Africa, المجلد 79،العدد 1Oxford University Press, 2009 Includes Proceedings of the Executive council and List of members, also section "Review of books". |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-3 من 11
الصفحة 148
... SWAHILI CONTEXT : ' WISDOM ' AND THE SOCIAL DIMENSIONS OF KNOWLEDGE Kai Kresse In his seminal discussion of the field of African philosophy , the Kenyan philosopher D. A. Masolo highlighted the need for research that is situated between ...
... SWAHILI CONTEXT : ' WISDOM ' AND THE SOCIAL DIMENSIONS OF KNOWLEDGE Kai Kresse In his seminal discussion of the field of African philosophy , the Kenyan philosopher D. A. Masolo highlighted the need for research that is situated between ...
الصفحة 151
... Swahili context , developed while re - thinking the material of my fieldwork . On the basis of these cases , I will introduce and discuss further some aspects of what it means to be an intellectual in the Swahili context , by involving ...
... Swahili context , developed while re - thinking the material of my fieldwork . On the basis of these cases , I will introduce and discuss further some aspects of what it means to be an intellectual in the Swahili context , by involving ...
الصفحة 164
... Swahili context and beyond , is to have the ability or good sense to put knowledge into action . What does this mean , finally , in terms of ' expertise ' for the field of social interaction in the Swahili context ? Wisdom , as ...
... Swahili context and beyond , is to have the ability or good sense to put knowledge into action . What does this mean , finally , in terms of ' expertise ' for the field of social interaction in the Swahili context ? Wisdom , as ...
a Mande divination expert and the occult economy | 110 |
creating authority in Islamic knowledge | 128 |
wisdom | 148 |
حقوق النشر | |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
activities ancestors anthropology apprentice apprenticeship Arabic architectural authority Bamako baraza bileejo brotherhood Cambridge circumcision clients cognitive consultation cowrie cowrie divination cultural Dakar dance Dilley discourse discussion divinatory divinatory enunciation diviner's Djenné esoteric knowledge ethnic expert expertise Farabako forms gandal Giriama gobela Graw healing historical Hountondji important innovation intellectual practice interpretation involved Islamic esoteric knowledge issues Kaya elders khalwa knowledge practices Kresse Layenne learning lore male Mande Mandinka marabout Marchand masons medicine Meissa and Coumba Mijikenda moral Muslim Namagan Ndeje Nguni performance person philosophy political politicians practitioners propositional knowledge Qur'anic referred relations relationship religious ritual role sand divination sangomas secrets Senegal Senegalese Senegambian Seydina Issa shells Simba Simba Wanje skills social society South African specialist specific spirits status Swahili Swahili context techniques Tijaniyya traditional healers transmission of knowledge Tukolor University Press Utenzi village weavers West Africa wisdom Wolof women