Five Lessons for Young MenAlfred Southwick, 1837 - 198 من الصفحات |
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Addison Albany ancient Aristophanes behold believe biped blessed bore to Heaven bull-bait Cato cause christian Circus Circusses civil corrupt Cromwell disgraceful divine drama drink drunk drunkard drunkenness effect ence eternal Europe evil example exhibitions fathers feel folly foul genius Great-Britain Greece happiness heart heathen hence honest hope horse-race horses human idle immortal Intemperance ious John Jay justice labor laws least liberty live mankind means merchants mind mobocracy monarch moral multitude murder Napoleon Bonaparte nations never New-York Nimrod olate ould patriot perhaps philosophy political Pollok Prince of Orange principles profes Race-ground republican respectable Roman Senate Rome ruin Satan scenes soul spirit stage temperance Theatre theatrical thou thousands tragedy true religion tyrants vice vicious virtue virtuous weak wickedness wine wisdom Witt young readers youth