1765. Reasons for paying more attention to the Propagation of Oak Timber. By Roger Fisher. 1766. A Discourse on Church Music, occasioned by the opening of the New Organ of St. Peter's Church, in Liverpool, on Wednesday, April 30th. By the Rev. John Brekell. Pr. J. Gore. All at Stake. By John Brekell. Pr. in Liverpool, n.d. The Messiah, at St. Peter's Church. The first Grand Oratorio performed in Liverpool. View of the advantages of Inland Navigations; with a plan of a Canal between Liverpool and Hull. Second Edition. First Liverpool Directory, 40 pages. Pr. by W. Nevett and Co, for J. Gore. 1768. Samson. An Oratorio. Composed by Mr. Handel. Pr. in Liverpool. To the Sailors and Carpenters of Great Britain, particularly to those of Liverpool. By John Phillips. 1769. Sermon for the Infirmary. By J. Brekell. 1770. The Famous History of Guy, Earl of Warrick. 1771. Sermon, entitled Religion necessary to the Being and Happiness of Society. By Rev. Thomas Maddock, A.M. 1773. An Essay on the Liverpool Spa Water. By Thomas Houlston, M.D. Experiments on the Spaw, at Mount Sion, near Liverpool. By Mr. J. Worthington, Surgeon. Two Essays on the Temperature of the Air and Sea. By the late Matthew Dobson, M.D. 1774-7. Abstract of the Proceedings and Resolutions of the Several Committees of the Chamber of Commerce of the Port of Liverpool. 1774. An Ode on the institution of the Society for the encouragement of the Arts. By W. Roscoe. This is about the earliest specimen of Poetry. The Catalogue of the first Exhibition in Liverpool. Entitled Pictures, Drawings, Prints, &c. Exhibited by the Society of Artists in Liverpool. Observations made in a Tour through South Wales and Shropshire. By O. S. Brereton, Recorder of Liverpool. 1775. Jeptha, an Oratorio, composed by Mr. Handel, as performed at the Theatre Royal, Liverpool, on Thursday, April 27th. Experiments in a Heated Room, in the Hospital, at Liverpool. 1776. A Sermon preached in the Octagon Chapel, Liverpool. By N. Clayton. Pr. J. Sibbald. Observation on the Annual Evaporation at Liverpool. By Dr. 1777. Mount Pleasant. A Poem. By W. Roscoe. Pr. at Warrington. Pub. in Liverpool. Robert Blackburne on Navigation. Claimant for discovering or finding the Longitude at Sea. A Sermon preached at the Ordination of Rev. James Yates and Rev. Hugh Anderson, in Liverpool. By Rev. Wm. Enfield. 1779. Observations on Amputation. By Edward Alanson, Surgeon. 1778. The Isle of Man; or, the Legal Proceedings in Manshire against Sin. Pr. G. Woods. 1780. Form of Prayer for His Majesty's Arms by Sea and Land. Pr. Johnson. Squib-book and Poll-book. Pennant, H. Rawlinson. Candidates :-B. Gascoyne, R. 1781. Rules and Orders of the Public Infirmary, at Liverpool. Pr. A. Williamson. 1782. Poem. The Dismembered Empire. By Edward Rushton. A New Form of Prayer, For a General Fast, to be observed on Friday, February 8th. Pr. Johnson. 1783. Charter granted to the Burgesses of Liverpool, by King William III; also by George II. Order and Petition with Report. Pr. T. Johnson, Fenwick Street. The Dispensary-a Poem. By James Clarke. In three parts. Letter, &c., by H. Park, Surgeon of Liverpool, to Mr. Pott, On a New Method of treating diseases of the Joints. 1784. Observations on Poisons, &c. By T. Houlston, M.D., late Senior Physician to the Liverpool Infirmary. Medical Essay on Disorders of the Town of Liverpool. By Familiar Medical Survey of Liverpool. By Wm. Moss, Surgeon. 1784. Selections of Music from Handel, at St. Peter's Church. Poll-book. Candidates :-B. Gascoyne, Col. Tarleton, Lord Penryhn, Sir W. Meredith. 