صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]

large, 62/938, freely.

larthar, 102/12, ladder.

lede, 27/789, S. fame, popularity.

lere, 60/873, learn.

leyche, 4/99, leech, saviour.

[blocks in formation]

moo, 57/762, etc., more. mote, 3/50, etc., may, must. mowe, 111/27, etc., may. myndall, 39/187; mundall, 121/187, the world (?).

mvse, 61/907, consider, or wonder at (?).

myddis, 8/208; meddis, 18/508, midst.

myght, 18/516, mighty.
myttens, 12/323, mittens, gloves.
myre, 25/710, myrrh.

Nar, 50/553, nearer.
ne, 74/21, 76/25, nor.
Neowell, 16/474, Noël, Christmas.
nothur, 4/108; nodur, 67/1094,


novellis, 12/332, 336, news, tidings.

Obles, 115/38, obleys, little cakes of bread.

obskevre, 13/352, obscure.

occupie, 75/35, follow a business. oder, 72/14; odur, 120/182, other.

leygence, 60/879, ligeance, alle- oddur, 44/362, odor, perfume.

[blocks in formation]

loggyn, 11/315, lodging.

olyve, 113/25, olive.

onpossibull, 4/87, 13/381, impossible.

on-sunder, 17/491, asunder.

or, 21/616, etc., ere, before.

londe, 49/520, plough furrow in originall, 83/12; orygynall, 89/5, 7,

pasture land, Warw. prov.

looe, 8/214, 218, hill.

losyngere, 30/859, flatterer, deceiver.

lett, 63/963, desist, forbear; pp. 62/937.

Make, 21/607, do.
males, 18/497, malice.
markises, 114/38, marquises.
mede, 47/440, meed, merit.
mell, 65/1039, mix, meddle.
mellyflue, 110/27, mellifluous.
merle, 47/433, marl.

mete, 74/48, meeting or assembly(?).

meyne, 26/748, be disposed.

meve, 2/37, move.

moght, 7/189, might.


Page, 56/734, boy.

pardy, 59/832, parde, verily. parfettle, 13/380, perfectly. parrage, 14/395, family, descent. parties, 25/730, parts, regions. pay, 25/723, content, satisfaction. paynemaynes, 74/39, paindemaines, white bread.

paynyms, 113/13, pagans. pensils, 82/9; pensells, 93/40, pencels, streamers.

pipyns, 74/41, apples. platt, 62/947, plain, clear. poollye, 89/42, pulley.

pottell, 91/22, pottle, measure.

postyll, 109/26, apostle.

molde, 22/626, the earth, the ground. prelatt, 107/7, a garment (?).

premises, 114/13, what has been stated above.

prentyse, 107/30, for prentice, penthouse.

preve, 2/39, prove.

| Sabett, 63/979, Sabbath.
saluer, 62/956, healer.
sapence, 67/1109, sapience.
schapp, plu. (?) 26/741, shape,

prikynge, 96/4, 97/29, setting to scytte, 101/6, S. suit (?).

music (?).

probate, 37/109, proof.
produstacion, 36/93, protestation.
prognostefying, 34/17, 119/17, pro-
phesying; pp. 34/39.
protestacyon, 100/14, protestation,
declaration of dissent (?).
pyle, 16/453, edifice; pallays, prob.
better reading.

pyne, 112/23, 113/13, pain, torment.
pyrie, 8/226, gust of wind.

pwynt, 66/1068, point; plu. 63


pwyntis, 89/44, points, laces.

sede, 12/345, seed (?).

seldall, 82/20, 86/3, settle or seat (?).
sendal, 99/23, 100/20, sendal, silken

senssars, 97/5, censers.
sertes, 59/835, certes, in truth.
serviture, 37/128, servitor.
seynsyng, 115/37; sensyng, 111/38,
etc., burning incense in censers,
shevys, 87/7, shoes.
shope, 89/31, soap.
singler, 75/18, etc., single.
sith, 4/106, etc., since.

sithen, 117/15, etc., since, because.

pyght, 43/320, arranged, set in slop, 86/15, an outer garment.

