The following Paper was read :— ON THE ENGLAND OF SHAKSPEARE,* by Nicholas Waterhouse Esq., Honorary Secretary. 17th November, 1864. SCIENTIFIC SECTION. Rev. HENRY H. HIGGINS, M.A., in the Chair. The following donations were presented : From the Royal Society. Proceedings, vol. xiii, Nos. 64 to 67. From the Royal Irish Academy. 1. Transactions, vol. xxiv, Antiquities, part i, Polite Literature, part i, Science, part iii. 2. Proceedings, vol. viii, parts 1 to 6. From Mr. H. S. Fisher. The Naturalist's Scrap-Book, Nos. 15 to 17. : The following objects of interest were exhibited :- A Directory for the Publique Worship of God throughout the three By the Rev. Dr. Hume. 1. Parliamentary Report and Tables relating to the Religious Professions, Education and Occupations of the People of Ireland, based on the Irish Census of 1861. 2. (On behalf of Gordon M. Hills Esq., of London.) A drawing of a bone instrument made of two thicknesses riveted together. It belongs to Lord Dunraven, and was dug by him out of the moat of Desmond Castle, at Adare, county of Limerick. The object is presumed to have been used in the process of primitive weaving. The following Paper was read: ON THE LOCAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE VARIOUS RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES IN IRELAND, by the Rev. A. Hume, LL.D., Vice-President. 1st December, 1864. ARCHEOLOGICAL SECTION. WILLIAM BURKE Esq., Treasurer, in the Chair. The following gentlemen were duly elected ordinary members of the Society Henry Greenwood, 32, Castle street. * Transactions, p. 23. W. W. Rundell, 21, Exchange buildings. John Robinson, 41, Lord street. William Pitt Hornby, Breck road, Everton. D. Johnson, Brougham terrace. John Porter, Clayton square. John Mathews, Jun., Rock Ferry, Birkenhead. B. L. Benas, 5, South Castle street. G. T. Millichap, 30, Bold street. The following donations were presented :— From the Society of Antiquaries. Proceedings, New Series, vol. i, No. 8, and vol. ii, Nos. 1 to 5. From the Norfolk and Norwich Archæological Society. Original Papers, vol vi, part 4. From the Sussex Archæological Society. Archæological Collections, vol. xvi. From Charles H. Rickards Esq., Manchester, through John A. Tinne Esq., Vice-President. Memorials of Oldham's Tenement, being photographic views of the birth-place of Hugh Oldham, some time Bishop of Exeter. The following objects of interest were exhibited : By Mr. Fabert. 1. An antique battle-axe, mace and dagger, the last inlaid with gold. 2. A large hooked knife, two-edged, in a coarse sheath formed of two flat pieces of wood fastened together with strings of tough bark. By Mr. John Davies, Jun. A small silver coin of Edward II. The following Paper was read :— ON THE ANCIENT BOROUGH OF OVER AND NOTABLE VICINITY, by Thomas Rigby Esq. PLACES IN ITS 8th December, 1864. LITERARY SECTION. JOHN A. TINNE Esq., F.R.G.S., Vice-President, in the Chair. Mr. Thomas Heald, Greenfield, Billinge, Wigan, was duly elected an ordinary member of the Society. * Transactions, p. 13. The following donations were presented :- From the editor. The Reliquary, Nos. 16 and 17, edited by Llewellynn Jewitt, F.S.A. From Mr. Wilkinson, Burnley. The Lady's and Gentleman's Diary, or Poetical and Mathematical The following objects of interest were exhibited : By Mr, Thomas Gibson. A case containing about four hundred specimens of the seeds of British wild plants, collected by him during the past summer. The seeds were arranged in phials, each order bearing a distinctly coloured cork and each phial being labelled with the name of the plant to which the seed belonged. By Mr. Helsby. Several finely executed medallion portraits, the result of a new process discovered by the exhibitor. By Mr. C. S. Gregson. 