1808. Remarks on a late Publication, about a late trial at Lancaster. By James Carson, M.D. Substance of an Address intended to have been delivered at the sitting of the Borough Court. By C. Rowlinson. Remarks on the proposals made to Great Britain for negociations for Peace in 1807. By William Roscoe, Esq. Pr. M'Creery, London. Considerations on the Causes, Objects, and Consequences of the present War. By William Roscoe, Esq. Price 2s. 6d. Pr. M'Creery, London. Agricultural Society of the Hundred of West Derby. Pr. J. Gore. A Vindication of the Opinions of the Medical Witnesses on a late Trial at Lancaster, vide 1809. Pr. W. Jones. Institution for Vaccine Inoculation. Wolfenden's Liverpool Almanac. First number. Observations addressed to Planters and others interested in the Speech at the Liverpool Forum, in defence of Vaccine Inocula tion. By A. Henderson. 1809. A Treatise on the Corn Trade and Agriculture. Plenty following Interesting Letters addressed to John Bolton, Esq., of Liverpool, Pr. in London. Report of the Society for the Establisment of a Magdalen Asylum in Liverpool, with Extracts, &c. Pr. James Smith. Reflections on "A Vindication of the Opinions of the Medical Pr. W. Jones. Elements of Geography. By Jno. Bradley. Pr. Lang. An Exposure of Statements in Dr. Carson's Pamphlet, entitled 'Remarks," &c., vide 1808. By James Dawson, Surgeon. Pr. W. Jones. 1809. Advice to Young Women going into Service. Pr. Harris. Liverpool Loyal Declaration. Pr. T. Kaye. Parr v. Benson. Crim. Con. 1810. Selection of Sacred Music to be performed in St. Ann's Church. Pr. Egerton Smith and Co. Sermon; Re-opening of St. Mark's Church. By Rev. Richard Prayers, Psalms and Hymns, used by the Children at the Blue Pr. J. Gore. Letter to Henry Brougham, Esq., M.P., on Parliamentary Reform. A Catechism for the use of the Sunday Schools. Pr. H. Forshaw. Letters on Religious Subjects to Mr. J. Stewart. By D. S. Wylie. Thoughts on the present state of the Fine Arts, Founding the Remarks on the Nomenclature of the New Pharmacopæia. By Pr. James Smith. Brief Observations on the Address to His Majesty proposed by Pr. M. Galway and Co. The Charter granted to the Burgesses of Liverpool by William Pr. Smith and Co. Political Pamphlets. By Gen. Sir B. Tarleton. Statement of the grounds upon which the Dock Trustees propose to provide additional Dock space. Mercator's Address on a New Dock Bill. Trial of several parties for Conspiracy and Riot at the Theatre Royal. 1811. A Catechism, with Prayers and Hymns, for the use of Children. Pr. J. Gore. The Times, a Satiric Poem. By Thomas Taylor. Pr. W. Bethell. 1811. A Letter to J. T. Koster, Esq., in which his arguments to demonstrate that Bank of England Notes are not depreciated are refuted. Price 2s. 6d. Pr. Harris Brothers. Commercial and Political Observations on the state of the Cotton Pr. J. Lang. Liverpool Dock Laws. Extracts from Acts of Parliament. Pr. Harris Brothers, Houghton Street. Statement of the Trade in Gold Bullion. By John Theodore Pr. Harris Brothers. Proceedings in Court of King's Bench, the King v. Rev. Richard Funeral Discourse, on the Death of Rev. T. Spencer, Newington First Report of the Society for bettering the condition of the Pr. T. Kaye. First Annual Report, Female Penitentiary. A Discourse delivered on the opening of Renshaw Street Chapel. Pr. E. Smith and Co. On Farm Leases in the Hundred of West Derby. Pr. J. Gore. Report of the Trial of Dr. Sheridan, one of the alleged Catholic Pr. W. Bethell. Memoir of Capt. Paul Cuffie, a man of colour. Pr. Egerton Smith and Co. Resolutions of the Methodist Ministers of the Manchester Pr. T. Kaye. A Letter to Henry Brougham, Esq., M.P., on the subject of Pr. M. Galway and Co. Hints to the Protestant Dissenters on the rejection of the Bill for regulating the Licenses granted to Protestant Dissenting Ministers. By a Dissenter. Pr. J. Lang. 1811. Manual of Hymns intended for the Domestic Circle. Pr. E. Smith and Co. Remarks and Reflections on the intended Liverpool Dock Bill. Liverpool Dock Laws. An Essay on the History and Practice of Electricity. By John Sundry Letters by Willis Earle and Matthew Gregson. Sermon Preached at York. By Rev. J. Vanse. Pr. Harris. 1812. An Essay on the Necessity and Utility of adhering to the First Principles of Religion. By R. Wright. Price 6d. Pr. Egerton Smith and Co. First Report Liverpool Auxiliary Bible Society, Established Pr. T. Kaye. Poetic Tales and Miscellanies. Pr. J. Smith. The Laws and Regulations of the Union Rooms, Duke Street. Pr. G. F. Harris's Widow and Brothers. An impartial Collection of Election Addresses, Songs, Squibs, &c. Liverpool Poll Book, with a Preface. 64 pages. Pr. Wright and Cruickshank. Others by Kaye and Gore. Liverpool Poll Book-Canning, Gascoyne, Brougham, Creevey, and Tarleton,-9 days,-2,726 freemen. Pr. J. Gore. An Address to the Rev. R. Blacow. By W. Bethell, Pr. W. Bethell, Marshall Street. A Letter to Messrs. Hughes and Duncan, of Liverpool, Merchants. By R. F. Breed. The Speeches and Public Addresses of the Right Hon. George Canning, during late Election, with a Summary and Appendix. Pr. T. Kaye. A Speech delivered by John Gladstone, Esq., from the box-seat of a carriage in the centre of Castle Street, on Canning's public entry. Pr. T. Kaye. 1812. A Review of the Speeches of the Right Hon. George Canning. By William Roscoe. Pr. Egerton Smith and Co. Letter to Roscoe on Reform. By John Merritt. An Answer to a Letter from Mr. John Merritt, on the subject of Pr. M. Galway and Co. An Inquiry into the Laws of Animal Life. By J. R. Park. 1813. The Hackney Coach Fares and Regulations. Pr. J. Gore. Leitura instructiva e Recreativa on Ideas Sentimentaes. Pr. J. Lang. The Trial of Tobias Toole and others, for robbing Robert Pr. at Lancaster. Various Trials for Murder. Pr. W. Bethell. Brougham's Speeches, Liverpool Election, 1812. Pr. Egerton Smith and Co. Liverpool Musical Festival. Pr. T. Kaye. The Charity Ball, held Dec. 31. Report of the Committee for superintending the Erection of the Monument to the Memory of Lord Nelson, in area of Liverpool Exchange. Pr. Harris's Widow. A Letter to William King, LL.D., by Richard Blacow, A.M., Virtue Rewarded, a Russian Story. 6d. Pr. Gegory and Taylor. A Narrative of the Origin and Proceedings of the Independent Price 1s. 6d. Pr. F. B. Wright. Letter on the nature and extent of the Papal Authority. By the Rev. Edward Slater. Pr. T. Kaye. |