صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

lobed or partite, lobes usually persistent in fruit, valvate or imbricate in bud. Corolla gamopetalous, tubular, rotate or campanulate, superior, sometimes bilabiate; lobes as many as those of the calyx, valvate or induplicate-valvate, sometimes 1, 2, or all free to the base. Stamens equal in number to the corolla-lobes and alternate with them; inserted on the epigynous disk or (in Sphenoclea) on the corolla-tube; filaments free or connate in a tube; anthers linear, oblong or ovate, free or connate in a tube, 2-celled, the cells parallel, dehiscing longitudinally and introrsely. Ovary usually inferior, 2-5- rarely more-celled; placentas axile, many ovuled; style simple, clavate, within the staminal tube; stigma-lobes as many as the ovary-cells; ovules anatropous, erect horizontal or pendulous. Fruit capsular or baccate, crowned by the persistent calyx-lobes, dehiscing vertically or laterally, or indehiscent. Seeds very many, small, albuminous; testa thin, coriaceous; embryo erect, radicle inferior.—DISTRIB. Over 1,000 species, scattered throughout the globe, chiefly in temperate regions.


Corolla 2-lipped, cleft dorsally to the base; anthers connate.

Fruit a capsule, 2-valved at the summit


Tribe II. CAMPANULEÆ. Corolla regular; anthers free or imperfectly connate.

Flowers solitary, peduncled

Flowers in a dense scorpioid spike

Flowers in a dense cylindric spike



1. LOBELIA, Linn.

Herbs of various sizes, sometimes very small, sometimes erect and very tall; undershrubs or shrubs. Leaves alternate, usually toothed. Inflorescence either 1-flowered, in the axils of leaves or bracts, or in a terminal leafy raceme; bracteoles very small or none. Calyx-tube adnate to the ovary, turbinate, hemispheric, obovoid or rarely oblonglinear; limb 5-partite or 5-fid, lobes often unequal. Corolla oblique, 2-lipped; upper lip 2-, lower 3-partite or -lobed. Staminal tube free from the corolla or adnate only at the base; anthers with 2 lower tipped with bristles, 3 upper naked, or else all penicillate. Ovary inferior, 2-celled; placentas hemispheric; ovules numerous; stigma shortly bifid. Capsule loculicidally 2-valved within the calyx-tube. Seeds very many, minute, ellipsoid, compressed or trigonous.—DISTRIB. About 200 species, throughout the world, though scarce in Europe and

Western Asia.

LOBELIA AFFINIS, Wall. Cat. 1311. A prostrate often rooting herb with much - branched stem, pubescent or glabrate. Leaves ovate

rotundate, acute at apex, rounded or truncate or cordate and more or less decurrent at base, 5 to 2 in. long, 5 to 1.5 in. broad, mucronatedentate or crenate, membranous, usually strigosely hairy on the nerves especially beneath, sometimes nearly glabrous; midrib slender, main-nerves 4-6 pairs; petiole 3 to 6 in. long, more or less winged by the decurrent margins of the blade, strigosely hairy. Flowers single, on slender pedicels about 6 to 1 in. long; bracts minute; pedicels usually deflexed in fruit. Calyx-tube adnate to the ovary, ribbed, strigose, obconical; lobes 5 linear spreading, 1 to 2 in. long, pilose. Corolla purple, 2 to 25 in. long, 2 upper lobes falcate-lanceolate, 3 lower connate, teeth short. Staminal tube as long as or longer than corolla, anthers all penicillate. Ovary 2-celled, style long, stigma bifid, lobes rounded, recurved, ovules many. Capsule ribbed, strigose. Seed small, ellipsoid trigonous. DC. Prod. VII. 360; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. II. 574; Hook. f. and Th. in Journ. Linn. Soc. II. 27; Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Br. Ind. III. 424; Trimen Fl. Ceyl. III. 57; Prain Beng. Plants I. 633. L. zeylanica, Wall. in Roxb. Fl. Ind. ed. Carey and Wall. II. 113; Kurz in Journ. As. Soc. Beng. XLVI. ii. 211, not of Linn. L. subcuneata, Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. II. 574. L. succulenta and L. Heyneana, Bl. Bijdr. 728.

PENANG Ridley 7162, 10185; J. Scott. PERAK: Ridley 2902; Curtis 2025; Scortechini 309, 344; King's Collector 2376. SINGAPORE: Kurz.-DISTRIB. Eastern Bengal, Burma, Ceylon, Malay Islands, Southern China.

Isotoma longiflora, Presl, is an introduced West Indian plant found in shady places. PENANG: Deschamps. SINGAPORE: Hullett 29; Kunstler 90.


