صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

PERAK, in heavy jungle at about 3,500 feet elevation: Scortechini; Kunstler 2715.

According to the field notes recorded by these two careful collectors the specimens gathered by Kunstler differ from those obtained by Scortechini; in the latter the scales were lurid purple and the flowers were white, in the former the scales were waxy white and the flowers bright yellow. The petals in Kunstler's plant are sparingly hirsute within and the anthers are nearly twice as long. In other respects, however, the two plants are identical, and the doubt that one feels in connection with the two is not so much as to whether they are conspecific, as it is as to whether this Malayan Cheilotheca be really specifically separable from the species from the Khasia Hills upon which Hooker originally based the very distinct genus Cheilotheca. The only very tangible differences are that in the Khasia plant only 3 to 4 scales can be with propriety considered sepals, whereas in the Malayan one the number of sepals, as apart from the upper scales or bracts, is 5; and that in the Khasia plant the anthers are long, like linear lips on each side of the connective, whereas in the Malayan plant the anthers are much shorter and distinctly hippocrepiform. The fruit appears to be quite indehiscent, and thus deviates from the fruit in other genera of Monotropeæ, which, so far as is known, is always loculicidally dehiscent.


Shrubs or small trees. Leaves alternate, rarely sub-opposite or pseudo-verticillate, articulated with the branches, sometimes fascicled or imbricate, coriaceous or rigid, persistent, entire, with parallel longitudinal nerves; ex-stipulate. Flowers hermaphrodite, solitary and axillary or terminal, spicate or racemose, generally white or red; usually bracteate and usually 2-bracteolate, the bracteoles similar to the sepals. Calyx 4- to 5-partite, the segments coriaceous, striate, imbricate, persistent. Corolla 4- to 5-fid, monopetalous, deciduous or sometimes marcescent; the tube short or long, often cylindric or funnel-shaped; the lobes short or long, erect, patent or recurved, imbricate or valvate, persistent. Stamens 5, rarely 4, hypogynous or epipetalous, the filaments short or long, filiform or flattened, free; the anthers dorsifixed, oblong, dehiscing along their whole length by a single slit, 1-celled or spuriously 2-celled. Disk cupular, annular or of simple or bifid scales equal in number to the carpels. Ovary globose or ovoid, 1- to 10celled; style terminal, short or long, filiform; stigmas punctiform, discoid or lobulate, sometimes annular or indusiate; ovules in each cell solitary, pendulous, rarely erect; or many on a central placenta. Fruit drupaceous, with 2 to 5 1-seeded pyrenes; or a many-seeded capsule. Seeds small, with fleshy albumen, testa membranaceous; embryo axile, orthotropous, smooth; cotyledons short; radicle elongate, near the hilum.-DISTRIB. About 320 species, nearly all Australian, a few in

New Caledonia and New Zealand, the Pacific Islands, or the Malay


Shrubs, erect or prostrate, branching, rarely trees. Leaves various, sessile or petiolate, striate-nerved. Flowers small, white, in axillary or terminal spikes or racemes, the rachis ending in an imperfect flower; bract 1, bracteoles 2 to 3 under the calyx. Calyx 5-partite. Corollatube funnel-shaped or campanulate; lobes 5, valvate in bud, patent or upper part recurved, hairy within. Stamens fixed to the top of the corolla-tube, filaments short, filiform; anthers dorsifixed, included or semi-exsert, linear or oblong. Ovary 2- to 5-celled; style short or elongated, terminal; stigma sub-capitate; ovules solitary in each cell, pendulous. Fruit drupaceous, with a crustaceous or bony endocarp, 1- to 5-celled, cells 1-seeded. Seeds small.-DISTRIB. About 130 species, all but about 20 Australian, the rest in New Zealand, the Pacific Islands, and the Malay Archipelago.

