large, 62/938, freely. larthar, 102/12, ladder. lede, 27/789, S. fame, popularity. lere, 60/873, learn. leyche, 4/99, leech, saviour. moo, 57/762, etc., more. mote, 3/50, etc., may, must. mowe, 111/27, etc., may. myndall, 39/187; mundall, 121/187, the world (?). mvse, 61/907, consider, or wonder at (?). myddis, 8/208; meddis, 18/508, midst. myght, 18/516, mighty. Nar, 50/553, nearer. neither. novellis, 12/332, 336, news, tidings. Obles, 115/38, obleys, little cakes of bread. obskevre, 13/352, obscure. occupie, 75/35, follow a business. oder, 72/14; odur, 120/182, other. leygence, 60/879, ligeance, alle- oddur, 44/362, odor, perfume. loggyn, 11/315, lodging. olyve, 113/25, olive. onpossibull, 4/87, 13/381, impossible. on-sunder, 17/491, asunder. or, 21/616, etc., ere, before. londe, 49/520, plough furrow in originall, 83/12; orygynall, 89/5, 7, pasture land, Warw. prov. looe, 8/214, 218, hill. losyngere, 30/859, flatterer, deceiver. lett, 63/963, desist, forbear; pp. 62/937. Make, 21/607, do. mete, 74/48, meeting or assembly(?). meyne, 26/748, be disposed. meve, 2/37, move. moght, 7/189, might. play-book. Page, 56/734, boy. pardy, 59/832, parde, verily. parfettle, 13/380, perfectly. parrage, 14/395, family, descent. parties, 25/730, parts, regions. pay, 25/723, content, satisfaction. paynemaynes, 74/39, paindemaines, white bread. paynyms, 113/13, pagans. pensils, 82/9; pensells, 93/40, pencels, streamers. pipyns, 74/41, apples. platt, 62/947, plain, clear. poollye, 89/42, pulley. pottell, 91/22, pottle, measure. postyll, 109/26, apostle. molde, 22/626, the earth, the ground. prelatt, 107/7, a garment (?). premises, 114/13, what has been stated above. prentyse, 107/30, for prentice, penthouse. preve, 2/39, prove. | Sabett, 63/979, Sabbath. prikynge, 96/4, 97/29, setting to scytte, 101/6, S. suit (?). music (?). probate, 37/109, proof. pyne, 112/23, 113/13, pain, torment. pwynt, 66/1068, point; plu. 63 972. pwyntis, 89/44, points, laces. sede, 12/345, seed (?). seldall, 82/20, 86/3, settle or seat (?). senssars, 97/5, censers. sithen, 117/15, etc., since, because. pyght, 43/320, arranged, set in slop, 86/15, an outer garment. red, 27/786; rede, 28/822; redde, reycomforde, 42/282, etc., recomfort, reryd, 73/46, raised, contributed. rysshes, 89/15; ruysshes, 89/21; rosshes, 95/14; ressys, 99/3, etc., rushes. soferent, 39/177, sovereign; plu. sufferntis, 2/28. sond, 4/109; sonde, 19/540, etc., messenger; message. spryttys, 100/7, sparis, 92/9, spars, pieces of timber. sudere, 82/20, 86/1, sudary, hand- suyng, 77/29, 116/29, following. syn, 23/651, since. syth, 6/178, etc., since. syngnefocacion, 9/260, signification, manifestation. Tabarde, 86/5; taberd, 86/9; tabard, tast, 31/899, explore, examine. thee, 50/557, thrive, prosper. thyddur, 8/231, etc., thither. thynke, me thynke, 20/562, methinks. Warly, 111/20, cautiously, warily. etc., waxun, 49/511, waxed, grown. waynis, 30/882, wains, wagons. wede, in wede, 26/768, costume. wedurs, 8/209, skies (?), clouds (?). well-awey, 59/829, welaway, alas! wene, 58/819, ween, think. were, 12/341, etc.; werie, 49/513; werre, 58/793, very. thyre-tyll, 67/1090, thereto. till, 37/121, etc., to, unto. toocuns, 20/559, landmarks. toward-lovyng, 76/32, docile. translate, 70, revised, presented in a new form. trayne, 6/147, treachery, deceit. trendell, 109/9; trendyll, 109/10; tryndyll, 84/17; trindle, small wheel. trone, in trone, 2/35, 3/63, on throne. troo, 4/105, etc.; tro, 30/883, trow, believe. wheddur, 50/560, whether, which of two. whyddur, 8/230; whedder, 21/595, etc., whither. where, 76/19, whereas. whomly, 47/445, homely, rudely. wode, 30/866, mad. wodkoce, 47/432, woodcock. wone, 68/1120, dwell, abide. worthe, 5/137, betide. wott, 65/1044, know. wyddurde, 29/839, widowed (?), or withered (?); women would be bending over as if old to conceal the children they were carrying. wyle, 59/840; wyll, 67/1100, wile, allure. wynde, 6/168; wynd, 7/200, etc., go. wynd, 101/22; wynde, 100/4, etc., windlace. Yche, 47/437, I. ycheone, 5/137, each one. yorth, 20/560; yarthe, 36/79, etc... earth. 128 INDEX OF NAMES AND MATTERS. NOTE: The characters in the pageants are referred to only at their first Barkers, see Tanners. Bedlem, Bethlehem, 6/168, 178, 7/ Bishops: Cap., 95/3, 96/35, 97/4: Black Souls, see Souls. Butchers, 76/6; contrib. to Whit- Caesar, char. in Spec. Pag., 113/19; Caiaphas; Sm., 82, 83/32, 86/5-10. Caldy, Chaldea, 37/111. Cappers; accounts, 93-8; assoc. w. 871. Doctors' Play, 55–70. Carpenters, assoc. w. Tilers and | Doctor, III., char. in WCo, 60/ Characters; Cap., 96/11 ff.; Dr., Charles, Charlemagne, char. in Spec. Clarecus, char. in WCo, 44/331; W., 1000. Conquerors, The Nine, 111/40 ff. Croo, Robert, writer of MS. of STCo, Cross, Dr., 102/11; Pinners, 103, Cross Cheaping, 103/4, 111/37, 115/ Cutlers, 72/12. Cycle, The, xi ff. Danes, Conquest of, 92/29. Doctor, I., char. in WCo, 60/857. C. C. PLAYS. Doves, Episode of the, 46–50. Drapers, Accounts, 98 ff. Dresses; Cap., 93/28-41, 94/6-9, Drink, see Meat and Drink. Earthquake, Dr., 102/1–5. Edward, Confessor, 92/30; char. in Spec. Pageants, 110/37, 115/25 ff. Edward, Receiving of Prince, 114/ Egypt, 28/820, 29/828, 31/890, 892, Elizabeth, mother of Prince Edward, Elizabeth, Queen, xxi; 92, note 3; Fabius, 117/10. Fragments of another Version of Gabriel, char. in STCo, 3/47; in K |