Perennial erect or climbing herbs with tuberous roots. Leaves opposite, petiolate, usually cordate. Flowers usually large, solitary, peduncled, terminal or axillary on short leafless flowering branches. Calyx-tube adnate to the ovary, or below it, persistent, 4- to 6-partite with spreading lobes. Corolla broadly campanulate, the base adherent to the calyx-tube, 4- to 6-lobed; white, greenish, or lurid-purple in colour. Stamens 4-6, inserted round the base of the corolla-tube; filaments dilated; anthers free. Ovary 4-6-celled, placentas thick, many ovuled; style cylindric, stigma 4-6-cleft with short broad lobes. Fruit a berry, sub-globose or with truncate top, indehiscent. Seeds very many, small, ellipsoid.-DISTRIB. 5-6 species, all of Eastern tropical and sub-tropical and temperate Asia.

CAMPANUMEA CELEBICA, Blume Bijdr. 727. An erect herb reaching 4 to 5 feet in height, with horizontal spreading smooth branches.

Leaves ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, rounded at base or cuneate, often unequal, 3 in. long, 75 to 1 in. broad, serrate or almost entire, the serratures mucronate; chartaceous; glabrous above, glaucous and glabrous or with scattered pubescence beneath; midrib slender, mainnerves 4-6 pairs at about 30 degrees with the midrib, arching and joining near the margin; petiole short, 15 to 25 in. long. Flowers solitary, terminal or in the forks of a dichotomous cyme; peduncles 3 to 5 in. long, those of terminal flowers shorter; bracts small linear. Calyx-tube in bud shortly adnate to the ovary, in fruit often half-way up; teeth 2 to 3 in. long, linear-lanceolate, often serrate. Corolla epigynous, shortly campanulate, white or yellowish-white, 3 to 5 in. long; lobes 5, triangular acute. Stamens 15 in. long; anthers linear, 05 in. long, filaments dilated. Ovary 5-6-celled; style thickened upwards, then cylindric, angled; stigma about 4-cleft. Berry 3 to 4 in. in diam., globose, white, slightly succulent, becoming nearly dry, breaking up irregularly. Seeds very many, minute, ovoid, flattened, testa smooth. A. DC. Monog. Camp. 120, Prod. VII. 423; Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Br. Ind. III. 436; Prain Beng. Plants I. 634. C. truncata, Endl. Gen. Pl. I. 515. Codonopsis truncata, Wall. Cat. 1301; DC. 1.c. 123; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. II. 566. C. leucocarpa and C. celebica, Miq. 1.c. II. 565, 566. C. albiflora, Griff. Notul. IV. 279. Cyclocodon lancifolium, Kurz in Flora 303; Journ. As. Soc. Beng. XLVI. 210, partly. C. truncatum, Hook. f. and Th. in Journ. Linn. Soc. II. 18. C. adnatus, Griff.; Benth. in Gen. Pl. II. 558. Campanula lancifolia, Roxb. Fl. Ind. I. 505; DC 1.c. 485.

PENANG: Curtis 2089. PERAK: Wray 3236; Scortechini.-DISTRIB. India from the Sikkim Himalaya to Chittagong and Burma, Malay Islands, Southern China.



Fleshy perennial herbs, with short, often rooting, little-branched Leaves alternate, broad, rounded, sometimes very unequal at the base, petioles rather long. Inflorescence of axillary or lateral dense bracteate scorpioid spikes or racemes, the flowers generally in pairs between the bracts. Calyx-tube adnate to the ovary; lobes 4-5, superior, obtuse, persistent, unequal in size. Corolla campanulate, the tube short, lobes 4-5. Stamens 5 alternate with the corolla-lobes, epigynous or on the corolla tube; anthers ovate or oblong; filaments dilated, curved outwards when open. Ovary 3-5-celled; style short, cylindric; stigma large, cylindric or conical, obscurely 4-5-lobed; placentas bifid, ovules many. Fruit a more or less succulent berry, dehiscence unknown (cf. Roxb. Fl. Ind. I. 506). Seeds very many,

small, ellipsoid, testa reticulate-rugose.-DISTRIB. About 7 species, all from the Malay Archipelago and Peninsula.

Leaves markedly serrate, very unequal-sided

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Leaves entire or only slightly dentate, nearly or quite equalsided:

Stem short, flower spikes from upper axils, calyx and corolla usually 5-lobed

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1. P. begoniafolium.

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2. P. Scortechinii.

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3. P. Ridleyi.

