Two Coventry Corpus Christi plays: 1. The shearmen and taylor's pageant, re-edited from the edition of Thomas Sharp, 1825; and 2. The weavers' pageant, re-edited from the manuscript of Robert Croo, 1534; with a plan of Coventry, and appendixes containing the chief records of the Coventry plays. By Hardin CraigEarly English text society, 1902 - 133 من الصفحات |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-5 من 25
الصفحة xxxv
... grett ( cp . WCo , l . 864 ) , S. grett . — 2 . With youre , S. Youre , H. ye . - 3 . aspect , MS . reyspecte . - 4 . fracis , MS . seyng . - 7 . MS . Apon the hyll of Wawse . This seems to me to indicate a later origin of MS . than of ...
... grett ( cp . WCo , l . 864 ) , S. grett . — 2 . With youre , S. Youre , H. ye . - 3 . aspect , MS . reyspecte . - 4 . fracis , MS . seyng . - 7 . MS . Apon the hyll of Wawse . This seems to me to indicate a later origin of MS . than of ...
الصفحة 1
... grett mesere mankynd ys bownd ; The sarpent hathe gevin vs soo mortall a wonde God to release mankind from misery . That no creature ys abull vs forto reyles Tyll thye right vncion of Jvda dothe seyse . 7 Then schall moche myrthe and ...
... grett mesere mankynd ys bownd ; The sarpent hathe gevin vs soo mortall a wonde God to release mankind from misery . That no creature ys abull vs forto reyles Tyll thye right vncion of Jvda dothe seyse . 7 Then schall moche myrthe and ...
الصفحة 4
... JOSOFF . Sey not soo , womon ; for schame , ley be ! He dis- believes . Ye be with chyld soo wondurs grett , Ye nede no more therof to tret Agense all right . For - sothe , this chylde , dame , ys 4 TWO COVENTRY CORPUS CHRISTI PLAYS .
... JOSOFF . Sey not soo , womon ; for schame , ley be ! He dis- believes . Ye be with chyld soo wondurs grett , Ye nede no more therof to tret Agense all right . For - sothe , this chylde , dame , ys 4 TWO COVENTRY CORPUS CHRISTI PLAYS .
الصفحة 6
... grett , behynd , — 163 sey the 167 God wott , the whyle , dame , how you schuld fare . 171 MARE . Na , hardely , husebond , dred ye nothyng ; For I woll walke with you on the wey . I trust in God , all - myghte kyng , To spede right ...
... grett , behynd , — 163 sey the 167 God wott , the whyle , dame , how you schuld fare . 171 MARE . Na , hardely , husebond , dred ye nothyng ; For I woll walke with you on the wey . I trust in God , all - myghte kyng , To spede right ...
الصفحة 8
... grett heyvenes then made I 229 Then forto goo wyst I nott whyddur , But trawellid on this loo hyddur and thyddur ; I wasse so were of this cold weddur ' It is nearly day ; III . PASTOR . Brethur , now we be past that fryght , Thatt nere ...
... grett heyvenes then made I 229 Then forto goo wyst I nott whyddur , But trawellid on this loo hyddur and thyddur ; I wasse so were of this cold weddur ' It is nearly day ; III . PASTOR . Brethur , now we be past that fryght , Thatt nere ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
angels apon asse beyng brethur bryng cappers cardmakers charges cheverels chylde comford Corpus Christi Corpus Christi day corr Coventry dame DOCTOR dothe dyvers entries eyuer Fathur feyre forto grett Harl hath haue Hayle Herod heyvin iiij iiij d iiijd item paid Jesus Josoff Judas King Kings of Cologne kyng kyngis Leet lett lordis MARE Mary masturs mendyng mercers moche mvst myght nott nyght ordeyned othur owre pageant payd payntyng Pilatte play players princes PROFETA prynce ryght schall schuld seid seid crafts Semeon serten seyd shalbe Shearmen and Taylors soche speche spede star syght Temple thatt thatt ys ther thow thyng tyme unto viij viijd vnto wasse Weavers welcum weyis whatt wholle wold woll Wyche wyff wyll xijd yerely Yett
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 33 - The Presentation in the Temple (a Pageant as originally represented by the Corporation of Weavers in Coventry . . . Edinburgh, printed for the Abbotsford Club, 1836), p.
الصفحة 27 - A'nothur wey? owt! owt! owtt! Hath those fawls traytvrs done me this ded ; I stampe! I stare! I loke all abowtt! Myght I them take, I schuld them bren at a glede! I rent! I rawe! and now run I wode! A! thatt these velen trayturs hath mard this my mode! The schalbe hangid yf I ma cum them to!
الصفحة xxii - Corpus-Christi day; which, occasioning very great confluence of people thither, from far and near, was of no small benefit thereto ; which pageants being acted with mighty state and reverence by the...
الصفحة 1 - And geve us * grace wz'tA his marce forto mete ! For now in grett mesere mankynd ys bownd ; The sarpent hathe gevin vs soo mortall a wonde That no creature ys abull vs forto reyles Tyll thye right vncion of Jvda dothe seyse. Then schall moche myrthe and joie in-cresse ; And the right rote in Isaraell sprynge, Thatt schall bryng forthe the greyne off whollenes ; And owt of danger he schall vs bryng In-to thatt reygeon where he ys kyng Wyche abowe all othur far dothe a-bownde, And thatt cruell Sathan...