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النشر الإلكتروني

therefore to observe, in the words of Lord Ellenborough, that "they have, in one short campaign, been avenged upon every scene of past misfortune." No less than five distinct medals are included in this distribution, viz.-for


CANDAHAR-to soldiers engaged with the enemy from 1st January to the 10th August, 1812.

CANDAHAR AND GHUZNEE-when the same person was present at both only.

GHUZNEE AND CABUL-from the 6th September to the 16th and following days.


CABUL-to the soldiers

present during the whole campaign.

CABUL-to those who reached that place subsequent to the 16th September, 1842.

Excepting for Ghuznee and Cabul, the design for these medals is alike; the name "CANDAHAR" &c. &c. is inscribed within a laurel wreath, surmounted by a crown, with the date, 1842, below; that for Ghuznee and Cabul being inscribed within a double wreath of laurel, with crown and date, 1842. On the obverse is the usual head of Victoria, with the legend, “VICTORIA VINDEX." It is worn with the military ribbon of India.

The medals granted for the victories of Meeanee and Hyderabad commemorate the success of Sir Charles Napier in his conquest of the Scinde, and the unflinching bravery of the 22nd Regiment. The reverse of the medal has the words "MEEANEE and HYDERABAD" inscribed within a circle of laurel leaves; above is a crown, and below the date, 1843. The medal awarded to the soldier who served only at the battle of Meeanee is inscribed "MEEANEE" alone. The same may be said of the soldier who was present only at Hyderabad: his medal is inscribed "HYDERABAD" alone. Obverse— head of Victoria; legend-"VICTORIA REGINA." It is worn with the military ribbon of India.

MAHARAJ POOR AND PUNNIAR.-The first division of the army, under Sir Hugh Gough, completely defeated the Mahrattas on the 29th December, 1843, at Maharajpoor. On the same day, Major-General Grey, with the second division, utterly routed a strong Mahratta force at Punniar. Lord Ellenborough ordered that decorations in the form of "stars" should be made from the captured guns, and presented to the officers and men of both divisions. The star is of six points, and made of bronze: it is studded with a smaller star of silver, on the face of which is inscribed "29 DEC.," encircled. by the word "MAHARAJPOOR, 1843." The word "PUNNIAR, "1843," encircles the date "29 DEC." on the star given to the second division of the army. They are worn with the Indian ribbon.

The Sutlej campaign, or first Sikh war, 1845-46, introduces the great battles of Moodkee, Ferozeshurhur, Aliwal, and Sobraon. As they are still in the recollection of most people, it would be superfluous on this occasion to again describe the bravery of British soldiers, or applaud the already exalted names of Gough, Hardinge, Smith &c. The medal, which is a beautiful example of the die-sinker's art, represents a figure of Victory, in an upright position, holding in her right hand, which is extended, a victor's wreath, her left supporting a palm branch; at the feet of the figure is a trophy of arms. The legend is-" ARMY OF THE SUTLEJ;" and in the exergue 1845" or " 1846," together with the name of the first engagement the soldier was present at who received the medal. If a soldier was present at only one of the four actions, the decoration was awarded to him without a clasp or bar, the name of such action being inscribed in the exergue of the medal; but if the same person served with the army in more battles than one, for such he received, with his medal, one, two, or three bars, having in inscription the names of the victories he took part in; for example-the 9th Lancers,

present only at Sobraon, received the medal without a claspthe name "SOBRAON, 1846," being in exergue. The 53rd Foot, present only at Aliwal and Sobraon, received the medal with one clasp-" ALIWAL" being in exergue, and clasp for "SOBRAON." The 31st Foot, present at Moodkee, Ferozeshurhur, Aliwal, and Sobraon (the whole campaign), received the medal with three clasps" MOODKEE, 1845," being in exergue. Obverse-head of Victoria; legend—“ VICTORIA "REGINA." The ribbon for this medal is blue, edged with crimson.