[blocks in formation]

red, 27/786; rede, 28/822; redde,
64/1013, rede, plan, counsel.
reherces, 79/41; reherse, 85/8, etc.,

reycomforde, 42/282, etc., recomfort,
give new strength to.
reygalles, 100/10, etc.; rygols, 107/
16, rigolls, musical instruments.
reygend, 12/344, region.
reygur, 63/985, rigor, violence, fury.
reyjurnid, 69/1181, adjourned.
reyleyshe, 121/211, release.
reymeve, 44/349, remove.
reparellyd, 83/38, etc., repaired;
pres. part. 83/29.

reryd, 73/46, raised, contributed.
reypriff, 14/385, for reprief, reproof.
roche, 88/20, rock (?).

rysshes, 89/15; ruysshes, 89/21; rosshes, 95/14; ressys, 99/3, etc., rushes.

soferent, 39/177, sovereign; plu. sufferntis, 2/28.

sond, 4/109; sonde, 19/540, etc., messenger; message.

spryttys, 100/7,

sparis, 92/9, spars, pieces of timber.
spede, 43/311, make haste.
spere, 12/348, spear; cp. holy lance.
spret, 119/24, spirit.
spretis, 3/53;
stablisshed, 78/8, established.
stoods, 108/42, studs, posts, joists.
strangis, 35/49, sb. news.
styde, 29/850, stead place.
stynt, 51/576, stop.

sudere, 82/20, 86/1, sudary, hand-

suyng, 77/29, 116/29, following. syn, 23/651, since.

syth, 6/178, etc., since. syngnefocacion, 9/260, signification, manifestation.

Tabarde, 86/5; taberd, 86/9; tabard,
tunic or mantel.
tabulis, 60/866, tables.
tane, 60/862, taken.

tast, 31/899, explore, examine.
tent, 61/891, heed, attend to.
theal, 84/17; theyll, 107/21, etc.,
thill, shaft.

thee, 50/557, thrive, prosper.
this, 36/90, thus.
thrall, 2/32, bondage.

thyddur, 8/231, etc., thither. thynke, me thynke, 20/562, methinks.

Warly, 111/20, cautiously, warily. etc., waxun, 49/511, waxed, grown. waynis, 30/882, wains, wagons. wede, in wede, 26/768, costume. wedurs, 8/209, skies (?), clouds (?). well-awey, 59/829, welaway, alas! wene, 58/819, ween, think. were, 12/341, etc.; werie, 49/513; werre, 58/793, very.

thyre-tyll, 67/1090, thereto. till, 37/121, etc., to, unto. toocuns, 20/559, landmarks. toward-lovyng, 76/32, docile. translate, 70, revised, presented in a new form.

trayne, 6/147, treachery, deceit. trendell, 109/9; trendyll, 109/10; tryndyll, 84/17; trindle, small wheel.

trone, in trone, 2/35, 3/63, on throne. troo, 4/105, etc.; tro, 30/883, trow,


[blocks in formation]

wheddur, 50/560, whether, which of two.

whyddur, 8/230; whedder, 21/595, etc., whither.

where, 76/19, whereas. whomly, 47/445, homely, rudely. wode, 30/866, mad. wodkoce, 47/432, woodcock. wone, 68/1120, dwell, abide. worthe, 5/137, betide. wott, 65/1044, know. wyddurde, 29/839, widowed (?), or withered (?); women would be bending over as if old to conceal the children they were carrying. wyle, 59/840; wyll, 67/1100, wile, allure.

wynde, 6/168; wynd, 7/200, etc., go.

wynd, 101/22; wynde, 100/4, etc., windlace.

Yche, 47/437, I.

ycheone, 5/137, each one.
yhit, 113/30, yet.
yeyre, 37/126, air.
yonglyng, 61/899, youth.

yorth, 20/560; yarthe, 36/79, etc... earth.



NOTE: The characters in the pageants are referred to only at their first
appearances. Insignificant names of craftsmen and places, also names used
for dating, are not included at all. Names are in ordinary spelling except
where there would be difficulty in recognising the word. Cap. signifies
Cappers' Accounts; Dr., Drapers'; Mer., Mercers'; Sm., Smiths'; W.,

[blocks in formation]

Barkers, see Tanners.
Beadle; Sm., 82; 83/33, 84/1, 87/

Bedlem, Bethlehem, 6/168, 178, 7/
180, 27/784, 29/833, 37/132.
Behold, how it is come to pass, song
in WCo, 70-1.

Bishops: Cap., 95/3, 96/35, 97/4:
Sm., 84/3; see Caiaphas, and

Black Souls, see Souls.
Bowyers and Fletchers, 81/13; con-
trib. to Pinners, 104/9-29.
Braytoft, Richard, Mayor, 73/17,
109/28; 115/10.
Broadgate, 115/25.

Butchers, 76/6; contrib. to Whit-
tawers, 77/4-24, 78/25-9, 105/

Caesar, char. in Spec. Pag., 113/19;

Caiaphas; Sm., 82, 83/32, 86/5-10.
Calchas, 19/521.

Caldy, Chaldea, 37/111.
Calvary, 71/10.

