undertaken in connection with it has brought its own reward. There is a pleasure associated with every class of work, and according to a man's tastes and habits, so he selects the field which he wishes to cultivate. I did that, and I have been as happy in the doing as others have been in the witnessing. It is at least equally pleasant to give as to receive in matters of intellectual instruction. I remember well the evening when the suggestion was first made to found this Society. It was at Mr. Mayer's house. There were present Mr. Mayer, myself, and Mr. Pidgeon, an artist, who is now resident in London. I am very proud and happy to mention the names of these gentlemen to show how much their cordial co-operation supported me in carrying the Society through, especially in the early part of its history. Mr. Mayer, as you are aware, has always been an unfailing friend to the Society, and is so at the present hour. Our ambition was to found a large intellectual association, not at first, but eventually, consisting of gentlemen of varied tastes and habits, and especially to publish a volume annually. In both points we have succeeded, and I am glad to say that several other learned Societies over the country have taken example by us, and have gone and done likewise.-After briefly referring to the pleasure which he had taken in antiquarian pursuits, and the many kind friends which their cultivation had given him the opportunity of making all over Lancashire and Cheshire, the reverend gentleman concluded-And now what shall I say respecting the beautiful and magnificent gift which you have been kind enough to offer to me? I may say that I should have received with pleasure a cup of cold water, in recognition of your kind feeling, from the friends who have offered me this; and if I feel unworthy of a tribute so handsome, it is something to feel that it is a testimony worthy of those who present it. As such, I assure you that I appreciate it. It has often been said that I am a man of varied tastes and habits. In one sense that is true; but in another sense, as I am in the habit of saying, I have only two ideas in the world. These are Religion and Education. The one concerns my professional occupation; the other forms at once the burden and the pleasure of my life. All that I have been able to do in connection with this Society comes under the department of Education-of course, in a large and general sense, not in a mere scholastic sense-and I am glad to find an appreciation of it, and that my exertions have been useful. They have been earnest, but without any expectation of reward or thanks. Nevertheless, I should be churlish not to value an act so kind and a gift so handsome as this. I thank you with all my heart, and I shall always regard it as a memorial of the kind friends who have placed it at my service. A vote of thanks to the Chairman terminated the proceedings. ANNUAL EXCURSION. The usual Summer Excursion was made on Friday the 28th July, 1865, to Hawarden, when, by the kind permission of Sir Stephen R. Glynne, Bart., the park and pleasure grounds, in which stand the ruins of the ancient Castle of Hawarden, were thrown open to the members and their friends. After visiting the gardens and other points of interest, the party assembled in the ancient Castle, when Mr. E. F. Evans read a Paper on its History and Architectural peculiarities. Dinner had been served, at the Glynne Arms in Hawarden Village, before the grounds were visited, the Rev. Dr. Hume, one of the VicePresidents of the Society, in the Chair, when the usual toasts were proposed and responded to, W. Rees Esq., of Manchester, being Vice-Chairman. The party returned to Liverpool in the evening, having passed a highly agreeable day. Members (only) can now be supplied with copies of former Volumes, to complete sets, at the following prices : Vols. I to VI, First Series, VII to XII, ditto, I to IV, New Series, £0 15 0 1 5 0 each 0 7 6 Volume III (First Series) cannot be sold separately. A Abbot of Vale Royal, his splendour and power, 15. ANCIENT BOROUGH OF OVER, 13, 284. Archer, Mr., was he the original discoverer of the use of collodion in photography?, 255 n.* AUTHORS OF PAPERS :- Dawson, Thomas, 73, 282. Gibson, A. Craig, 139, 290. Simpson, Professor J. Y., 257, 287. B Baar, Rev. Dr., author of paper, 294. Base money, mentioned by Chaucer, 195. "Beauties of Cornwall," quoted, 10. Belisama Estuarium, 264. Benas, B. L., enrolled a member, 284. Blind Beggars, remarks on, 241. Boggart stones, near Burnley, 7. Borlase, Dr., cited,3; opinions of on rock basins, 9. Dave Stones, 4. Davies, John Jun., exhibitor, 284. Dawson, T., author of paper, 73, 282; exhibitor, Deaf and Dumb: comparison between census of Dei Gratia, first used on coins and seals, 194. Dew Stones, 4. Jacob, J. G., 281. Simpson, Professor J. Y., 286. Towson, J. T., 288, 291, 295, 296. Wilkinson, T. T., 286. Haigh, T., enrolled a member, 284. Halls, ancient, near Over, account of, 22. Hanging stones, the, near Burnley, 7. Hawkshead. Description of the town, 142; its Heald, T., enrolled a member, 284. Heintz, L. W., enrolled a member, 294. Henderson, E., LL.D., author of paper, 288. Henry V, character of, 23. |