صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

From the Geological and Polytechnic Society of the West Riding of Yorkshire.

Report of Proceedings, 1863-64.

From the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society.

Annual Report for 1863-64.

The following objects of interest were exhibited :

By Mr. Mathison.

1. A Roman jug of graceful pattern.

2. Three earthenware lamps.

3. A carved pebble amulet.

By Mr. Buxton.

1. An illustrated vocabulary published in 1777.

2. A work of the same character, designed for the use of the Deaf and Dumb, published in 1857, shewing a great advance made in eighty years in the art of pictorial illustration as applied to educational works.

3. Some specimens of the Calabar ordeal bean.

By Mr. H. E. Smith.

1. Engravings of Roman Altars turned up in the West Riding of Yorkshire.

2. Reliquiæ Isurianæ, or the Remains of Isurium (now Aldborough). By the Exhibitor.

3. Sections of the strata, at two several points of the Cheshire beach, to illustrate the exact positions of the different classes of archæological remains found amongst them of late years.

By Mr. Genn.

A collection of twenty line engravings of separate islands forming part of the city of Venice, the work of Antonio Visentini, dedicated to the noble and magnanimous Signore Tommaso "Moore Slade, cavaliere Inglese."

By Mr. J. H. Gibson.

An extraordinary forgery of a rare Roman first brass of Gordianus

The following Paper was read :—



A Meeting of the above character was held, by appointment of the Council, on the invitation of Joseph Mayer Esq., F.S.A. &c., at his Museum of British and Foreign Antiquities, Colquitt Street, on Thursday, the 6th of April, 1865, when a numerous company of ladies and gentlemen, consisting of members and their friends, assembled. After partak

* Transactions, p. 263.

ing of refreshment and inspecting the collection, they proceeded to the principal room, where the Rev. Hermann Baar, Ph.D., read an Address entitled "A Lady's Library," Mr. Mayer presiding. The reading of the Paper being completed, the Rev. Dr. Hume, VicePresident of the Society, proposed and David Buxton Esq., F.R.S.L., seconded a vote of thanks to the Rev. Dr. Baar, for his interesting and valuable communication, which was carried unanimously and duly acknowledged. It was then moved by A. Craig Gibson Esq., F.S.A., Honorary Librarian, seconded by William Mathison Esq., and resolved by acclamation

That the best thanks of the meeting be offered to Joseph Mayer Esq., for his kind invitation and welcome on this occasion.

Mr. Mayer having responded, the proceedings closed.

[blocks in formation]

DAVID BUXTON Esq., F.R.S.L., in the Chair.

The following gentlemen were duly elected ordinary members of the Society:

Joseph Harding, Marlborough House, Claughton, Birkenhead.

Louis W. Heintz, Lancaster Buildings, Tithebarn street.

The following donations were presented:

From the Author.

Lives of the Warriors of 1600-1640, vol. i, by Lieut.-General the
Hon. Sir Edward Cust, D.C.L., &c.

From the Society of Arts.

Journal, No. 599 to No. 650.

From the Société Archéologique de l'Orléanais.

Bulletin, No. 46.

From the Royal Society.

Proceedings, Nos. 71 to 73.

From the Royal Geographical Society.

Proceedings, vol. ix, No. 2.

From the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society.

On the Early History of Leeds, and some questions of pre-historic
Archæology agitated at the present time, by Thomas Wright
Esq., M.A., &c.

From the Author.

On the Emblems of Geffrey Whitney, of Nantwich, in the 16th
Century, by the Rev. Henry Green, M.A.

The following objects of interest were exhibited :

By Mr. T. J. Moore.


Two specimens of Dutch pottery, bearing the impression of a bearded face, giving to such articles the name of Greybeards. They are also called Bellarmines.

By Mr. J. H. Gibson.

1. Saxon pennies, viz., one Burgred, A.D. 874; one Eadmund, 940; one Eadred, 946; one Ethered II, 946; two Edward Confessor, 1042; two Harold II, 1066.

2. A rare and valuable pattern of a coin of Philip and Mary, dated 1555.

3. Two Anne farthings, viz., 1713 (pattern), and 1714 (current). 4. Four patterns for the penny of the late (Victoria) issue, 1860.

By Mr. Towson.

Some bronze celts found in Ireland, one of them being of very early type.

By Mr. F. J. Jeffery.

1. Specimens of a United States postage-label, intended to prevent fraudulent removal from letters; on being taken off the

impression of the value of the stamp remains on the letter.

2. A collection of English coins.

By Mr. H. E. Smith.

A gold Bezant.

The following paper was read :—



Rev. A. HUME, D.C.L., &c., Vice-President, in the Chair.

[blocks in formation]

From the Royal Institution of Cornwall.
Journal, No. 3.

