Shakespeare's RomeCambridge University Press, 10/06/2004 - 260 من الصفحات This book studies Shakespeare's changing vision of Rome in the six works where the city serves as a setting. Unlike other scholars treatment, the subject Dr Miola offers a coherent analysis of all the major appearances of Rome in the Shakespeare canon. Shakespeare's recurrent and varied treatment of Rome suggests that a close examination of the city's transformations can teach us much about his development as a playwright and the development of his dramatic vision. The book focuses on Shakespeare's changing conception of the Roman city, its people, and its ideals. Dr Miola examines the symbolic and topographical features that help define the city. |
The roads to Rome | 1 |
Rome and Romans | 18 |
Rome and the family | 42 |
Rome divided | 76 |
Rome and the world | 116 |
Rome and the self | 164 |
Beyond Rome | 206 |
Conclusion | 236 |
239 | |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
action Aeneas Aeneid allusion Antony and Cleopatra Antony's appears audience barbaric blood brother Brutus and Cassius Brutus's Calphurnia Capitol Cassius character civil classical Cloten Collatia Collatine conspirators Coriolanus Coriolanus's Cymbeline death depicts Dido dramatic Elizabethan Enobarbus's epic fame father Georgics gods Guiderius heart Hector Hecuba heroic honor human Iachimo imagery Imogen impietas important invaders invasion iron Julius Caesar Lavinia live Livy Lucius Lucius Junius Brutus Lucrece's Martius Martius's Menenius moral myth noble Octavius Ovid Ovid's penetralia Philomela pietas Plutarch poem political Pompey Portia Posthumus Posthumus's Priam Pyrrhus Rape of Lucrece recalls reference Renaissance revenge rhetoric ritual Roman history Roman Plays Romanitas Rome Salzburg scene Shake Shakespeare's Roman ShakS siege sons speare's stage story suggests suicide sword symbol Tamora Tarquin Tereus thou tion Titus Andronicus Titus's tragedy trans translation Trojan Troy University Press Vergil's Vergilian virtue vision Volumnia