LEUCOPOGON MALAYANUS, Jack in Mal. Misc. I. v. 20, and Hook. Bot. Misc. II. 71. A small branching shrub, reaching 3 to 6 feet in height; branches grey, marked by the scars of fallen leaves, branchlets very leafy; branch-buds elongate, supported by imbricate parallel-veined ciliate deciduous scales. Leaves alternate, sessile, stiff, entire, narrowly lanceolate, acute and mucronate at apex, 1.5 to 2.5 in. long, 3 to 5 in. broad, shining and convex above, dull or glaucous beneath, ciliate when young; midrib none, nerves very close, slender, longitudinally parallel, in old leaves scarcely visible. Flowers in short axillary 3- to 7-flowered spikes, 5 in. long, the last flower imperfect; rachis villous, sometimes flexuose; bracts ovate, recurved, bracteoles 2, ovate, acute, ciliate, closely embracing the calyx. Calyx-lobes 5, crustaceous, ellipticoblong, 125 in. long, ciliate. Corolla campanulate, 1 to 2 in. long ; lobes 5, 1 to 15 in. long, spreading, villous within. Hypogynous scales 5, minute, free, obtuse. Stamens 5, short, alternate with the corollalobes; filaments inserted near the top of the anthers; anthers curved, pendent, opening longitudinally; pollen globose. Ovary 5-celled; ovule 1 in each cell, oblong; style erect, 05 in. long, villous; stigma sub-globose. Fruit a 5-celled baccate drupe, 1 to 2 in. in diam., each cell 1-seeded. Seeds not seen. Wall. Cat. 3720; Wall. in Roxb. Fl. d., ed. Carey and Wall. II. 301; G. Don Gen. Syst. III. 777; DC. od. VII. 744; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. II. 1052; Kurz in Journ. As. Soc. In eng. XLVI. ii. 217, and For. Fl. II. 95; Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Br. III. 477. Styphelia malayica, Spreng. Syst. IV. Cur. post, 67. 14 YERAK: Scortechini 760; Cantley 46; King's Collector 7428, 8056.



MALACCA: Jack; Griffith (K.D.) 3453/1; Maingay (K.D.) 704; Lobb ; on Mount Ophir, Moxon; Ridley. SINGAPORE: Jack; Sir R. Schomburgk 50; Wallich 3720; Ridley 1832.-DISTRIB. Bangka, Teysmann; Borneo, Ridley.

VAR. moluccana, Kurz in Journ. As. Soc. Beng. XLVI. ii. 217, and For. Fl. II. 96. Leaves 5 to 1 in. long, subulate-pointed, venation more prominent, branchlets more slender. L. moluccanum, Scheff. Obs. Phyt. III. 97.

KEDAH peak: Low.-DISTRIB. Tenasserim, Helfer (K.D.) 3453.

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Herbs or undershrubs. Leaves various, alternate or fascicled. Flowers in terminal scapes or branches, capitate, spicate, racemed or panicled; bracts scarious or leafy, often sheathing the flower, bracteoles 2. Calyx inferior, gamosepalous, tubular or funnel-shaped, 5- to 10ribbed, often hyaline between the ribs; lobes 5, usually scarious. Corolla hypogynous; petals 5, free or connate at the base or united in a linear tube; lobes spreading. Stamens 5, opposite the petals; filaments free or adnate in a tube with the corolla; anthers ovate or oblong, dorsifixed, cells parallel, dehiscing longitudinally. Ovary superior, sessile or very shortly stalked, 1-celled, 5-angular above; styles 5, distinct from the base or connate below; stigmas sub-capitate; ovule 1, pendulous from a basal ascending funicle, anatropous. Fruit included in the calyx or elongate or exsert, dry or indehiscent, membranous or hardened at the apex, circumsciss or breaking near the thin base, the apex often 5-valved. Seeds cylindric or elongate, pendulous, albumen copious or little or 0, radicle superior; embryo straight, cotyledons linear or oblong.-DISTRIB. Species about 200, mostly of seacoasts or desert places throughout the world.

Large shrubs with broad-petioled leaves; styles 5, distinct; stamens united in a tube with the corolla

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Perennial herbs with auriculate leaves; style 1, filiform, with 5 stigmatic branches; stamens free


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Simple-stemmed, soft-wooded shrubs. Leaves orbicular, alternate, coriaceous, glabrous, entire, smooth, gland-dotted, reticulately-veined, with long, thick, winged, amplexicaul petioles. Flowers in axillary or terminal panicles of racemes; bract 1, sheathing, coriaceous, obtuse; enclosing the 2 bracteoles. Calyx tubular, folded; lobes 5, short, induplicate-valvate. Corolla usually shorter than calyx, lobes 5,

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slightly cohering at base. Stamens adhering to the base of the petals. Ovary 1-celled; styles free, stigmas capitate. Fruit a capsule, linear, long-exserted from the calyx, pentagonal, 1-seeded.-DISTRIB. Species 2, one Indian the other Australian.

