1797. Liverpool Corporation Accounts. An Act for the better regulation and encouragement of Pilots, for the conducting of ships and vessels in and out of the Port of Liverpool. Abstract of Laws, &c. Thomas Cowhern, Clerk. Pilots' Act. July 18th, 1797. Liverpool. Meeting of Pilots' Committee, June 26th, 1798. 1798. Elegy on the decease of the Rev. Mr. Wise, of St. James' Church. An explanatory Address to the Public, on the Character and Prophecies of Richard Brothers, and his Mission to recall By Bart. Prescot. the Jews. Pr. Robinson and Lang. Catalogue of the Minerva Library. T. Troughton, 45, Ranelagh Street. Letters on the Salt Trade. An Act to enable the Mayor, &c., of Liverpool, to raise Money for its defence against the Enemy. Elliott's Liverpool Almanac. First Number. 1799. Laws and Regulations of the Liverpool Athenæum. Pr. J. M'Creery. A Collection of Maxims, Observations, &c. Pr. J. M'Creery. Gortz of Berlingen, with the Iron Hand: An Historical Drama of the 15th Century. Pr. J. M'Creery. An Act for the relief of the Merchants of Liverpool and Lan caster. Act 12th. Occasional Hymns. 23 pages. Pr. W. Harding. 1800. A Melancholy but True Story. A Poem. Pr. Ann and Egerton Smith, Pool Lane. A New System of Shorthand. By Samuel Richardson. Third Pr. J. M'Creery. Lucy's Ghost; a Marine Ballad. By E. Rushton. Pr. J. M'Creery. The New Expositor for the use of Schools. Fourth Edition. Pr. Forshaw. An Abstract of the Receipts and Disbursements of the Water Account. 1800. R. Dodd's introductory report, with general estimate, on the proposed Bridge across the River Mersey, at Runcorn. Appeal to the County of Lancaster on the present Scarcity. By F. Chalmers. Liverpool Corporation Water Works. Deed of Incorporation. 1801. Thoughts on the observance of the Sabbath, and Private Prayer. By George Vanbrugh, LL.B., Rector of Aughton. Pr. J. M'Creery. The Mountain Robbers; or, the power of Obi-Horn. By G. Mall. The Christian Reconciler. Pr. H. Forshaw. By John Fernal, Miniature Painter. 1802. A Regular Account of the Electioneering Paper War. Liverpool Poll-book, Squibs, Songs, &c. (80 pages). Candidates: Tarlton, Gascoyne, Birch, Chalmers. Pr. Ferguson, Mackay and Co. An Elucidation of the Times. By B. Prescot. Pr. J. Lang. An Address, previous to the Opening of the Botanic Gardens. Pr. J. M'Creery. Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving. An end to the late bloody War. Pr. Forshaw. Observations on a Bill, " The Liverpool Improvement Act." Pr. W. Jones. Poems. By William Colquitt, A.B. Pr. W. C. Jones. Catalogue of Paintings at Knowsley Hall. 1803. Agricultural Society of the Hundred of West Derby. Pr. J. Gore and Son. Form of Prayer, for our Arms by Sea and Land. Pr. Forshaw. Richardson's Shorthand. Third Edition, vide 1800. A Remembrancer of the Pure and Primitive Church. By John Pr. J. Gore and Son. Plenty following Scarcity: Attributable (under Providence) to Pr. R. Ferguson, Whitechapel. 1803. A Defence of the Divine System of the World. By B. Prescot. Pr. J. Lang. Liverpool Testimonials to the departed genius of Robert Burns. Pr. by Merritt and Wright. Sketches taken during ten voyages to Africa. By Captain John Pr. James Smith. Systematic Exercises of the French Grammar. By Rev. J. B. Pr. J. M'Creery. On the National Defence. By Rev. Peter Bulmer. The Liverpool Improvement and Dock Bills, with observations on their tendency and effects. The Docks. An Address to the Merchants and Tradesmen of Liverpool. By an Inhabitant. 