صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

1813. Methodism Displayed and Enthusiasm Deducted. By a Mem

ber of the Church of England.

Pr. H. Forshaw.

An Essay on the Miraculous Conception of Jesus Christ. By

R. Wright. Price 8d.

Pr. T. B. Wright.

An Essay on Light and Vision. By John Bywater.

Pr. E. Smith and Co.

Letters to Earl Clancarty, President Board of Trade, on the inexpediency of importing Cotton Wool during the war. By John Gladstone, of Liverpool.

Parliamentary Evidence,-General Tarleton against the return of Canning and Gascoyne.

1814. Proofs of the Necessity of the Repeal of the Statute of Apprentices.

Pr. E. Smith and Co.

Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving. An end to the War with

France and her Allies.

Pr. Forshaw.

Prayers, Psalms, and Hymns used by the Children at the Blue
Coat Hospital.

Pr. J. Gore.

Thirty-second Report and History of the Blue Coat Hospital.

Pr. J. Gore.

A Letter to Matthew Gregson, Esq. By the Rev. Richard
Blacow, B.A.

Pr. M. Galway and Co.

Poems. By Ellen Robinson.

Pr. G. Wood.

Speeches by George Canning at Public Dinner in Liverpool.
Pr. T. Kaye.

Liverpool Dock Duties on Ships.

Pr. J. Gore.

The Charge of Judge Fletcher to the Grand Jury of the County

of Wexford.

Pr. F. B. Wright.

In Defence of the Jewish Religion. By Jacob Nickelsburger.

Pr. D. Dean, Williamson Square.

An Address to all who are assessed to the Poor's Rate in


Pr. G. F. Harris's Widow.

1814. Sketch of the Life of George Canning, M.P., including an account of his early writings and maiden speech.

Pr. W. Bethell.

Mercator's Second Address, respecting the Liverpool Poor Bill.
Pr. J. Smith.

Mercator's Address to the Parishioners, respecting the Liverpool
Poor Bill, Church Bill, Paving Bill, and the Wallasey Sea
Embankment Bill.

1815. A Short Account of the Seige of Flushing. A Panorama now exhibiting in Cook Street.

Pr. E. Smith and Co.

A Complete and Comprehensive Exercise Book. For the use of

the Liverpool Volunteers. Fourth Edition, 1s.

Pr. M'Creery.

A Christmas Box, for good Boys and Girls. Hymns.

Pr. J. Gore.

The Claims of Misery. A Sermon. Marble Street Hall. 6d.

Pr. F. B. Wright.

Every Man his own Parson. A Dialogue.


Pr. F. B. Wright.



Observations on Paper Currency. By George Booth, Merchant.


Pr. J. Lang.

Observations on Lowering the Rent of Land; and on the Corn
Laws. By George Booth. 2s.

Pr. J. Lang.

An Address to the Clergy.

Pr. W. Bethell.

A Sermon. St. Mark's. Christmas Day. By R. Blacow, M.A.

Pr. Gregory and Taylor.

A Letter to William Roscoe, Esq., occasioned by his letter to
Brougham, on Parliamentary Reform. By John Merritt.

Pr. Wright and Cruickshank.

A System of Book-keeping for the use of Provident Institutions; or, Savings Banks. By George Booth, Merchant.

Pr. Wright and Cruickshank.

The Liverpool Provident Institution. Established 1815.

Reflections upon continuing the Property Tax. By John Party,

Pr. Wright and Cruickshank.


1815. A Sermon, Marble Street Hall, for the Distressed Seamen. Claims of Misery; or, Benevolence its own Reward. By John Wright.

Collection of Psalms and Hymns, from Merrick's new translation.

Pr. J. Gore.

First Annual Report of Liverpool Religious Tract Society.

Pr. H. Geenough.

Laws and Regulations of the Literary and Philosophical Society, of Liverpool, established 1812. 4to.

Pr. Harris's Widow.

Copy of a Bill for making a more equal County Rate for County
Palatine of Lancaster.

Pr. Harris and Co.

A Guide to Health. By Dr. Solomon, Gilead House.

Pr. J. Speed, West Derby.

The Accounts of the Corporation of Liverpool, with their Treasurer, from 1797 to 1814.

Pr. E. Smith.

On the Distresses of the Country. By John Ashton Yates.
Companion to Mumford's Liverpool Exhibition.

