23rd Nov., 1848. *Horsfall, Thomas Berry, M.P., Bellamour hall, 6th Dec., 1860. 14th April, 1853. 4th Dec., 1856. Mayor Lan., 1849-50. 8th Nov., 1849. P. 27th Sept., 1854. P. 10th Dec., 1857. 16th Sept., 1854. P. 6th April, 1854. 8th Feb., 1862. Mayor Ch. 1851-52. 23rd Nov., 1848. 21st May, 1857. 6th Jan., 1859. Staffordshire. *Houghton, James, 84, Rodney street. *Howson, Rev. John Saul, D.D., Principal of *Hubback, Joseph, 1, Brunswick street, and Aigburth. *HUGHES, JOHN R., 67, Rock view, South hill road. *Hughes, Thomas, 2, Groves terrace, Chester. F.S.S., F.R.S. North. Ant. Copenhagen, Corr. Hume, Hamilton, F.R.G.S., Cooma, Yass, New *Hunt, Richard, 9, Castle street, and Linacre 11th Feb., 1864. *Hussey, John, Church street, Birkenhead. Canning street. J 1st April, 1852. *JACOB, JOHN GIBBORN, 56, Church street. 5th Dec., 1861. 23rd Nov., 1848. P. 2nd May, 1861. 21st May, 1857. 23rd Nov., 1854. 1st Dec., 1864. 23rd Nov., 1848. 23rd Sept., 1854. 3rd Jan., 1861. 3rd May, 1849. 2nd Dec., 1858. 6th Dec., 1849. 15th Sept., 1854. 11th Dec., 1856. Jacson, Charles R., Barton lodge, Preston. *JEFFERY, F. J., Lodge lane. *Jeffery, James Reddecliff, 45, Church street, and 11, Lodge lane. *Jeffery, William Reddecliff, 45, Church street, and 15, Deane street. *Johnson, D., Brougham terrace. Johnson, John H.,7,Church street, and Southport. Jones, Edward, The Larches, Handsworth. *Jones, George, 36, Hanover street. *Jones, Morris Charles, 75, Shaw street. *Jones, Robert, 7, Batchelor street. *Jones, Roger L., 1, Belvidere road, Prince's park. Jones, Thomas, B.A., Chetham Library, Manchester. Jones, W. Hope, Hooton, Chester. K 5th Dec., 1861. Kendal, John, Fishergate, Preston. P. P. P. 3rd May, 1849. 11th Dec., 1856. 4th Dec., 1862. Kendrick, James, M.D., Warrington. *King, Lieut.-Col. Vincent Ashfield, 18, Tower L 6th March, 1862. *Laird, John, M.P., Hamilton square, Birkenhead. 23rd Nov., 1848. 23rd Nov., 1848. 1st Dec., 1859. 10th Dec., 1857. 4th March, 1858. 23rd Nov., 1848. LANCASHIRE, THE HIGH SHERIFF OF, VICE- Langton, William, Manchester. Legh, G. Cornwall, M.P., High Legh, Knutsford. Lindsay, Right Hon. the Lord, M.P., Haigh Lingard, Alexander Rowson, Hooton, Chester. *LIVERPOOL, THE MAYOR OF, VICE-PRESIDENT ex officio. 6th Jan., 1853. *Longton, John, Peter's place, Rumford street, and Breck road. 6th March, 1862. 14th Feb., 1861. 15th April, 1858. 3rd March, 1853. 27th Sept., 1854. 23rd Nov., 1848. 5th May, 1853. 6th Dec., 1849. 3rd Jan., 1849. 23rd Nov., 1848. 1st Dec., 1859. 5th June, 1851. 1st Dec., 1864. 1st Dec., 1864. M McCorquodale, Lieut.-Colonel G., Newton-le- McGill, Robert, Copperas hill, St. Helens. *Macfie, Robert Andrew, 30, Moorfields, and *M'QUIE, PETER ROBINSON, 9, Brunswick street, and Thornton lodge, Merton road, Bootle. Macrae, John Wrigley, 22, Hackin's hey, and Seaforth house, Seaforth. *M'Viccar, Duncan, Abercromby square, and 7, Manchester, the Lord Bishop of, F.R.S., F.G.S., *Marsden, George, Vernon priory, Edge hill. MARSH, JOHN FITCHETT, Fairfield house, War- Marson, James, Warrington. *Mathews, John, Highfield, Rock Ferry, Birkenhead. 6th March, 1862. *MATHISON, W., 1, Adelaide terrace, Waterloo. P. 23rd Nov., 1848. *MAYER, JOSEPH, F.S.A., M.R. Asiat. S., F.E.S., 10th Feb., 1859. P. 15th April, 1858. 1st Dec., 1864. 2nd Jan., 1862. 21st Feb., 1861. 