OR, ORIGINAL ESSAYS ON MEN AND MANNERS. SECOND EDITION. VOL. II. LONDON: PRINTED FOR HENRY COLBURN, NEW BURLINGTON STREET. 1824. OF THE SECOND VOLUME. Page. ERRATA. Page 221, lines 22, 23, for affairs men, read affairs of men. 272, line 26, for gauntlets, read gauntlet. 276, line 11, for sphere to, read sphere of. 277, line 8, for from, read for. 286, line 9, comma after feel it. 286, lines 14, 15, for and must, read and they must. 301, line 11, for teachers, read thinkers. 330, line 21, for hauled, read hailed. 332, line 9, for invited, read invited out. |