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النشر الإلكتروني

found, they give a lustre to the character; and the character, thus adorned, reflects an honour upon religion in the world. And be it remembered, that the Christian graces must be daily polished to make them shine, and the fruits of the Spirit daily cultivated to make them grow. Among the means to be used for this end, prayer is indispensable.

1. Prayer invigorates faith, and enlivens love. It is indeed needful to believe, or we cannot pray; for never yet was there an acceptable petition shot to heaven, but from the bow of faith. Alas! how often is the Christian's faith relaxed and enfeebled, and how necessary is prayer as the means by which it is to be new strung. In the first steps of his approach to God, the Christian often drags on heavily; but the very motion itself gives both warmth and energy; for as bodily exercise, by clearing away acrid humours, sharpening the appetite, and quickening the powers of digestion, imparts health and strength to the frame; so spiritual exercise, by removing a load of obstructions, and quickening the digestion of our heavenly food, imparts health and vigour to the soul. Faith and love may be distinguished, but cannot be separated; they dwell together, and mutually assist each other. Faith, says Paul, worketh by love; and we may add, the energy of both is maintained by prayer. While we

are pleading the promises, we become more deeply interested in them; and, on the other hand, let the Christian cease to pray, and his faith immediately declines, his love abates, his zeal cools. All our graces depend both for their existence and growth on the agency of the Holy Spirit; and there is an intimate connexion between this agency and prayer. Let us not vainly expect God to break the order of means, and the operation of causes, which are appointed by his own infinite wisdom and sovereign will; for as soon might we expect a plant to grow without water, or a fire to burn without fresh fuel, or a body to live without air, as that the life and power of religion can be continued in the heart, without constant prayer and supplication. And does not experience evince, that faith and love are often revived and reinvigorated in the very acts and exercises of devotion?

2. Prayer raises courage, and confirms fortitude.

A feeble, timid, dastardly spirit, is always besieged with a host of fears. He that has to pass through strange countries, must be prepared to meet hardships; and the brave warrior sees it necessary to stand to his colours, and keep his allotted place, in the fiercest conflict. And shall not the soldier of Christ, who follows the standard of the Cross, and swears alle

giance to the Captain of Salvation, contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints, and continue firm and immovable at the post of duty, even in the last extremity? Shall he not endure suffering without a murmur, seeing he waits for a crown of glory, which fadeth not away? It must indeed be acknowledged, that good men have their misgivings and fears; and even those ancient worthies, whom we are called to imitate, were sometimes perplexed, though not in despair,-cast down, though not destroyed. The Psalmist, under many disasters, thus complains: O God, thou hast cast us off, thou hast scattered us, thou hast been displeased; O turn thyself to us again. Thou hast shewed thy people hard things; thou hast made them to drink the wine of astonishment. (Ps. lx. 1,3,12.) But he goes on to plead with God, and cries, Give us help from trouble, for vain is the help of man. Through God we shall do valiantly; for he it is that shall tread down our enemies. Thus we see, when human help fails, heavenly hope remains; when self-dependence sinks, spiritual confidence rises. Piety is the source of true magnanimity. Saints may

have to drink the wine of astonishment, but they know where to find the wine of consolation; and drawing it by prayer in plentiful and seasonable supplies, are refreshed and inspired with

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new energy. This is not the only instance in which the Psalm that begins with mourning and complaint, goes on to supplication and prayer, and ends in triumph and praise. "The desire of sacred communion," says Archbishop Leighton, grows with its exercise. Every encouragement therefore is held out to us, since pleasure and profit conspire to recommend it. Prayer then I must consider both as the Christian's palladium, and as a present reward."

3. Prayer promotes gentleness and resignation.

All the graces of the Christian have an obvious relation to each other, and a mutual influence. One cannot be impaired or improved, without impairing or improving all the rest. Courage, without gentleness, degenerates into rashness; and fortitude, without resignation, verges upon `obstinacy. The exercise of prayer assuages the tumultuous emotions of the heart. Malignant passions and morose tempers should be allowed no place in the Christian; but when they do rise, what is the most effectual method of subduing them? Undoubtedly prayer. When we lie humbled before God, we shall be disposed to repress every feeling of arrogance and overbearing insolence towards men. A devout mind is the best mould in which amiable manners can

be formed. In trying circumstances, it is difficult to keep the heart free from anxiety; and anxiety, if long entertained, will claim a right to perpetual residence. This gloomy inmate, with sullen dolorous voice, is always proclaiming bad news, and prognosticating dreadful times. Her countenance bespeaks famine and plague, and her hands one while plant briars and thorns, and another conjure up, as with the waving of a magic wand, fiends and furies, in all places and situations. The readiest way to get rid of this pest, is to fly immediately to a throne of grace. Anxiety seldom accompanies us there, or, at any rate, cannot stay long. Instead of her, comes, mild as a morning without clouds after a stormy night, the soft and placid grace of resignation. Then, without repining over the past, or peevishly predicting the future, we shall be able to address the Father of mercies, and say, "Thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven." Hence, when the Apostle exhorts us to be careful, or anxious for nothing, he adds, "but in every thing, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God." The more the saint is exercised in devotion, the more are 'faith and love, courage and fortitude, gentleness and resignation, with all the fair train of graces and virtues which attend them, illustriously displayed. It is

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