The siege of Mooltan and battles of Chillianwala and Goojerat (which completely destroyed the Sikh power in the Punjaub, and subjected the whole of Dhuleep Singh's dominions to British rule) are known as the Punjaub campaign, or second Sikh war, for which silver decorations have been granted. The reverse of the medal represents the surrender of the whole Sikh army. Lord Gough, who is on horseback, and in front of the British army, drawn up in line, is in the act of receiving from the conquered enemy their arms and appointments above are the words "To THE ARMY OF THE "PUNJAUB." Exergue-" MDCCCXLIX." Obverse as usual. Ribbon-blue with narrow stripes of yellow.

The medal for the second Burmese war, 1852, next claims our attention. Again did our brave soldiers convince the enemy of Britain's might, by signally defeating him upon his own territory. The result of this campaign was the annexation of Pegu to our Indian possessions. On the obverse of this medal is a figure of Victory, crowning with a wreath of laurel a nude figure of a soldier, seated, and holding in his right hand the Roman gladius; his left holding the sheath. The lotus flower is in the exergue. There is neither date nor legend; the only distinguishing mark is on the clasp, which is inscribed "PEGU." Ribbon-alternate stripes of scarlet and blue.

The medal for the Persian campaign of 1857 is similar to the preceding, excepting that the clasp is inscribed "PERSIA." Obverse the same and ribbon the same.

The ever-memorable mutiny of the Sepoy regiments in the service of the Honourable East India Company brings this part of my paper to a close. The desperate resistance offered by Colonel Inglis and his little band of the 32nd Regiment, in the defence of Lucknow, is almost without a parallel in the history of the past. Who shall forget this horrible rebellion, and the mighty efforts made by Sir Colin Campbell and Sir Henry Havelock for its suppression? The clasps attached to the mutiny medal are inscribed—“ DEFENCE "OF LUCKNOW," "RELIEF OF LUCKNOW," "LUCKNOW,” "DELHI," and "CENTRAL INDIA." The medal represents Britannia distributing wreaths of laurel; behind is the figure of the British lion; above is the word "INDIA;" exergue 1857-1858." Obverse-head of Victoria; legend"VICTORIA REGINA." Ribbon-alternate stripes of scarlet and white.

There are other medals granted by the Honourable East India Company, viz. :—

For Ceylon, 1795-96.

H. E. I. C.'s expedition to Egypt, 1801.
War in Nepaul, 1815-16.

Ceylon Forlorn Hope, 1817-18.

Order of British India.

Order of Merit.

The medal for the China war of 1842, awarded both to the army and navy, has upon the reverse an oval shield of arms, behind which is a palm tree; to the right of the shield is arranged a field-piece, together with military arms and accoutrements; to the left is a piece of naval ordnance, an anchor, a capstan &c., over which is the Union Jack; above are the words ARMIS EXPOSCERE PACEM;" exergue—“ CHINA,

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"1842." Obverse-head of Victoria; legend-" VICTORIA "REGINA." Ribbon-crimson, edged with yellow.

The medal for the late war in China, ending 1860, is the same in design, the date, " 1842," being omitted; but in addition to the medal, clasps were awarded for the different operations in which our soldiers were engaged. The clasps are inscribed-" CANTON, 1857," "TAKU FORTS, 1860," and "PEKIN, 1860." An additional clasp was also granted, inscribed" CHINA, 1842," to such as had received the medal for that war. Obverse and ribbon the same.

The medals to commemorate the success of the British in South Africa, in the years 1834-35, 1846-7, and from December, 1850, to February, 1853, were distributed by command of Her Majesty, towards the close of the year 1854. The medal, which is without an inscribed clasp, has upon the reverse the conquered lion of Africa, behind which is a shrub common to the country; above are the words "SOUTH "AFRICA;" exergue-" 1853." Obverse as usual. Ribbonorange, with stripes of dark blue.

The campaign against Russia, 1854-5, is rich in military decorations and medals, no fewer than seven varieties having been conferred upon those who were present with the army in the Crimea, from the battle of the Alma to the fall of Sebastopol, September 9th, 1855. They are as follows:

The Crimean Medal, four clasps.

Victoria Cross.

French Legion of Honour.

French Military Decoration.

Sardinian Medal.

Sultan's Decoration of the Medjidie.

Turkish War Medal.*

The Crimean Medal represents Victory holding a palm branch and placing a laurel crown upon the head of a Roman Warrior:


There are also medals for Silistria, Kars and the Danube.

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