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EGIALITIS ROTUNDIFOLIA, Roxb. Fl. Ind. II. 111. A simplestemmed, soft-wooded shrub, 3 to 8 feet high; stem about 3 in. in diam., conical in shape. Leaves alternate, orbicular, very slightly acute at apex, rounded or slightly cordate at base, diam. 2 to 3 in., entire, glabrous, coriaceous, minutely glandular-dotted, shining above, dull beneath; midrib thick and prominent, veins at an angle of 60 degrees with the midrib, closely reticulate; petiole very stout, 2 to 3 in. long, prominently winged, the wings sheathing, amplexicaul, leaving annular scars when they fall. Inflorescence of axillary or terminal panicled racemes; flowers pale yellow, nearly sessile, enclosed in sheathing bracts; bract 1, 3 to 4 in. long, concave, obtuse, enclosing the two similar but smaller bracteoles. Calyx cylindric, furrowed, 2 to 3 in. long; teeth 5, short. Corolla slightly longer than calyx; lobes 5, narrow. Stamens inserted on the base of the corolla; filaments shorter than corolla-tube; anthers linear-oblong. Ovary 1-celled, styles free, stigma capitate, ovule 1 pendulous. Wall. Cat. 7240; Griff. Notul. IV. 207; Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Br. Ind. III. 479; Prain Beng. Plants I. 638. E. annulata var. rotundifolia, DC. Prod. XII. 621. E. annulata, Kurz in Journ. As. Soc. Beng. XLVI. ii. 217; For. Fl. II. 96 (not of R. Br.). Ægianilites rotundifolia, Presl. Bot. Bemerk. 103. MALACCA: Griffith (K.D.) 4156.-DISTRIB. Coasts of Bengal and Burma and the Andaman Islands, in mangrove swamps.

2. PLUMBAGO, Linn.

Perennial herbs or undershrubs, rarely annual, branches usually straggling or sub-scandent. Leaves, if present, alternate, entire, the petioles usually amplexicaul, auriculate at base. Flowers in terminal spikes or spicate racemes, forming sometimes a leafy terminal panicle bract 1, bracteoles 2, usually small. Calyx tubular, glandular, 5-fid, the teeth erect. Corolla funnel-shaped; tube slender, lobes spreading. Stamens free; filaments filiform, inserted on hypogynous glands; anthers oblong, dorsifixed, usually exsert. Ovary attenuate at apex; style Slender, divided into stigmatose branches; ovule 1, pendulous from a basal ascending funicle. Fruit a capsule, included in the persistent Calyx and corolla, circumsciss near the base, hardened above; seed solitary, albumen very small, embryo slender, radicle superior, cotyedons oblong.-DISTRIB. About 10 species, found in the warm regions both hemispheres.


PLUMBAGO ZEYLANICA, Linn. Sp. Pl. (1753) 151. A straggling perennial herb; branches rounded, striate, glabrous. Leaves alternate, ovate, shortly acute at apex, rounded at base and suddenly narrowed and decurrent, 2 to 5 in. long, 1 to 2.5 in. broad, entire, thin, glabrous above, somewhat scurfy beneath and often glaucous; midrib slender, prominent beneath, main-nerves 6 to 7 pairs, also prominent, curving upwards, secondary nerves and reticulations obscure; petiole 5 to 1 in. long, winged by the gradually narrowing decurrent base of the blade, auricled and amplexicaul at base. Inflorescence a terminal leafy panicle of spicate racemes, the rachis densely glandular; bract ovate, acuminate, bracteoles 2, linear-subulate; pedicels very short or none, bracts and pedicels glandular. Calyx narrowly tubular, about 5 in. long, more or less deeply 5-fid; lobes slender, hyaline on the margins, covered thickly on the back with prominent stalked red glands. Corolla-tube white, slender, funnel-shaped, membranous, about 1 in. long; lobes 5, nearly 5 in. long, ovate, acute, patent. Stamens 5, free; filaments very slender; anthers oblong, dorsifixed, exsert. Ovary ovoid; style filiform, dividing into 5 stigmatose branches. Capsule membranous below, thick above, 5-furrowed, sharply pointed; seed pendulous, oblong; cotyledons obtuse. DC. Prod. XII. 692; Roxb. Hort. Beng. 13, Fl. Ind. I. 462; Wall. Cat. 7241G; Wight Ill. t. 179; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. II. 994; Dalz. and Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 220; Kurz in Journ. As. Soc. Beng. XLVI. ii. 217; Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Br. Ind. III. 480; Trimen Fl. Ceyl. III. 65; Prain Beng. Plants I. 639. P. auriculata, Bl. Bijdr. 736. P. viscosa, Blanco Fl. Filip. ed. I. 78. Tumbacodivéli,' Rheede Hort. Mal. X. t. 8.

PENANG: Curtis 93; Deschamps. NEGRI SEMBILAN: Ridley 10095. SINGAPORE: Deschamps; King's Collector 284.-DISTRIB. Tropical regions of the Old World, doubtfully indigenous in the Malay Peninsula or elsewhere.


[By C. B. CLARKE.]

Herbs, erect, twining, or floating; glabrous except Microrphium. Leaves entire; those of the lower main stem opposite except in the floating plants. Inflorescence in 2- to 3-divided cymes, or peduncles 1-flowered. Flowers symmetric in calyx, corolla, stamens (except in Canscora). Calyx tubular or campanulate; lobes 4 to 5 (or by accident (?) 6), oblong or linear. Corolla gamopetalous, tube long or short; lobes as many as calyx-segments, usually dextrorsely contorted in the bud. Stamens as many as the corolla-segments, all perfect (except in

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