Stem elongate, flower spikes from lower axils, calyx and corolla usually 4-lobed

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1. PENTAPHRAGMA BEGONIÆFOLIUM, Wall. Cat. 1313. A shortstemmed fleshy herb, with flexuose rooting stems and few branches covered with crispate ferruginous woolly hairs. Leaves alternate, ovate, the base obliquely excised on one side, cordate on the other, shortly acuminate at apex, 6 to 10 in. long, 4 to 5 in. broad, coarsely serrate, sparsely crispate-villous; midrib thick, near the excised side, main-nerves 1 on the excised side, 4-5 on the other, the nerves again branching outwards; petiole 3 to 1 in. long, crispate-villous as are the nerves beneath. Inflorescence a short, 1 to 4 in. long, scorpioid, shortly peduncled spike, with 2-ranked flowers between ovate membranous bracts 25 in. long, axillary in the uppermost leaves; flowers dull yellow supported by an oblong or spathulate villous bracteole 2 in. long, 1 in. broad. Calyx-tube adnate to the ovary, ovoid, crispate villous; lobes 5 obtuse, rounded, recurved, shorter than the tube, crispate villous without, glabrous within. Corolla white, campanulate, 5-lobed, the lobes spreading and recurved, marcescent, oblong obtuse glabrous. Stamens 5, free, 1 to 125 in. long; anthers oblong, filaments dilated at base. Ovary turbinate, 3-celled; ovules many, on axile placentas; style short, stigma cylindrically peltate, obscurely 3-lobed. Fruit a berry, dehiscence not known; seeds very many, testa prominently reticulate. DC. Prod. VII. 495; Hook. f. and Th. in Journ. Linn. Soc. II. 26; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. II. 568; Kurz in Journ. As. Soc. Beng. XLVI. ii. 210; Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Br. Ind. III. 437; Baillon Hist. des Plantes, VIII. 323, t. 152-154; Schönl. in Engl. and Pr. Nat. Pilz. Fam. IV. 5, 60, fig. 37. Phyteuma begonifolium, Roxb. Hort. Beng. 85, Fl. Ind. I. 505; Jack in Hook. Bot. Misc. I. 276, t. 57.

PENANG: Wallich 1313; Maingay 2266 (K.D. 712); Stoliczka; Deschamps; Hullett 200; Kunstler 1598. PERAK: Scortechini 336 (part); Wray 3668. SINGAPORE: Lobb.-DISTRIB. Mergui, Griffith. A plant of the undergrowth in dense shady forests. Ridley (Trans. Linn. Soc. III.) (1893, 315) says that it "grows on rocks along the Tahan River, and also far in the woods, in rocky valleys, common."

2. PENTAPHRAGMA SCORTECHINII, n. sp., King & Gamble. A

short-stemmed fleshy herb, creeping and rooting below, afterwards erect; branches flexuose, more or less crispately pilose. Leaves alternate, ovate or oblong-ovate, blunt or very shortly acuminate at apex, usually cuneately narrowed below and partly decurrent, sometimes slightly excised on one side; 4 to 10 in. long, 2 to 6 in. broad, entire or faintly dentate, margin often recurved, fleshy, glabrous or slightly rough above, crispately pilose and pale beneath; midrib very thick, sometimes slightly to one side, main-nerves about 4 pair, arched upwards and again branched; petiole thick, 2 to 3 in. long, crispately pilose. Inflorescence a short, 1 to 2 in. long, scorpioid, very shortly peduncled spike, with 2-ranked flowers between ovate obtuse bracts, axillary either singly or in pairs from the axils of upper leaves, or lateral below them; flowers white with a yellow centre, bracteole wanting. Calyx-tube adnate to the ovary, ovoid, villous without; lobes 5, ovate obtuse, unequal in size, 15 to 2 in. long, 3-nerved. Corolla campanulate, tube short; lobes 5 spreading and recurved, marcescent, glabrous. Stamens free, 05 to 1 long, recurved; anthers linear; filaments narrowly winged. Ovary turbinate, 3-celled; ovules many immersed in fleshy axile placentas; style short, stigma conical, obscurely lobed. Fruit a berry, apparently indehiscent; seeds very many, ellipsoid, papillose-reticulate.

PERAK: Scortechini 336; Wray 352, 389; King's Collector 958, 2653. PAHANG: Ridley. Dense forest undergrowth in the hills at 2,000-4,000 feet, in moist places.

VAR. parvifolia, King & Gamble, a smaller more erect plant, scarcely more than 6 in. high; much less villous, the leaves smaller, oblong, obtuse or slightly acute, 4 in. long and 2 in. broad; the inflorescence shorter and the flowers smaller.

PAHANG, at Salian River: Ridley. SINGAPORE, at Bukit Timah: Ridley.

VAR. flocculosa, King & Gamble, leaves ovate rotundate, thick, younger ones densely clothed beneath with crispate villous felt, margins recurved; the main-nerves rarely more than two pairs, all starting from close to the base. Inflorescence short, much curved, usually supported by a pair of rounded reduced leaves. Corolla-lobes prominently recurved. Anthers oblong, cells often divaricate.

PERAK: Scortechini. JOHORE, at Goonong Pulai, 1,800 feet: G. King.

This species is a very variable one, and some forms almost run into P. begoniafolium. Owing to the calyx and corolla being persistent and more or less marcescent, they vary much in size in different flowers on the same plant, and it is difficult to find characters for the varieties, one or both of which may eventually prove to be separate species.

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