AUTHOR OF BY J. THORNTON, FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT,' TREATISE ON "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing, by prayer and PAUL. LONDON: PRINTED FOR WILLIAM BAYNES AND SON, PATERNOSTER ROW; AND H. S. BAYNES AND CO. EDINBURGH. 1824. PREFACE. Ir is impossible attentively and impartially to contemplate mankind, but we must be convinced that, in the most enlightened countries, multitudes are living without God in the world; and that great numbers, who even have some sense of their dependence on the Supreme Being, and of their obligations to love and serve him, possess only a very slender acquaintance with his revealed will, and the best means conducive to their everlasting happiness. It is chiefly for the use of this latter description of readers, that the following pages are intended; not, however, without a hope that they may fall into the hands of some who have been totally alienated from religion, and in their sober moments, or seasons of affliction, may be blessed to them. |