From the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Archæologia Eliana, No. 20.

From the Norfolk and Norwich Archæological Society.

Original Papers, viz., Visitation of Norfolk, second portion.

The following objects of interest were exhibited :

By the Chairman.

A portion of the piles used for supporting the lacustrine habitations in Switzerland, brought from Rolle, on the north of the Lake of Geneva.

By Mr. C. S. Gregson.

His monagraph of the algae of this district, illustrated by actual specimens and coloured drawings.

* Transactions, p. 187.

By Mr. J. H. Gibson.

1. Two old engraved views, by Vivares, of Scenery in Craven, Yorkshire.

2. A collection of almanacks, ephemerides &c., by Lilly and others, dated 1683-84.

3. A two-guinea piece of Car. II, with the impress of an elephant under the bust, shewing the gold to have been obtained from Guinea, and imported by the African Company.

4. A curious hammered gold coin of James II, struck after his


By Mr. Forrest.

Some photographic reproductions of old engravings, &c. By H. E. Smith.

A numerous collection of anatomical and other antiquarian remains found in the caves of Craven, most of them kindly lent for the occasion by Mr. Joseph Jackson, of Settle, who discovered the finest cave in that neighbourhood on the day of Her Majesty's accession, and loyally named it "Victoria." These objects included two rare and valuable examples of the ancient British brooch, &c.

The following Paper was read :


10th July, 1865.


JOHN F. MARSH Esq., Vice-President, in the Chair.

The following donations were presented :

From the Kilkenny and S.E. of Ireland Archæological Society.
Proceedings and Papers, vol. v, N.S., No. 46.

From Mr. H. S. Fisher.

Report of the Liverpool Naturalists' Field Club for 1684-65. From the Royal Society.

Proceedings, vol. xiv, No. 75.

From the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool.
Proceedings, 53rd Session, 1863-64, No. xviii.

On the completion of the routine business the members proceeded to the large Lecture-hall, where a numerous company of ladies and gentlemen had assembled, when the Rev. A. Hume, D.C.L., VicePresident of the Society, read a Paper entitled " Changes in the "Sea-Coast of Lancashire and Cheshire," illustrated by numerous diagrams and Maps.

*Transactions, p. 199.

After a brief conversation on the subject of the Paper, letters were read from Lieut.-General the Hon. Sir Edward Cust and Joseph Mayer Esq., expressing their regret at not being able to be present at the meeting.


David Buxton Esq., F.R.S.L., the Chairman of a Committee appointed to conduct the arrangements for presenting a Testimonial to the Rev. Dr. Hume, then said,

Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen,-The duty which I have to perform is one which will require very few words from me. We are assembled to-night to perform a graceful act not to prolong the meeting by mere talking. The Testimonial which is now before you is intended to mark, by a substantial and lasting gift, the estimation in which Dr. Hume is held by members of the Historic Societyremembering that he was one of the Society's founders, and that from the day of its establishment in 1848 up to 1864. he filled the office of Honorary Secretary with an energy and devotion of which the present and past success of the Society are the evidence and the fruit. It has devolved upon me unexpectedly to have to represent the Subscribers and the Committee: but I am sure that while I consult my own feelings I shall most fitly embody theirs and do that which is most proper to the occasion if I decline altogether the language of panegyric, and in the simplest terms express our sense of the very valuable services of Dr. Hume, and our personal regard for him. I cannot do this better than by reading the Address, which, with the plate before you, forms the Testimonial we are met this evening to present:

"This Address, with a Service of Plate, is presented to the "Rev. Abraham Hume, LL.D., D.C.L., F.S.A., &c. &c., from the "President and many Members of the Historic Society of Lancashire "and Cheshire, on his retirement from the office of Honorary Secretary. Having been one of the founders of the Society (in 1848), he pro"moted its usefulness and prosperity for sixteen years as its Honorary Secretary, with a zeal, ability and success of which this offering is designed to be a lasting Record and Testimonial.





"Chairman of the Testimonial Committee."

I have now, Dr. Hume, on behalf of the Subscribers, the great pleasure of handing to you this Address, and of asking you to accept along with it, the service of plate which is upon the table, and I am sure I only say what every member of this Society would desire to say, when I wish that you may be blessed with health and long life to continue your useful and honourable labours.

The Rev. Dr. Hume, who was most cordially received, in reply, said-Though I am not, like Moses, slow of speech, there is one subject on which I never could speak, and that is on the subject of myself; and if my words be few on the present occasion I trust that you will not conceive that I am wanting in appreciation of the high honour-or, rather, I should say, for I prize it more-the great kindness which has been shown me this evening. Our Historic Society was founded in May, 1848, and I can assure you that every labour I have

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