1. A fine pair of red-deer horns with eight tines, recently found in the submarine forest on the shore near the mouth of the Alt. 2. Four horns of the roebuck obtained from the Cambridgeshire fens. 3. An extensive collection of the Algae of the district around Liverpool. The following Paper was read : ON THE FLORA OF PRESTON AND ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD,* by Charles Joseph Ashfield Esq. 15th December, 1864. SCIENTIFIC SECTION. Rev. A. HUME, LL.D., Vice-President, in the Chair. The following donations were presented : From the Royal Geographical Society. 1. Proceedings, vol. viii, Nos. 4 to 6. 2. Journal, vol. xxxiii. From Mr. Tinne, Vice-President. The Nile Basin, part i, shewing Tanganyika to be Ptolemy's • Transactions, p. 181. The following objects of interest were exhibited: By Mr. Sansom. Staves of American oak taken from a flour barrel re-imported from Brazil, shewing the ravages of insects-the soft portions being eaten away from end to end. By Mr. Fabert. Three earthen lamps from Mazatlan. By the Rev. Dr. Hume. A specimen of opal from South Africa. The following Paper was read : ON THE DRUIDICAL ROCK BASINS IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF BURNLEY,* by T. T. Wilkinson, F.R.A.S. 12th January, 1865. ARCHEOLOGICAL SECTION. J. T. Towson, Esq., F.R.G.S., in the Chair. The following donations were presented : From the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings, vol. v., part i. From the Architectural, Archæological and Historic Society of Chester. Journal, part vii. From the Royal Institution of Cornwall. Journal, No. ii, October, 1864. The following objects of interest were exhibited : By Lieut. Gen. the Hon. Sir Edward Cust. A Copy of Carter's "Medals of the British Army." By Mr. J. Harris Gibson. 1. Various illuminated works on Medals &c. 2. One hundred and ten British Silver Military War Medals. 3. A few similar medals in bronze. By Mr. Stonehouse. Two oil paintings, one of Walton Church, and the other of the present Walton College. By Mr. Wilkinson. 1. Two sketches of the Hanging Stones and the Gorple Stones, near Burnley. 2. Views of Old Timber Halls in Lancashire, painted, etched and published by N. G. Phillips, Liverpool, 1822. 3. Seven Photographic views of ancient country gentlemen's houses in the neighbourhood of Burnley. By Professor Simpson, Edinburgh. 1. Twelve sketches of archaic engraved stones found in various parts of England, Scotland and Ireland. Transactions, p. 1. 2. Four original drawings of the similar sculptured blocks near Liverpool, known as "The Calder Stones." By the Rev. Dr. Hume. Two sketches of the carvings found on archaic stones in Northumberland, being part of a series now in course of preparation under the auspices of his Grace the Duke of Northumberland. The following Papers were read : ON BRITISH SILVER MILITARY WAR-MEDALS,* by Mr. J. Harris Gibson; and ON THE CALDER STONES,† by Professor Simpson. 19th January, 1865. LITERARY SECTION. DAVID BUXTON Esq., F.R.S.L., in the Chair. The following donations were presented: From the Royal Society. Proceedings, vol. xiii, Nos. 68 and 69. From the Statistical Society. Journal, vol. xxvii, part 4. From the Geological Society of Dublin. Journal, vol. x, part 2. From Mr. Wilkinson. Extracts, Original Letters, Scraps &c., No. 3, by the late J. H. The following Paper was read: ON THE GREENWOOD OF SHAKSPEARE,* by Nicholas Waterhouse Esq., Honorary Secretary. 2nd February, 1865. ARCHEOLOGICAL SECTION. Rev. A. HUME, LL.D., Vice-President, in the Chair. The following donations were presented: From the Leicestershire Architectural and Archæological Society. Transactions, vol. i, part 3. From the Author. Collectanea Antiqua, vol. vi, part 2, by C. Roach Smith. From Mr. C. Roach Smith. Curiosités Numismatiques, septième article. *Transactions, p. 161. + Ibid, p. 245. + Ibid, p. 47. |