20th May, 1860. P. 21st Dec., 1854. *Milner, William, 322, Upper Parliament street, Moore, Rev. Thomas, A.M., Midleton College, *Moss, Rev. John James, A.M., Upton, Cheshire. Moubert, Adolphus, Garswood-Ashton, Warrington. Moult, William, 21, Leigh street, and Knowsley. *Mozley, Charles, Beaconsfield, Woolton. Myres, John James, Bank parade, Preston. N Naylor, Benjamin Dennison, Altrincham, Man- Naylor, Richard, Hooton hall, Chester. Nicholson, James, F.S.A., Thelwall hall, War- *Nottingham, John, M.D., F.R.A.S., F.R.S. Northern Antiquaries, Copenhagen, 20, Ros common street. Ormerod, George, D.C.L., F.R.S., F.S.A., F.G.S., *Overend, James, 55, Hope street. Oxley, Frederick, 31, John street, Bedford row, Р 23rd Nov., 1858. *Paris, Thomas Jeremiah, 68, Lord street. 3rd Jan., 1850. *Parker, Charles Stewart, Bank chambers, Cook street. 18th Dec., 1856. 2nd Nov., 1854. 6th Dec., 1849. 11th Dec., 1856. 23rd Nov., 1848. 8th Dec., 1851. 1st Dec., 1864. 21st March, 1861. P. 6th Jan., 1849. Parker, Robert Townley, Cuerdon hall, Preston. Patterson, Andrew, Principal of the Deaf and Pedder, Henry Newsham, 9, Queen's gate, Prince Perrin, Joseph, Polygon Avenue, Levenshulme, Perry, Rev. S. G. F., Incumbent of Tottington, Petty, Thomas Shaw, Preston. *Picton, James Allanson, F.S.A., Queen Insurance buildings, Dale street, and Sandyknowe, Wavertree. 3rd May, 1849. Pierpoint, Benjamin, St. Austin's, Warrington. 23rd Nov., 1848. Pilkington, James, M.P., Park place House, Blackburn, 10th Feb., 1853. Platt, Robert, Stalybridge. 1st Dec., 1864. 8th Dec., 1864. 12th March, 1857. *Porter, John, Clayton square. *Porter, Thomas A., 9, Church street, Everton. *Preston, Geo. Theo. Robert, 13, Vernon street, Dale street, and Rock house, West Derby road. 6th Dec., 1849. *Preston, William, 13, Vernon street, and Rock house, West Derby road. 14th Jan., 1864. *Priest, Thomas E., Clarendon rooms, South John street. 23rd Sept., 1854. 15th March, 1849. 13th Sept., 1854. 5th Dec., 1861. 29th Dec., 1854. 3rd Dec., 1863. 3rd May, 1864. 20th Dec., 1855. 1st Dec., 1864. 3rd Jan., 1850. 15th April, 1858. 11th Feb., 1864. 15th April, 1858. R *Rathbone, William, 24, Water street, & Greenbank, Wavertree. Rawlinson, Robert, C.E., F.G.S., Sanitary Commissioner, Local Government Act Office, 8, Richmond terrace, Whitehall, and Lancaster lodge, Boltons, West Brompton, London, S.W. *Raynes, James Trevelyan, 37, Oldhall street, and Rock park, Rock Ferry. *Read, Joseph, Linden house, Laurel road, Fairfield. Rees, William, Old Trafford, Manchester. Rhodocanakis, H. H. the Prince, Manchester. *Richardson, James, jun. Robin, Rev. P. R., A.M., Woodchurch, Birkenhead. *Robinson, John, 41, Lord street. *Ronald, Robert Wilson, 19, Dale street. *Rowe, Charles, Elm house, Anfield. *Rundell, W. W., 21, Exchange buildings. S Samuelson, Edward, Roby. *Sandbach, W. R., Bank buildings, Cook street, and The Cottage, Aigburth. *Sansom, Thomas, F.B.S.E., 18, Breckfield road South, Everton. Satterthwate, Edward, Lancaster. Saunders, W. A. F., Wennington hall, Lancaster. *Scholfield, Henry D., M.D. Scott, George, 53, Burlington street, Greenheys, Sharp, John, The Hermitage, Lancaster. Sharpe, Edmund, A.M., Cwm Alyn, Llanrwst, *Shawe, J. R. *Sherlock, Cornelius, 22, King street. Simpson, Rev. Samuel, A.M., St. Thomas's Par- Skaife, Thomas, 32, Sussex place, Regent's park, *SMITH, HENRY ECROYD, Aldboro' house, Egre- *Smith, James, Seaforth. Smith, John, Langley, near Macclesfield. Somerville, Thomas, LL.D., Hawthorn hall, *Squarey, Andrew Tucker, Apsley villas, Lower Stainer, William, Old Trafford, Manchester. Steele, Alexander, Ph.Dr., Bay View house, The *Stonehouse, James, 149, Phythian street. |