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النشر الإلكتروني

V. elata, Don Prodr. 159. V. javanica, Blume Bijdr. 919. V. acuminata, Royle Ill. Him. Bot. 241.

At high elevations on the central ridge in Perak, this is said to occur, but I have seen no specimens.

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Herbs or shrubs, sometimes scandent, rarely trees. Leaves alternate, rarely opposite or whorled; simple or sometimes compound exstipulate. Florets numerous, small, aggregated in centripetal heads, sessile on the dilated top of the peduncle (receptacle); the heads surrounded by an involucre of 1- or more-seriate, free or connate bracts; bracteoles none or reduced to paleate scales or bristles on the receptacle; individual florets all tubular (head discoid), or the outer or all ligulate (head rayed); all bi-sexual or the inner bi-sexual or male, the outer female or neuter; sometimes diœcious. Sepals connate in a calyx-tube, adnate to the ovary; limb none, or composed of hairs (pappus) or scales. Petals connate in a corolla of two forms: (a) tubular or campanulate, with 4-5-lobed limb; lobes valvate with marginal nerves; (b) ligulate with lobes elongated and connate in a strapshaped or elliptic ligule. Disk epigynous. Stamens 4-5, inserted within the corolla-tube; filaments usually free; anthers basifixed, usually connate (syngenesious); connective produced upwards; cells simple or tailed at the base; pollen sub-globose, rough. Pistil an inferior 1-celled ovary; ovule solitary, basal, erect, anatropous, nucleus with one coat; style slender, normally 2-fid; the arms (sometimes) connate, linear or sub-terete, naked or pubescent externally or tipped by pubescent cones; the margins stigmatic. Fruit a dry indehiscent. achene (cypsela). Seed erect; testa membranous; albumen none; embryo straight; cotyledons plano-convex; radicle short.-Distrib. Universal; genera about 1,000; species about 8,000.

Corollas of all the florets either tubular to near the mouth or the marginal row ligulate; style-arms long, distinct, or very short, or the style sub-entire in the sterile florets of heads with heterogamous florets; stems sometimes woody; leaves alternate or opposite; sap never milky:

Florets red, purple, or white, never yellow; all similar (homogamous) and tubular, or rarely (Elephantopus) cleft laterally; involucre of bracts always more than 1-seriate; pappus present, usually setaceous, receptacle naked or rarely (Ageratum) paleaceous :-

Anthers cleft at the base and appendiculate at the apex; style-arms subulate, hairy; leaves alternate (Vernoniea):— Heads distinct, many-flowered; pappus long, copious, cypselas ribbed



Heads 1- or few-flowered, crowded into dense clusters resembling single heads; pappus chaffy


Anthers sub-entire at the base, either truncate or appendiculate at the apex; leaves opposite at any rate below (Eupatoriea):

Anthers truncate at the apex

Anthers appendiculate at the apex :—

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Pappus paleaceous, receptacle sometimes paleaceous Pappus of slender hairs; receptacle always naked; bracts of involucre 4 with sometimes a small outer one; scandent Florets, if homogamous and tubular, yellow; if heterogamous, at least those of the disk yellow; or if none of the florets yellow (Emilia) then with the bracts of the involucre 1-seriate Anthers appendiculate at the apex (Asteroideæ) :

Receptacle naked, smooth, or pitted; sometimes, when pitted, the edge of the pit fimbriate :

Bracts of involucre in two rows:

Anthers sub-entire at the base; florets all tubular,
those of the disk purple, of the ray filiform, yellowish
or white; pappus none or of 2 bristles; heads small
in lax panicled cymes, bracts of involucre in two
series; erect herbs

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Heads bracteolate; florets yellow Receptacles paleaceous; anthers sub-entire at the base; bracts of involucre 1- to many-seriate; heads usually radiate, heterogamous; style-arms truncate or appendiculate, or those of the sterile florets entire; pappus of 2 to 4 arms or paleaceous or absent; leaves at the base of the stem usually opposite, those higher up opposite or alternate (Helianthoidea) :—

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Pappus of only 4 bristly awns, or cup-like or absent :-
Cypselas all thick, or those of the ray-florets 3-angled
and those of the disc laterally compressed; pappus
cup-like or composed of 2 to 3 stiff chaffy or bristly
arms, with or without intermediate smaller scales or
altogether absent; leaves usually opposite :-

Inner bracts of the involucre embracing and en-
closing the cypselas of the fertile ray-florets;
pappus absent, outer bracts of involucre 5, glan-

Inner bracts of the involucre all flat, scales of
receptacle flat, very narrow, usually few; disk-
florets 4-5-fid, ligules small; pappus absent, or
if present shortly 2-awned; outer bracts of invo-
lucre numerous
Scales of the receptacle concave or complicated
more or less enclosing and embracing the disk


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Cypselas flat, their margins lacerate and winged;
pappus composed of bristles
Outer bracts of the involucre few, small; inner
bracts connate below, membranous :-

Cypselas not beaked; leaves opposite, simple to

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Pappus of membranous scales; heads radiate; leaves
opposite :-

Scales of pappus feathery, fringed; heads medium-
sized ..

