صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

clue to the mystery he can suggest, is that his great-grandfather, Sir John Ramsay, eldest son of this Sir James, being in difficulties, came to reside in England, and died at or near Kendal in 1738; and that, if such residence began during his father's lifetime, the latter may have made this long journey to visit him, and so died. I have had the registers searched at Kendal, Windermere, Ambleside, Grasmere and Hawkshead for some trace of Sir John Ramsey, but without


The tower of the church contains a peal of six bells, all inscribed with portions of a rhyme, irregularly distributed, and also with the names of founders and of donors, and dates. Thus the treble has

Awake, arise, the day's restored,
Awake, arise, to praise the Lord,
Regard, look to, the peal I lead.

2nd-We to the first must take good heed.

3rd-The third place I take in the swing.

James Harrison, of Barrow, in Lincolnshire, Bell Founder, 1765.

4th-Pray mind the third when we do ring.

5th-In the fifth place I give my sound.

John Benson Esq., of Beetham, Westmoreland. Recast in 1810.
Glory to God in the highest.

6th-I close the peal, ring the bells round.

Memento mori Myles Sandys Esq., Graythwaite Hall, 1765.

The great lion of Hawkshead, however, and what used to be its principal boast, is the Grammar School, which, after languishing for many years, is, under its present management, being gradually restored to its bygone glory and usefulness. It was founded in 1585 by Edwin Sandys, Archbishop of York, and endowed by him with house and land of the annual value of £50. In 1717 the Rev. Thomas

Sandys augmented the school. In 1731 George Satterthwaite, and in 1766 William Dennison, left certain sums of money for the maintenance of charity boys. On the 1st of April, 1588, the Archbishop published his statutes for the management of the school and for the disposal of the property granted for its maintenance; and these continued in force till the year 1832, when a new scheme was thought desirable. On the 12th of May, 1835, this scheme was approved by the Master in Chancery. Again, in 1862, application was made to the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales for power to alter the above named scheme; a commissioner was sent down to take evidence &c. &c., and a fresh scheme was sealed by the Commissioner on the 7th of August, 1863, making provision for an upper and lower school, for six foundation scholars in the one and eight in the other. All other children of resident inhabitants in the parish of Hawkshead to be charged not more than five shillings per quarter (the previous charge being two shillings and sixpence) in the lower school and one guinea per quarter in the upper.

The paternal anxiety of the venerable founder for the continued well-doing of his school is remarkably evinced in the statutes he framed for its management and regulation. One or two of these I shall give here, as translated in Abingdon's Antiquities of Worcester Cathedral,* published

in 1717.

V. Also I ordain and constitute that the sd Schoolmaster of the said School and his successors for ever shall have under him one usher in the aforesaid School, to be an usher in the said School to teach such children and Scholars in the said School, of the lowest forms, as to him shall be appointed by the said School-master and his Successors. And if the aforesaid Schoolmaster

In a biographical notice of Sandys, who was Bishop of Worcester and after wards of London, before be became Archbishop of York.

shall fortune to die, then the Usher of the said School, for the time being, shall teach the said scholars in the said School, as Master thereof, until there be a Schoolmaster placed in the said room and office.

IX. Ordains the deposition of the master should he commit Treason, Murder or Felony.


XIII. Ordains that the Usher be obedient to the Master and the Scholars shall be of honest and vertuous conversation, obedient to the master and Usher in all things touching good Manners and Learning both in the School and elsewhere, and shall continually use the Latin Tongue or Greek Tongue within the School as they shall be able. Also they shall use no weapons in the School, as Sword, Dagger, Waster or other like, to fight or brawl withal, nor any unlawful gaming in the School. They shall not haunt Taverns, Alehouses, or play at any unlawful Games, as Cards, Dice, Tables, or such like &c. &c.

XIX. Ordains that one strong and substantial chest, with three strong locks and keys, of three several fashions and makings to the same, be made and placed in some convenient place in the aforesaid Schoolhouse; in which chest shall be kept the Queen's Majesty's Letters patent, containing the Foundation of the said Free Grammar School, and all the Evidences, Charters, Writings, Rescripts, Muniments, Constitutions and Ordinances touching, concerning, appertaining and belonging to the said Grammar School or to the lands &c. of the School.-And that the Schoolmaster and his successours for the time being shall have the keeping of one of the said three keys; and the two first-named Governours of the foresaid School for the time being and their successours to have either of them one of the said keys in their custody, so as the said chest may not be opened without the consent of all the said three persons.

The chest thus ordered is still in existence, and from its appearance would seem to have been made immediately after the Archbishop's ordinance to that effect was issued. It is very rudely formed of a solid block of oak-the cavity dug out of the central part of the upper surface and the lid fastened down by three heavy straps of iron, which are secured by the same number of padlocks, the keys of which are kept by the master and the two senior governors, as prescribed. The number of documents &c. it holds is about fifty.

The school possesses another curiosity in its antique seal. It bears a pedagogue in a flat cap, neck ruff, and long gown, seated in a chair and armed with a rod, hearing the lesson of a pupil beside him. Over his head is a scroll bearing the motto, "Docendo Discimus;" over which is a mitre bearing a crescent between two stars. To the right are the archiepiscopal arms, and to the left the Sandyses' family arms. Round the whole" Sigillum liberæ scholæ grammaticæ Edwyni "Sandes Eboracensis Archiepiscopi fundatoris."

A tablet over the entrance of the school records the renovation of the building by another native of the parish of very different pursuits, he being a citizen and vintner of London. It bears this intimation

Memoriæ Reverendi D.D. Edwini
Sandys Ebor. olim Archiepiscopi
Scholæ Hujus Fundatoris
Daniel Rawlinson civis Lond.

Graisdalia com. Lanc. Oriundus


Anno Domini


The school library contains about 1,080 volumes, and amongst them the Archbishop's own folio Bible, of date 1572, thus inscribed-" Arch. B.P. Sandys' Bible which he used

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