9055 NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. THE Fourth Volume of the HOLBEIN SOCIETY'S Publications is in a forward state, and will be ready at the end of the present year, 1870. It is entitled THE FOUR FOUNTAINS OF ALCIAT'S EMBLEMS. CONTAINING I. An Account of the First Collection of Emblems. Milan, 1522. II. Facsimile Reprints by Photo-lithography,-of Steyner's Augsburg Edition, 1531; of III. Wechel's Paris Edition, 1534; and of IV. The Venice Edition, by the Aldi, 1546. The above will be followed by the whole of the Emblems, viz. 211, each with a woodcut and rich border, as given in the Lyons Edition of 1551. N.B.-The Yearly Subscription is One Guinea, payable to MR. ALFRED BROTHERS, 14, St. Anne's Square, Manchester. November 2, 1870. |