Cappers; accounts, 93-8; assoc. w.
Cardmakers, 79/7-80/40; possess
Cardmakers' pageant, etc., 81/16-
26; contrib. to Girdlers, 78/3-13;
history of pageant, 93/5-21; to
possess Weavers' pageant, 78/47-
79/6; contrib. crafts, 93/22-7.
Cardinal Virtues, 111/12 ff.
Cardmakers; arbitration w. assoc.
crafts, 73/12-74/26; assoc. w.
Cappers, 79/7-80/40; pageant
made over to Cappers, 81/16-26;
pageant, 105/28-9.


Doctors' Play, 55–70.

Carpenters, assoc. w. Tilers and | Doctor, III., char. in WCo, 60/
Pinners, 73/3-6, 105/3-6.
Carvers, dismissed from Carpenters
and assoc. w. Painters, 78/37-46.
Chandlers, united with Smiths, 75||

Characters; Cap., 96/11 ff.; Dr.,
99/14-7, 100/17 ff.; Sm., 82/1-4,
85/33 ff.

Charles, Charlemagne, char. in Spec.
Pag., 113/11.
Christ, see Jesus.
Cicero, 117/12.

Clarecus, char. in WCo, 44/331; W.,
106/15, 35, 107/1, 4, 43.
Clarks and Sumners, 98/19.
Clothing, see Dresses.
Colclow, Thomas, 83/1-16.
Cologne, see Kings of Cologne.
Commandments, Ten, 63/959-64/


Conquerors, The Nine, 111/40 ff.
Coopers, assoc. w. Tilers and Pin-
ners, 81/27, 103/20; see Pinners.
Corvisers, 76/6; contrib. to Tanners,
78/19-24, 30-6.
Costumes, see Dresses.
Crafts, see Cycle.

Croo, Robert, writer of MS. of STCo,
31; of WCo, 70; 89/8, 99/31,
100/12-3, (?) 100/24, 101/18, (?)

Cross, Dr., 102/11; Pinners, 103,
note 5.

Cross Cheaping, 103/4, 111/37, 115/
40, 116/11, 117/3, 22.

Cutlers, 72/12.

Cycle, The, xi ff.

Danes, Conquest of, 92/29.
David, 11/306, 14/396, 35/70, 36/
82, 62/930; char. in Spec. Pag.,
Deadman, Cap., 97/23.
Demons, see Devils.
Destruction of Jerusalem; Cap., 93/
19, 98; Dr., 102/26-8; Mer., 103/
6-15; Sm., 90/33-92/2, 92/28;
W., 109/17-24; 92/23-4.
Devils; Cap., 93/39, 97/13-8; Dr.,
99/14, 24, 28; 100/3, 5, 20-30;
Sm., 82, 83/34, 84/8, 87/17-23;
90/2, 6.

Doctor, I., char. in WCo, 60/857.
Doctor, II., char. in WCo, 60/864.


Doves, Episode of the, 46–50.
Down from heaven, second song of
shepherds, 32.

Drapers, Accounts, 98 ff.
Dresser; Cap., 94/27, 95/24-5, 33;
Sm., 85/12-3.

Dresses; Cap., 93/28-41, 94/6-9,
95/3-18, 97/32, 36; Dr., 99/23-8,
103/7, 8; Sm., 82, 83/38-84/9,
89/40-4, 91/8; W., 107/6–12, 109/

Drink, see Meat and Drink.
Dugdale and the Manuscript Annals,
xix ff.
Dyers, xiii, 76/5.

Earthquake, Dr., 102/1–5.
Ebruys, see Hebrews.

Edward, Confessor, 92/30; char. in

Spec. Pageants, 110/37, 115/25 ff.
Edward IV., Reception of, 114/25-7.
Edward, Prince, see Margaret, Re-
ception of Queen.

Edward, Receiving of Prince, 114/
28 ff.

Egypt, 28/820, 29/828, 31/890, 892,
898, 112/20.

Elizabeth, mother of Prince Edward,

Elizabeth, Queen, xxi; 92, note 3;
101, note 4; 106/25.
Elizabeth, wife of Zacharias, 4/82.
Emanuel, 35/45, 120/45.
Emilianus, 117/11.
Erode, see Herod.
Eve, see Adam.
Eygyp, see Egypt.
Eyrodde, see Herod.

Fabius, 117/10.
Fines; W., 107/3-5.
Fishmongers, 76/5, 81/13.
Flight into Egypt, 28-9.
Fortune, Queen of, char. in Spec.
Pag., 117/3 ff.

Fragments of another Version of
Weavers' Pageant, 119-22.
French, Proclamation in, 16–17.
Fullers, see Walkers.

Gabriel, char. in STCo, 3/47; in
WCo, 45/367.


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