Observations on lowering the Rent of Land, and on the Corn
Laws and their effects on the Manufacturing Interest. By
George Booth.

Letter to the Marquis of Wellesley, on the Present Crisis. By

1816. Hypocrisy Unmasked; or a Faithful Portrait from the Life of Weatherspoon Plausible! alias Egerton Smith.

Pr. J. B. Johnson.

The Messiah, performed at the opening of St. Philip's Church,
Hardman Street, September 25th. 6d.

Pr. Wright and Cruickshank.

Selections from the Creation, and two Miscellaneous Acts, September 27.

A Letter to Nicholas Vansittart, on the Customs. By a Merchant.

Adam Hodgson?

Pr. J. and J. Smith,

Speeches and Public Addresses of George Canning, during

Pr. T. Kaye.

1816. A Letter to John Whitley, Esq. By Richard Blacow, M.A. 1s.

Pr. J. and J. Smith.

Poll Book,-Canning and Leyland.

Pr. J. Gore.

The Candidate, a Poem; dedicated to Canning.

Songs, Addresses, Squibs, &c., during Election of Canning and

Pr. W. Bethell.

Squib Book, Liptrot.

A Letter to His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent, upon the "Revulsion of Trade."

Pr. J. and J. Smith.

A Reply to an Extract of a Sermon, preached in St. Mark's

Pr. T. Roberts.

The New Year, an Essay.

Pr. and Pub. by T. Kaye.

The Fatal Effects of Religious Intolerance; a Sermon. By Rev.
W. Shepherd, Gateacre Chapel.

Pr. Smith and Galway.

Physical Astronomy; or the System of Nature Delineated, in a
Letter to the Royal Society of London, with notes.

Pr. Smith and Galway.

Letter to Vansittart on a Repeal of the Salt Duty.

An Interest Table, 5 per cent. By J. Newton, Accountant.

Remarks on Mr. Joseph Dutton's Address on Parish Economy.
By Mercator.

1817. The Original Liverpool Almanack and Tide Table.

Pr. J. Lang.

The A, B, C, with the Catechism.

Pr. T. Kaye.

Museum Etruria; or Catalogue of Cameos, Vases, &c. By the

late Josiah Wedgewood, for James Boardman. Plates.
Pr. G. F. Harris's Widow.

A Letter Addressed to Mr. Raffles, and Speeches, Liverpool
Debate Room. By John Wright. 1s. 6d.

Pr. F. B. Wright.

Three Discourses, on Right and Reason in Matters of Religion,
Long Room, Marble Street. By John Wright.

Pr. F. B. Wright.

1817. A Sermon. Marble Street. By John Wright. For which a prosecution is commenced on a charge of Blasphemy. 1s.

Pr. F. B. Wright.

Messiah. By Liverpool Choral Society.

Pr. Forshaw.

Liverpool Musical Festival. October 10. 6d.

Pr. Smith and Galway.

Remarks on Cotton, &c. By John Slack, Broker and Accountant.
Price 3s.

Pr. J. Lang.

A View of the Principal Courts in the Isle of Man.

Pr. Harris and Co.

A Letter to Robert Townley Parker, Esq., High Sheriff, from
Peter Crompton, M.D., with appendix. 1s.

Pr. F. B. Wright.

First Annual Report of Society for Promoting Christian Know


Letter of Earl William Russell to his friend Lord Cavendish.
By George Canning, Esq., to his son the Right Hon. George
Canning. Poetical effusion.

Hints to Credulity! The Pretensions of Miss M. M'Avoy. By
Joseph Sandars.

Pr. Smith.

Birkenhead Priory; a Poem. By S. Nadan Thomson.

Pr. J. Smith.

First Report of the Committee of the Liverpool Institution. Folio.
Pr. Harris and Co.

New and correct Chart of the Liverpool and Chester Rivers. By
Lieut. Thomas Evans, R.N. Second edition.

Pr. Smith and Galway.

A Discourse on the Origin and Vicissitudes of Literature, Science
and Art, at the opening of the Royal Institution. By Wm.

An attempt to Discriminate the Styles of English Architecture.
By Thomas Rickman.

Pr. J. Smith.

The British Mariner's Assistant. By Thomas Evans, R.N.

Pr. Smith and Galway.

The Grace of God exemplified in the Death of Miss A. Nixon.
Pr. T. Kaye.

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