1804. A Reply to Jon. Banks' attack on the "Divine System." By B. Prescot. Pr. J. Lang. Rules and Orders of the Commissioners of Watch and Lamps, Pr. M'Creery. On the Dock Estates Accounts, &c. By Willis Earle. Pr. W. Jones. The Trial at large of Wm. Sparling, Esq., and S. M. Colquitt, Pr. W. Jones, Castle Street. Proceedings of the General Court Martial in the Trial of A. G. Carmichael, Captain and Adjutant of Liverpool Fuzileers, on a Charge by Wm. Earle, Esq., Lieut.-Col. Commandant of that Regiment. Pr. W. Jones. Acts of Parliament respecting the Docks and Port of Liverpool. Remarks on the Salt Trade. Copy of a paper printed in Monthly Magazine, on the Manu facture and Quantity of Cheshire Salt. 1804. Considerations addressed to the Merchants of Liverpool, relating to the Election of Commissioners for inspecting the Accounts of the Dock and Light Dues. Bill for enlarging the Queen's Dock. 1805. The Creation. Performed at Liverpool, September, 1805. Pr. J. Gore. Catalogue of the Brunswick Library, Rules, Subscribers. Pr. J. Nuttall. Twelve Letters by Detector, on the Customs, &c., at Liverpool. Pr. W. Jones. Holden's Liverpool Almanac, first commencement. A Memoir of the Proceedings of the Society called Quakers. By Pr. J. M'Creery. A Vindication of certain Passages in the Common Version of the Pr. W. Jones. An Introduction to the Latin Grammar, founded principally on Pr. W. Jones. Price Catholic Emancipation; an accurate Report of the Speeches delivered in both Houses of Parliament. Price 3s. Pr. W. Jones. Virtuous Remembrance; a Sermon, on the Death of Dr. Currie, at Paradise Street Chapel. By Rev. G. Walker. Pr. Harris. Account of two cases of Diabetes. By Dr. Bostock. Address to the Governors of the Liverpool Dispensary. By 1806. A Catechism for Young Persons. By Philip Taylor. Pr. J. Gore. A Poem; the Whig Bargain for Places in the Administration. Pr. G. F. Harris. An Appendix to the Psalms used at Paradise Street and Benn's Pr. J. Gore. A Letter to the Bill holders of the house of Geo. Baillie and Co. By a Bill holder. Pr. J. Lang. 1806. A Plan of Study for Roman Catholic Gentlemen at the University of Edinburgh. By Arthur Clifford, Esq. Pr. T. Billinge. The Addresses, Songs, Squibs, &c., Liverpool Election. Pr. in Dublin. The Proceedings at large, in an Action brought by Mr. Robert Carr against William Jones, for Libel. Published in Liverpool Chronicle. Pr. W. Jones. History of the Election-Roscoe, Gascoyne, Tarleton. Pr. Jones and Wright. An Address to the Merchants of Liverpool, on Election of Commissioners to inspect the Accounts of Dock Estate. By Willis Earle. Pr. W. Jones. Several Poll Books and Squib Books; Candidates-Tarleton, 1807. Thoughts on the Justice, &c., of levying the Duties on Sugar by a rate according to value. Poll Book and Squib Book; Candidates-Tarleton, Gascoyne, Laws of the Lyceum, Liverpool, with the Indenture of Purchase. A Companion to the Liverpool Museum at the house of William Pr. G. F. Harris. 1808. Blackheath, a Poem, with Designs. By Thomas Noble. Catalogue of Plants, Botanic Gardens, Liverpool. Pr. J. Smith. A Letter to William Roscoe, Esq., containing strictures on his late publication. Price 2s. 6d. Pr. T. Kaye. The Angler's Manual, with 12 plates. By S. Howitt. Pr. G. F. Harris. A Companion to the Liverpool Museum at the house of William Bullock, Church Street. Sixth Edition. Specification of a Patent granted to Willis Earle. Liverpool; a Satire. Pr. F. B. Wright. |