The Stacions of Rome ...: And The Pilgrims Sea-voyage ... with Clene Maydenhod ... A Supplement to "Political, Religious, and Love Poems," and "Hali Meidenhad," (... 1866)Early English Text Society, 1867 - 47 من الصفحات |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
3ere of pardon 3if pou 3if þou wolt Auter autur bope Cambridge Chapel Church of St Clene Maydenhod Cotton crist Early English Text edited Emperour English Text Society euery day F. J. Furnivall feir Francino fynde godes granttyd graunted gret pardoun haue heize Auter heuene honde hundred 3er Ihesu inserts Lambeth lines loue Love Poems M¹ 3ere martyrs miht neuer ouer pat place per-to pere Peter and Paul pettur Pope Gelasius porw pou maizt pou schalt poul pousend zer pridde remission Rome Sails saluatour saue schal seide seint seint Ion seinte Marie sent seynt St Mary St Peter's Stacions of Rome ston sunnes synne Thomas à Becket Trin Vche day Vernon vnder Vrban vre ladi W. W. Skeat weore WHEATLEY Whon wolt zere þat þat holy þat þider þei þer þere
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 39 - And som wold have a saltyd tost, Ffor they myght etc neyther sode ne rost ; A man myght sone pay for theyr cost, As for oo day or twayne. Som layde theyr bookys on theyr kne, And rad so long they myght nat se ; — " Allas ! myne hede woll cleve on thre !
الصفحة 37 - howe! hissa!' then they cry, 'What, howe, mate! thow stondyst to ny, Thy felow may nat hale the by'; Thus they begyn to crake.