صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

There is a comfort in spite of

Adam's fall.

Where-fore I cum here apon this grownde


To comforde eyuere1 creature off birthe;

For I, Isaye the profet, hathe fownde

Many swete matters whereof we ma make myrth
On this same wyse;


Isa. vii. 14.

For, thogh that Adam be demid to deythe
With all his childur, asse Abell and Seythe,
Yett Ecce virgo2 consepeet,-

Loo, where a reymede schall ryse!

The child of
a virgin shall
restore us to

Be-holde, a mayde schall conseyve a childe

And gett vs more grace then eyuer men had,
And hir meydin-[h]od3 nothing defylid.


Sche ys deputyd to beare the Sun, Almyghte God.
Loo! sufferñtis, now ma you be glad,


[blocks in formation]


But lengur tyme I haue not here for to dwell. That Lorde that ys marcefull his marce soo in vs ma


For to sawe owre sollis from the darknes of hell; 40

And to his blys

He vs bryng,

Asse he ys

Bothe lord and kyng,

And schalbe eyuerlastyng,

In secula seculorum, amen!5

1 S. eyerue, corr. by M.

2 The sign for er is used for ir, ri, ar (marce), e (under), as

well as for er and re.

4 So S., M. shall be.

3 Correct. by M.

5 Lines 41-46 as two in S., the first ending with kyng.


[Exit Isaiah; enter Gabriel to Mary.]

GABERELL. Hayle, Mare, full of grace!

Owre Lord God ys with the ;1

Aboue all wemeñ that eyuer wasse,

Lade, blesside mote thow be !

MARE. All-myght Fathur and King of blys,

From all dysses thou saue me now!

For inwardely my spretis trubbuld ys,

Thatt I am amacid and kno nott how.

GABERELL. Dred the nothyng, meydin, of this;

From heyvin a-bowe hyddur am I sent

Of ambassage from that Kyng of bly's

Unto the, lade and virgin reyuerent!
Salutyng the here asse most exselent,
Whose virtu aboue all othur dothe abownde.
Wherefore in the grace schalbe fownde;
For thow schalt conseyve apon this grownd
The Second Persone of God in trone;
He wylbe borne of the alone;

With-owt sin thou schalt hym sec.1


(85) 54

Thy grace and thi goodnes wyl neyuer be gone,
But eyuer to lyve in virgenetc.

[blocks in formation]

Luke i. 26-46.

Salutation of

She is troubled.

'Fear not;

[blocks in formation]

Manis cumpany knev I neyuer yett,

Nor neyuer to do, kast I me,

Whyle thatt owre Lord sendith me my wytt.

GABERELL. The Wholle Gost in the schall lyght,

And schado thy soll soo with virtu

From the Fathur thatt ys on hyght.

These wordis, turtill, the3 be full tru.

This chylde that of the schalbe borne

Ys the Second Persone in Trenete;

He schall saue that wase forlorne

And the fyndis powar dystroie schall he.

1 This and the preceding line as one in S.


The Holy Ghost shall light in her.


Her son a saviour.


2 The contraction here is for us, and is used to represent the genitive and the plural throughout. It has been written is, the customary spelling in S. 3 M. here and throughout prints the[y].

Her kinswoman Elizabeth.

Nothing impossible to God.

His handmaid.

Gabriel's blessing

These wordis, lade, full tru the bene,

And furthur, lade, here in thy noone lenage
Be-holde Eylesabeth, thy cosyn clene,

The wyche wasse barren and past all age,
And now with chyld sche hath bene
Syx monethis and more, asse schalbe sene;

Where-for, discomforde the not, Mare!
For to God on possibull nothyng mabe.

MARE. Now, and yt be thatt Lordis wyll
Of my bodde to be borne and forto be,
Hys hy pleysuris forto full-fyll

Asse his one hande-mayde I submyt me..