Anthers inappendiculate at the apex; receptacle (in our
species) not paleaceous; pappus absent or reduced to a
raised rim, rarely scaly and short; leaves usually alter-
nate (Anthemideæ) :

Flower-heads discoid, heterogamous; pappus absent:-
Florets of the circumference very numerous; cypselas
flat or concave at the top; flower-heads globose or
hemispheric, sub-sessile; bracts of involucre in 2 series,
spreading in fruit ..

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Corollas of all the florets flatly expanded from a tubular base, ligulate, their apices 5-toothed; leaves radical or cauline and alternate, never opposite; stem always herbaceous, fistulose; sap milky (Cichorieœ) :—

Pappus of simple hair-like bristles, at least in the central florets; florets yellow, cypselas fusiform or oblong, with glabrous or puberulous ribs






NOTE.-The above key is taken mainly from "Bengal Plants," by Lieut.-Col. D. Prain, F.R.S., Superintendent, Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta.

1. VERNONIA, Schreb.

Herbs, shrubs, climbers or small trees. Leaves alternate, penninerved, entire or dentate. Heads axillary or terminal, solitary or in cymes or panicles, homogamous; flowers often few, but very rarely solitary. Involucre ovoid, globose or hemispheric, as long as or shorter than the flowers; bracts in many series, the inner longest. Receptacle naked or pitted, sometimes with short hairs. Corollas all equal, tubular, slender; lobes 5, narrow. Anther-bases obtuse, sagittate. Style-arms subulate, acute, hairy. Cypselas striate, ribbed or angled, rarely terete, truncate at the apex; pappus of many hairs, usually in two rows, the inner hairs thin and slender, the outer sometimes stout and compressed, persistent or deciduous.-DISTRIB. About 500 species, mostly


A large shrub or small tree; leaves sub-coriaceous; involucral bracts obtuse

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Herbaceous annuals; leaves membranous; involucral bracts acuminate:

Heads few, 35 in. in diam., in long-peduncled cymes..

1. V. arborea,

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2. V. chinensis.

Heads numerous, 2 to 25 in. in diam., in loose terminal corym

bose cymes

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3. V. cinerea. 1. VERNONIA ARBOREA, Buch.-Ham. in Trans. Linn. Soc. XIV. 218. A tree, 30 to 60 feet high; young branches as thick as a goose-quill or thinner, at first covered, like the under surfaces of the leaves and branches of the inflorescence, with short rusty tomentum, sometimes glabrous or glabrescent. Leaves sub-coriaceous, entire, elliptic ovate or ovate-oblong, acute or shortly acuminate, the base rounded or cuneate; upper surface glabrous, or nearly so, except the midrib, the reticulations minute and distinct; main-nerves 8 to 14 pairs, spreading, interarching, bold and distinct on the lower surface, more faint on the upper; length 3.5 to 6 in.; breadth 1-75 to 2.75 in.; petioles 75 to 1-25 in., pubescent. Heads 2- to 5-flowered, collected in large open terminal panicles much longer than the leaves. Involucral bracts few, small, oblong, obtuse, less than half as long as the flowers, pubescent, concave, persistent. Corolla glabrous, bluish. Cypselas not conspicuously ribbed, short, truncate; pappus in a single row, tuberculate, white tinged with ochraceous, persistent. DC. Prod. V. 22; Kurz For. Fl. Burm. II. 80; Clarke Comp. Ind. 23; Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. III. 239. Vernonia javanica, Blumeana and celebica, DC. l.c. 21, 22; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. II. 9, 10. Eupatorium celebicum and javanicum, Blume Bijdr. 903. Conyza acuminata and arborea, Wall. Cat. 3034A and 3074.

MALACCA: Griffith. SINGAPORE: Lobb; Ridley 2735, 2739, 9478; Maingay (K.D.) 948, 949, 950. PENANG: Curtis 2, 926. NEGRI SEMBILAN Ridley 10087. SELANGOR: Ridley. PERAK: Wray 2240, 2442; King's Collector, many Numbers; Scortechini.-DISTRIB. Ceylon, Malay Archipelago, Philippines, China.

2. VERNONIA CHINENSIS, Less. in Linnæa, VI. 674. An erect annual with divaricate, softly puberulous to tomentose, angled branches. Leaves alternate, sessile or petiolate, membranous, ovate elliptic elliptic-lanceolate or oblanceolate, narrowed at the base, sub-serrate or entire. Heads few, 35 in. in diam., in lax, few-branched, axillary and terminal, open puberulous cymes, on slender peduncles longer than the leaves, 15- to 30-flowered. Involucral bracts not numerous, lanceolate, awned or acute, usually at first pubescent outside, inside glabrous, shining, 1-nerved; longer than the glabrous or glabrescent corollas. Cypselas less than 1 in. long, 4- or 5-ribbed, glabrous. Pappus scanty, white. Clarke Comp. Ind. 78; Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. III. 235. V. albicans, DC. in Wight Contrib. 6; Prod. V. 26 (in part). Cyanopis pubescens and C. villosa, DC. Prod. V. 69. Conyza chinensis, Lamk. Dict. II. 83 (not of Linn.). C. punctulata, Wall. Cat. 2995. Eupatorium menthafolium, Wall. Cat. Cynanthillium villosum and C. pubescens, Blume

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