صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

This Volume has been edited by the Assistant Secretary, under

the direction of the Council. The Writers of Papers, however, are alone responsible for the facts and opinions contained in their respective communications.


Plates VI, VII and VIII are the gift of Mr. F. J. Jeffery, the author of the Paper they illustrate; plates X and XIII also are presented by Mr. H. E. Smith, in illustration of his Papers; all the other

plates have been prepared at the expense of the Society.



Right Hon. W. E. GLADSTONE, M.P., Chancellor of the Exchequer.

[blocks in formation]

A. CRAIG GIBSON, F.S.A., Stonesfield, Bebington, Birkenhead.


H. E. SMITH Esq., Aldboro' House, Egremont, Birkenhead.


W. BURKE Esq., 17, Bagot Street, Smithdown Road, Liverpool.

Hon. Secretary.

NICHOLAS WATERHOUSE Esq., Rake Lane, Liverpool.

Assistant Secretary.

J. H. GENN Esq., 37, Elizabeth Street, Liverpool.


[Papers marked thus are Illustrated.]



* On the Druidical Rock Basins in the Neighbourhood of Burnley.
By T. T. Wilkinson, F.R.A.S...........
The Ancient Borough of Over, Cheshire. By Thomas Rigby Esq. 13
The England of Shakspeare. By Nicholas Waterhouse Esq. 23
The Greenwood of Shakspeare. By Nicholas Waterhouse Esq.. 47
The Pamphlet Literature of Liverpool. By Thomas Dawson
Esq., M.R.C.S.




* The Lakeland of Lancashire: No. I, Hawkshead Town, Church and School. By A. Craig Gibson, F.S.A....................................... * On British Silver Military War Medals. By J. Harris Gibson Esq. 161 On the Flora of Preston and the Neighbourhood. Part IV. By Charles Joseph Ashfield Esq.


* Numismatic History of England, from 1066 to the present time:
Part I, 1066 to 1504. By F. J. Jeffery, F.G.H.S.............. 187
The Limestone Caves of Craven and their Ancient Inhabitants.
By Henry Ecroyd Smith Esq..........................

....... 199

..... 231

[ocr errors]

On some Results of the Census of the Deaf and Dumb in 1861.
By David Buxton, F.R.S.L........................
The History of Photography to the year 1844. By J. T. Towson,


* On the Cup-Cuttings and Ring-Cuttings on the Calder Stones near Liverpool. By Professor J. Y. Simpson, M.D. (Edinburgh). 257 On the Roman Topography of East Lancashire. By T. T. Wilkinson, F.R.A.S. &c.

*Notice of an Early Conventual Cemetery in Wirral. By Henry Ecroyd Smith Esq.



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[merged small][ocr errors]

V. Crimean Medal &c.
VI. Penny, William I; Shilling, Henry VII; Half-

crown, Cromwell....

VII. Pennies, Henry III; Farthings, Edward I, II or

III; Groat, Edward III...........

[ocr errors]

VIII. Gold Noble, Henry III; Noble, Edward III; Quar

ter or Ferling Noble, Edward III; Angel,

Henry VI; Sovereign, Henry VII

IX. Limestone Scaurs near Settle.........


X. Ancient British Brooches &c., discovered in Lime

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The first List was dated 23rd November, 1848; all whose names appeared in it are therefore Original Members. Those who have been enrolled as Mayors or Sheriffs have their year of office attached.

The letter P denotes that the Members, in connexion with whose names it occurs, have read papers before the Society.

Those whose names are printed in SMALL CAPITALS are Members of the Council; and in Italics are Life Members.

Those marked thus * are Resident. The post town Liverpool is usually omitted.

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Ainslie, Montague, Grizedale hall, Hawkshead,

Ainslie, P. B., F.S.A. Scot., Guildford.
*Anderson, John, 42, Bold street.

*Anderson, Thomas Darnley, 5, India buildings, Water street, and West Dingle.

*Anderson, Thomas Francis, Holly lodge, Fairfield, and 3, Cable street.

Ansdell, John, St. Helens.

Ansdell, Richard, A.R.A., Lytham house, St.
Alban's road, Kensington, London, W.
Arrowsmith, P. R., The Ferns, Bolton.
Artingstall, George, Warrington.

Ashfield, Charles Joseph, 9, Regent street,

Aspland, Rev. R. Brook, M.A., Frampton villas,
South Hackney, London.

Atherton, Henry, Sutton, Prescot.

Atkinson, William, Ashton heyes, Chester. *Avison, Thomas, F.S.A., 18, Cook street, and Fulwood park, Aigburth.


3rd Jan., 1861. *Baar, Rev. Hermann, Ph.Dr., 98, Bedford street


8th June, 1854. *Banning, John Johnson, 20, Castle street.
3rd Dec., 1863. *Barron, Charles, 54, Tower buildings, and 26,
Richmond terrace.

7th Feb., 1861. *Bartlett, William, 22, North John street.

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