صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

There is not that life and vigour in it, to engage the affections, as when it proceeds immediately from the soul itself, and is the natural expression of those particulars, whereof we are most sensible. It is not easy to express what a vast difference a man may find, in respect of inward comfort and satisfaction, betwixt those private prayers that are thus conceived from the affections, and those prescribed forms, which we say by rote, or read out of books."



It is surprising how far many go in search of what, after all their travels and toils, can be found nowhere but at home. The glaring pomps and ever-shifting scenes, the tumultuous pursuits, and the tempting pleasures of public life, exhaust and weary their warmest votaries. Few venture into the great world without suffering much loss, and shewing, at their return, the deep and dreadful injuries they have received. We easily see, what no art can long conceal, the keen stings of resentment, the livid marks of envy, the mortifying wounds of pride, the convulsive fits of remorse, or the shivering chills of despondency. The dearbought and far-fetched joys of the gay world, are not worthy to be compared with those quiet, home-born, fire-side comforts, which are rashly sacrificed at the shrine of fashion and folly. But let no one think to reap where he does

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not sow, or expect domestic happiness without proper care and culture. As piety is necessary to the soul of an individual, it is equally necessary to the welfare of a family. Religion strengthens the ties of nature, and sanctifies the various relations of life. Whoever seeks the salvation of his own soul, must feel concerned for the salvation of those who are closely connected with him; and as closet prayer sweetens solitude, family prayer improves the society of our little domestic sphere. "The curse of the

Lord is in the house of the wicked; but he blesseth the habitation of the just." (Prov. iii. 33.) "Christianity," it has been well observed, "passes by no relation we can sustain; it attends us in every character, and exhibits itself, like life and health, in the whole moral system. While it begins in the individual, and teaches him first to care for his own soul, it assumes this not as its boundary, but as its centre; here it may and must have its source, but its outflowings must be sufficiently wide to reach the whole family of man."

I. I shall beg the reader's attention to some considerations, designed to shew the fitness and expediency of Family Prayer.

1. The fitness and expediency of family prayer will appear, if it be considered, that it

opens a path, in pursuing which, we imitate the best examples of piety and zeal.

The heathen had, besides their temple deities and public solemnities, their household gods, and private worship; and as Christ declares, that the men of Tyre and Sidon shall condemn the people of Samaria, so the conduct of Trojans, Greeks, and Romans, may put those professing Christians to the blush, who have po more appearance of religion in their dwellings, than if they were open and avowed Atheists. Many customs, which have become odious and contemptible, can be traced to a good origin; as the stream, which in its progress receives debasing mixtures, and after a long course is found corrupt and baneful, was yet pure at the fountain head. The usage of sacrificing among the heathen, was, doubtless, derived from our first parents, who had this institution from heaven. But what originated in the wisdom and grace of God, was soon perverted by the folly and depravity of men, and became the occasion of the grossest and vilest idolatry. It is, I think, highly probable, that the reverence shewn by Pagans to their household gods, sprung from the practice of family worship in the primitive times. It was a remnant of tradition, disfigured, indeed, by a thousand hideous absurdities and palpable errors, yet retaining some faint outlines of its origin. In

the patriarchal ages, it should seem that every pious head of a family was at once the instructor, the ruler, and the priest of his own house. In the Book of Genesis we find, that wherever Abraham pitched his tent, he built there an altar to the Lord. While he sojourned among strangers, exposed to the craft and cruelty of enemies, or to the scorn and contempt of idolaters, his prime regard to true religion was in this manner eminently displayed. He reared an altar for God, when a man of worldly policy would have thought only of raising a bulwark for his defence. This patriarch, whose faith was so strong and victorious, was commendably zealous in promoting family piety. Not content with providing for their temporal wants, he felt and manifested a deep concern for their spiritual and best interests, of which we have direct assurance from the testimony of God himself. (Gen. xviii. 19.) "For I know him, that he will command his children, and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment; that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him."

The exact time when Job lived cannot now be ascertained, but it was probably before the Israelites' departure from Egypt. In his prosperity, we see see the tender and serious solicitude which he manifested for the welfare

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