Kalhanas Rajatarngini (vol.3)

الغلاف الأمامي
Motilal Banarsidass, 1979 - 296 من الصفحات
Kalhana`s Rajatarangini is the most famous historical poem which records the oldest and fullest history of the legendary kings of Kashmir as well as gives accounts of the Kashmirian kings of the historical period. It consists of eight chapters and draws upon earlier sources, notably the Nilamata Purana.Sir Stein recognising the inestimable value of the only work of its kind, succeeded in publishing the critical edition of the text as early as in 1892.The interest of this treatise for Indian history generally lies in the fact that it represents a class of Sanskrit composition which comes nearest in character to the chronicles which continue Kalhana`s narrative it is practically the sole extant specimen of this class.

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