صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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PRESIDENT.-Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M. P., Chancellor of the


VICE-PRESIDENTS.-Ex Officis: The Mayor of Liverpool; The High Sheriff of Lancashire; The High Sheriff of Cheshire. Elected: Col. Sir William Brown, Bart; James Kendrick, M. D.; Joseph Mayer, F.S.A.

LIBRARIAN.-A. Craig Gibson, F.S. A., Lower Bebington, Bir


CURATOR.-H. Ecroyd Smith, Esq., Aldboro' House, Egremont, Birkenhead.

.TREASURER.- -William Burke, Esq., 17, Bagot Street, Smithdown Road, Liverpool.

SECRETARY.-Rev. A. Hume, D.C.L., LL.D., F.S. A., 24, Clarence Street, Everton.

ASSISTANT SECRETARY.-J. H. Genn, Esq., 9, Sugnall Street, Liverpool.

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A Meeting of the

Shakspeare (omenitice, Wb. jotterd

by Council meeting

for the transaction of current business

(to settle the accounts forth So vice Vc.)

Historic Society


A MISCELLANEOUS MEETING of the Members and their Friends, including Ladies in walking dress, will be held at the FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, William Brown Street, on Wednesday, the 20th of April next, at Seven o'clock, p.m., in celebration of the Shakspeare Tercentenary.

The arrangements proposed-which are not of a character to interfere with those of the General Shakspeare Committeeinclude the exhibition of as complete a series as can be procured of editions of Shakspeare's writings; their illustration by a collection of busts, portraits, landscapes, articles of costume &c.; and an address by the REV. A. HUME, D.C.L., &c., Hon. Sec., having particular reference to the points of archæological interest pertaining to the event.

Several contributions of great rarity and value have already been promised; and the Council solicits your kind assistance towards perfecting the intended display by the loan of any objects of the character already described, or such others as you may consider suitable to the occasion. Communications to be addressed to


7th March, 1861.


Asst. Secretary.

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