BERLIN ASHER & CO., 13, UNTER DEN LINDEN. NEW YORK: C. SCRIBNER & CO.; LEYPOLDT & HOLT. PHILADELPHIA: J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. my Godeva a Lady remarkable for ber Piety & Beauty.consented to relinquib bis private advan tage,&to restore their liberties on condition that she would ride naked toro the City in sight of all People:wbensbe generously prefering freedom bapping of the City to the single regard due to the modesty of ber private Character, nobly com plied with a condition which be from the Purity of ber mind judged impofsible for ber to grant. ber long Hair serving as a Veil to cover berrobole person except ber Legs:& there is an annual Pro cefsion of this scene on the Friday after Whitfun Week to which is added by Tradition, the Story of Peeping Tom, with bis Image seen peeping at a Window during the Procefion, but Dugdale takes no notice of the Tradition. This Earl likewise balt a Monastry for Bene-dictine Monks, on the place robere the former stood. the Priors of bich bad A Coventry Corpus Christi Plays: 1. THE SHEARMEN AND TAYLORS' PAGEANT, RE-EDITED FROM THE EDITION OF THOMAS SHARP, 1825; AND 2. THE WEAVERS' PAGEANT, RE-EDITED FROM THE MANUSCRIPT OF ROBERT CROO, 1534; WITH A PLAN OF COVENTRY, AND APPENDIXES BY HARDIN CRAIG, PH.D., INSTRUCTOR IN ENGLISH IN PRINCETON UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR LONDON: PUBLISHED FOR THE EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY BY KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRÜBNER & CO., LIMITED, DRYDEN HOUSE, 43, GERRARD STREET, SOHO, W. 1902 |