the following occurs :—

Vpon the late Decease of my much-lamented friend and kinsman,
Allen Nicholson, a zealous and industrious member of Church
and Commonweal.

Hauxide laments thy death; Grassmyre not so,
Wishing thou had'st been dead ten years agoe,

For then her market had not been so done,

But had suruiu'd thy age in time to come;

And well may Hauxide grieue at thy departure,
Since she received from thee her ancient charter.

Except in the works of these two very dissimilar bards and of some merely local writers, Hawkshead, so far as I am aware, has no other place in literature. Its place in history

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