Now blessid be the tyme sett
That thou wast borne in thy degre!
For now ys the knott surely knytt,
And God conseyvide in Trenete.

and farewell. Now fare-well, lade off myghtis most!

Vnto the God-hed I the be-teyche.

MARE. Thatt Lorde the gyde in eyuere cost,
And looly he leyde me and be my leyche!







Matt. i. 1825.

Here the angell departyth, and Joseff cumyth in and seyth:

[blocks in formation]

"Who hath been with thee ?


JOSOFF. Whatt! I troo thatt we be all schent!

Sey, womon; who hath byn here sith I went,

To rage wyth thee?

MARE. Syr, here was nothur mañ nor mans eyvin, The messen. But only the sond of owre Lorde God in heyvin,

ger of God.'


JOSOFF. Sey not soo, womon; for schame, ley be!

He disbelieves.

Ye be with chyld soo wondurs grett,
Ye nede no more therof to tret

Agense all right.

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

JOSOFF. But myne allas! alas! why sey ye soo?
Wele-awey! womon, now may I goo,

Be-gyld as many a-nothur ys.

MARE. Na, truly, sir, ye be not be-gylde,

Nor yet with spott of syn I am not defylde;

Trust yt well, huse-bonde.

JOSOFF. Huse-bond, in feythe! and that acold!
A! weylle-awey, Josoff, as thow ar olde!

Lyke a fole now ma I stand

And truse.2

But, in feyth, Mare, thou art in syn;

Soo moche ase I haue cheyrischyd the, dame, and

all thi kyn,

Be-hynd my bake to serve me thus !

[blocks in formation]

All olde men, insampull take be me,

How I am be-gylid here may you see!

To wed soo yong a chyld.

Now fare-well, Mare, I leyve the here alone,

[Wo]1 worthe the, dam, and thy warkis ycheone!—

For I woll noo-more be be-gylid 3

For frynd nor fooe.2

Now of this ded I am soo dull,

And off my lyff I am soo full,

[blocks in formation]

No farthur ma I goo.2

[Lies down to sleep; to him enters an angel.]

Aryse up, Josoff, and goo whom ageyne

Vnto Mare, thy wyff, that ys soo3 fre.


To comford hir loke that thow be fayne,

For, Josoff, a cleyne meydin ys schee:



1 Emend. by M. 2 This and the preceding line as one in S.

3 S. be gylid be, emend. by M.

4 S. ANGELL J; so below for angels, shepherds, kings, knights, and women, alteration by M.

5 M. so.

'Arise, go home again unto thy wife.

The child is Jesus.'

He will go home in haste.

Sche hath conseyvid with-owt any trayne.

The Seycond Person in Trenete;

Jesus1 schalbe hys name, sarten,

And all thys world sawe schall he;
Be not agast.2

(88) 150

JOSOFF. Now, Lorde, I thanke the with hart full sad,

For of these tythyngis I am soo glad

Thatt all my care awey ys cast;
Wherefore to Mare I woll in hast.

[Returns to Mare.]

He begs forgiveness;

A! Mare, Mare, I knele full loo;

he has misnamed her.

He must go to Bethlehem.

'I will walk with you.'

Forgeve me, swete wyff, here in this lond!

Marce, Mare! for now I kno


Of youre good gouernance and how yt doth stond. 159

[blocks in formation]

God wott, the whyle, dame, how you schuld fare. 171

MARE. Na, hardely, husebond, dred ye nothyng;
For I woll walke with you on the wey.

I trust in God, all-myghte kyng,

To spede right well in owre jurney.

JosOFF. Now I thanke you, Mare, of youre goodnes

Thatt 3 ye my wordis woll nott blame;

And syth that to Bedlem we schall vs dresse,

Goo we to-gedur in Goddis wholle name.

1 S. Jhu here and throughout.

2 This and the preceding line as one in S.
4 So M., S. has Thoght. 5 Qy. Am.

3 M. That.

6 M. your.



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