ON THE FLORA OF PRESTON AND THE NEIGHBOURHOOD. PART IV.* By Charles Joseph Ashfield Esq. READ 8TH DEC., 1864. I AM indebted to the kindness of Miss Becker, lately residing at Altham near Accrington, but now at Ardwick, Manchester, for much of the information contained in the following paper, particularly with regard to the habitats of those two interesting plants, the Impatiens noli-me-tangere and the Colchicum autumnale, both of which I had the pleasure of verifying during the summer and autumn of 1864. I was unaware previously that either plant flourished in the Preston district. I have also to express my thanks to my former correspondents, Messrs. Henry Scott and George Ward, for information supplied by them. Thalictrum flavum, Linn.-Ditches about Pilling, plentiful; in several places near St. Michael's; Moreton Woods, near Whalley-Miss Becker. Anemone Pulsatilla, Linn.-(See Part III as to this plant).— Doubtless some mistake has crept in as to its reported Lancashire habitat. It appears that the Mr. Knowlton who, according to report, found the plant growing abundantly near Lancaster, on the road to Little Purton, * See vol. x, p. 143. Vol. xii, p. 127. New Series, vol. ii, p. 75. was gardener to the Earl of Burlington, at Lonesborough (or as it is now written Londesborough), in Yorkshire; and the probability is, that he found the plant in question in that neighbourhood, and not near Lancaster. I have not been able to discover whether or not there is a place called "Little Purton" near Londesborough; but it is certain there is no such place in this county. Trollius Europæus, Linn.-Wood between Sale Weel and Dinckley Hall; Worston, near Clitheroe-Miss Becker; plentiful in Livesey-Mr. George Ward. Geranium phæum, Linn.-Simonstone lane-Miss Becker. Old lane in Barton near Preston, leading from Tunstead Farm to Broughton-Mr. Buller. lucidum, Linn.-Wall near Portfield, WhalleyMiss Becker. Impatiens noli-me-tangere, Linn.-In several places by the side of a stream in Simonstone. Trifolium suffocatum, Linn.-This plant is stated in Part II to grow on the beach at Lytham, but I believe incorrectly; at any rate, I have not been able to meet with it there for several years. striatum, Linn.—I believe this plant is occasionally to be found on the beach at Lytham. In 1862 I found a Trifolium there in considerable quantities, which I believe to be this; but it was so far past maturity, that I could not with certainty determine the species. I searched for the plant in the same place several times during the summers of 1864 and 1865, and did not find one specimen. Ornithopus perpusillus, Linn.-Very plentiful in a corn-field at Rufford, by a watercourse from Martin Mere. Rubus Chamamorus, Linn.-I have never been fortunate enough to see this plant in blossom on Pendle Hill, or even to discover any vestiges of blossoms; but Miss Becker informs me that she gathered the plant in blossom there, a few years since. I received a letter from her on this subject, some time since, to the following effect-"I think you cannot fail to find the flowers of "the Cloudberry, if you will start from Sabden. The "route from the village to the summit of the hill leads "you through the tract where the plant grows in the "greatest luxuriance, and as I found it in flower there, I "do not see why you should not." I intended to search for the plant according to these instructions, but have not yet been able to do so. Rosa tomentosa, Linn.-Hedges at Croston, and other places not far from Preston. Circaa alpina, Linn.-In Grimeford lane, near ChorleyMr. Henry Scott. Cotyledon umbilicus, Linn.-Lucas lane, near Chorley--Mr. Henry Scott. Sedum Telephium, Linn.-Hedge bank near Cherry Tree station-Mr. George Ward. Ribes alpinum, Linn.-Hedges in Altham and SimonstoneMiss Becker. Saxifraga granulata, Linn.-Meadows west of Blackburn, by the river side-Mr. G. Ward. tridactylites, Linn.-Hedge bank near PortfieldMiss Becker. Parnassia palustris, Linn.-Foot of Pendle Hill, near Pendleton Hall. Galium mollugo, Linn.-This plant is stated in Part I to grow occasionally in hedges near Beacon Fell. I have not been able to meet with it there for several years past; but in August, 1864, I found it growing in a hedge between Hornby and Farleton. Senecio Saracenicus, Linn.-South bank of the Ribble, below Mitton Church. Cichorium Intybus, Linn.-Corn field by the Tram-road near Preston. Campanula latifolia, Linn.-Plentiful in a wood at Dinckley Hall; abundant in the woods about Whalley-Miss Becker. patula, Linn-Miss Becker found a single specimen of what I believe to be this plant, by the side of a brook in Simonstone, in the summer of 1864. Hottonia palustris, Linn.-Weeton Moss, and ditches in several places about Croston, very plentiful. Primula farinosa, Linn. -Mearley Clough, Pendle HillMiss Becker. Lithospermum arvense, Linn.-Corn field between Knot End and Pilling, plentiful. Symphytum officinale, Linn.-Not unfrequent in ditches about Pilling, where it is really wild. The Penwortham and Preston localities named in Part I are doubtful ones. Veronica peregrina, -Miss Becker informs me that a solitary specimen of this plant made its appearance in her father's garden, at Altham, a few years ago. She also says "that it has now spread over the place, and "taken such complete possession of the ground, that it "comes up persistently in ever increasing numbers, year "after year, till it has established the character of a "troublesome weed." In a note received by Miss Becker from Professor Babington, he says that this plant is not a native, but as it is now establishing itself in many places, he describes it in the fifth edition of his Manual. Mentha piperita, Sm.-Canal bank near Enfield, PortfieldMiss Becker. Scutellaria galericulata, Linn.-Ditches about Pilling, occasionally; vitriol works at Altham-Miss Becker. Galeobdolon luteum, Huds.-Plentiful in many of the woods on the banks of the Ribble, between Preston and Ribchester. Oxyria reniformis, Campd.-On the rocks forming the west side of Clitheroe Castle hill, plentiful; but probably introduced. Myrica gale, Linn.-Weeton Moss, plentiful. Butomus umbellatus, Linn.-Canal, Altham-Miss Becker. Sagittaria sagittifolia, Linn.-Canal, Enfield-Miss Becker. Elodea Canadensis, Rich.-In several places in the canal north of Preston, abundant, especially near Nateby Hall. Epipactis latifolia, Sw.-Wood at Dinckley; woods near Samlesbury Mill; Altham Clough, and occasionally in hedges in the neighbourhood-Miss Becker. palustris, Sw.-Marshy place in Pleasington-Mr. George Ward. Convallaria multiflora, Linn.-Altham-Miss Becker. Maianthemum bifolium, D. C.-In May, 1863, I had a long but unsuccessful search through Dinckley Wood for this plant. (See Part III.) Colchicum autumnale, Linn-Meadow at Portfield, abundant. Carer stellulata, Gooden.-Pendle Hill. extensa, Gooden.-Banks of the Wyre, between Skip pool and the Shard Ferry. dioica, Linn.-Pendle Hill-Miss Becker. Chara.-One or more of this family may be found in abundance in ditches between Knot End and Pilling. Botrychium lunaria, Sw.-A solitary specimen of this plant was found between Barley and Sabden, a few years since, by Miss Becker. Osmunda regalis, Linn.-Weeton Moss. Polypodium phegopteris, Linn.-Hoghton Wild Bottoms; Dinckley Hall Wood; Churn Clough, Pendle-Miss Dryopteris, Linn.-Hoghton Wild Bottoms. |