1785. Principles of English Grammar, &c. By J. Knowles. Pr. H. Hodgson. Mr. Lunardi's Account of his ascension and Aerial Voyage, from the New Fort, Liverpool, July 20th. Mr. Lunardi's second ascent, on August 2nd. 1786. An Address. The promotion of the Arts, and the cultivation of taste, and to provide an Academy easy of access, and at a moderate expense. Remarks on Hydrophobia, and on the Ormskirk Medicine. By 1787. West Indian Eclogues. By Edward Rushton. Observations on Poisons, &c. Infirmary. By Dr. Houlston, Liverpool Catalogue of the Second Exhibition in Liverpool. Redemption: A Sacred Oratorio. Music Hall. 1788. The Outlines of a Trial of the Roman Catholics of Great Britain, with a View to Union. Pr. R. Ferguson, Dale Street. Account of the African Slave Trade, collected from Local Knowledge, evidence at Bar of Parliament, and Tracts. Pr. Ann Smith, Pool Lane. The Wrongs of Africa, 2 parts. By William Roscoe. The Wrongs of Almoona; or, the African's Revenge, a Poem. Pr. Hodgson, Pool Lane. The Institutes of Free Masonry; to which is added a choice collection of Epilogues, Songs, &c. By John Furnough. Pr. T. Johnson. Observations on the Slave Trade. Rev. R. B. Nicholls. Scriptural refutation of a pamphlet, by Rev. R. Harris, On the An Address to the Inhabitants in General of Great Britain and Pr. E. Smith. Scriptural Researches on the Licitness of the Slave Trade, shewing its Conformity with the, Principles of Natural and Revealed Religion. By Rev. R. Harris. Pr. Hodgson. 1788. A Particular Examination of Mr. Harris's Researches. By Henry Dunnett, M.A., St. John's Church. Observations on the Treatment of Negroes in Jamaica, &c. By Hector M'Neill. 1789. Hymns. By Rev. S. Medley, of Liverpool. Pr. G. Nicholson. A Hieroglyphick, the Wonder of the World, containing letters to A Descriptive Poem of the Town and Trade of Liverpool. By Pr. H. Hodgson. 1790. Poll-book and Squib-book. Candidates:-Col. Tarleton, B. Gascoyne, Jun.; Lord Penrhyn, T. T. Parker. A Letter to a Certain Young Divine, occasioned by Letters addressed to Mr. Medley. By a Member of Church of England. Pr. Hodgson. Some Remarks on the Resolutions of the Archdeaconry of Letters to Mr. Medley, occasioned by his behaviour while engaged in performing Divine Service. By John Edwards. 1791. Sermon preached before the Marine Society, St. John's Church. By Rev. R. Formby, LL.B. Pr. J. Gore. J. Edward's Vindication. An Answer to Letters addressed to Rev. Mr. Medley by Rev. J. Pr. Hodgson. An Appendix to the Psalms used at Paradise Street and Benn's Garden Chapels, in Liverpool. Pr. J. Gore. 1792. The Principles of English Grammar. By John Knowles. Third Edition. Pr. J. M'Creery. Epistle to Edward Rushton. The Excursion of Osman, a Political Romance. Pr. T. Schofield, Dale Street. 1792. A Serious and Affectionate Address to the Inhabitants of Lancashire. By the Rev. R. Formby, LL.B., J.P. 1793. Sermon preached before the Mayor and Corporation, at St. George's Church. By Rev. Samuel Renshaw, M.A. A Copy of an Act of Parliament for the Encouragement of Pr. J. Gore. A Letter to one of the Socinian preachers in Liverpool. Part I. A Letter, Political and Commercial, addressed to The Rt. Hon. 1794. Concerts at St. Thomas's Church and Music Hall, in September. 1795. The History of Man after God's own Heart. The History of Valentine and Orson. The Elements of Geography: Use of Globes and Maps, &c. John Clegg. Pr. J. M'Creery. 1796. Journal of the British Army at Ostend. Pr. Merritt and Wright. By Letters on the Scotch Distillery Laws. By Edward Corrie. Action at Law against Thomas Golightly, Esq., by the Corpora- 1797. Expostulatory Letter to George Washington. By E. Rushton. The Elements of the French Grammar as taught at Vernon Hall. By the Rev. J. B. A. Gerardot. Pr. J. M'Creery. The Good Old Way; or, the Religion of our Forefathers. Recommended by the Rev. R. Bannister. Pr. Robinson and Lang. Poll-book, for Election of Mayor, between T. Staniforth and Outlines of a Course of Lectures on Chemistry. By T. Garnett, Pr. J. M'Creery. G |