صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

[Her perre was praysed, with prise men of might;"]

The" bryghte byrdis, and balde,

Had 'note ynoghe" to by-halde

One" þat freely to fawlde,

And one pt hende "knyghte.


That' knyghte in his coloures was armede full clene,
With his comly crefte, 'futt clene' to by-holde;
His brenyes3, and his bacenett, burneschet full bene,
Wt a bourdoure* a-bowte, alle of brynte golde;
His mayles was' mylk-whytte, 'enclosede fo clene";
His horse trappede 'with the fame, als it was' me taulde.
The schelde one his schuldir, of syluere full schene,
With 'bare-heuedis of blake, burely, and" baulde;

His horse 'withe sendale was teldede, and" trappede to be hele ;-
And his1 cheuarone by-forne,

Stode als1s ane vnycorne,


Als so fcharpe als any" thorne,

'And mayles" of stele.




In ftele 'was he' stuffede, þat 'steryñ was one2 stede, Atte of sternys of golde, 'þat ftekillede was one straye3; [fol. 158b.] 'He, and his gambesoũns, glomede als gledys*,


13 Of.

14 pe.

11 Om. 12 i-nore (sic.)

10 This line is wanting in MS. L.
XXX.- The. 2 clere. 3 brene. 4 braudure. 5
were. many hit seeñ.
7 of
that ilke, as true me. 8 His.
9 fo. 10 bere-hedes of brake, browed ful.
11 in fyne
fandel was. 12 in his.
13 as. 14 Om.
15 8.
16 An anlas.

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3 2 ftourne vppoñ. his pencell' difplaied. His gloues, his

XXXI.- he was. gamefons, glowed as a glede.


With graynes of 'rubyes, that graythede were' gaye;
And his schene 'schynbawdes, fcharpe for to fchrede;
[His polem with pelicoc9 were poudred to pay".]
pus wt a lance appoñ' lofte, pat 'lady gun he" lede ;
A swayne, one a fresone, 'folowede hym", in faye1;
[The frefoñ1 was a-fered, for drede of þat fare ;]
'He was feldom wounte 16

'To see the tabitle at his frounte"; 'Futt feldom to see".
'Swilke gammenes was he wonte18


Arthure askede 'in hye, one-herande þam' atte,
"Whate woldeft pu, wy, 3if it were thi witte?

Tette me whate pu fekis, and 'whedir pt pu3 schatte,

And why pa ftonyes on thi stede, and' ftondis so ftitle?"

He lyfte vpe his 'vefage fro pe ventalle,

And wt a knyghtly contenance he carpis hy till :

"Be bu kayfere, or kynge, here I the be-caffe,


[fol. 158b.] To1 fynde me a freke, to fyghte one" my fitt;
For" fyghtynge to frayfte, I fowndede fra hame."
'The kynge carpede on heghte",

'Lyghte, & lende" alle nyghte,

If thou be curtayfe knyghte",

And telle me thi name.'

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7 This line, and line 9 of 12 freke. 13 him

5 rebe, that graied beñ. 6 fchynbandes, pat sharp wer'.
this stanza, are wanting in MS. L. 8 Om. 9 oñ. 10 louely coñ.
folowed. 14 This and the preceding line are transposed in MS. L.
he was felden wonte to fe. 17 The tablet fluré. 18 Siche gamen ne gle.

he neuer are.

15 freke.

16 For

19 Saz

XXXII.—1 oñ hizt, herand hem. 2 be. 3 wheper pou. 4 fturne. 5 Om. 6 wayned. 7 vifer fro his. 8 Om. 9 Wheper. 10 Fore to. 11 with. 12 Om. 13 Then feid the king vppon hight. 14 Late lenge. 15 This and the previous line are transposed in MS. D.


'My name es f Galleroun, wt owttyñ any gyle; The gretteste of Galowaye, of greves & `of gyllis',

Of Konynge', 'of Carryke', of Conygame, 'of Kytte*,

Of Lomonde, of Lenay", of Lowthyane hillis;

Thou hafe wonne 'thaym one werre, wt owttrageouse' will,


And gyffen þam f Gawayne, and' þat myn herte grilles. [But he shal wring his honde, and warry the wyle 10,]

'Or he welden my landes, at myñ vñ-thankes".

By alte be welthe of this" werlde, he satt þam" neu' welde, 'Whitts I my" hede may bere ;

[blocks in formation]

I will fighte one a felde, &' p to 'make I my2 faythe,
With any freke 'one the' foulde, þat frely es borne ;
To 'loffe swylke1 a lordchipe, me 'thynke it full' laythe,
And 'ilke a leueande lede wolde laughe me to skorne."-
"We areñ' here in the wode, walkande' one our wathe ;


We1 hunte at the herdis", wt hundes, and wt horne ;
We 'aren one" owre gameñ, we 'ne hafe no gude" graythe,




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XXXIII.- 1 2 Connok. grylles. 6 hem in. a wrange. 8 hem to. 9 Om. 10 This line is omitted in MS. L. 11 Er he weld hem, y-wys, agayñ myñ vmwylles. 12 pe. 13 hem. 14 While I pe. 15 But if he. 16 hem in. 17 With a. 18 a. 19 On.

3 Om. * and alfo Kyle. 5 Lofex.

XXXIV. Om. 2 I make. 3 vppoñ.

4 lefe fuche.

5 wold thenke.

6 fiche

[iche?] lede opoñ lyue. 7 ar. 8 Om. 9 went, to walke. 10 To. 11 hertes. 12 houde.

13 ar in. 14 haue no gome.

Bot zitt þu satt be machede by middaye to morne.

And for thi Irede the, 'p" rathe mane, purifte the atte pe 16 nyghte.'


[fol. 159.] Than" Gawayne, gayefte1 of atte,¬

Ledis hym owte of the haulle,

[blocks in formation]

That prowdely was pyghte.


Pighte was it' prowdely, with purpure and pautte,

'And doffours, and qweschyns, and bankowres full2 bryghte;
'Wt inñ3 was a chapelle, a chambir, 'and ane* hautte,
A chymneye wt charecole, to 'chawffen þat' knyghte.
His stede was fone stabillede, and lede to pe state,


'And haye hendly heuyde in hekkes' one hyghte.
Sythen 'he braydes vp a burde, and clathes gun" catte;
'Sanapes, and falers, futt 10 femly to syghte,

Preketes", and broketes, and standertis by-twene.
Than1 thay feruede pt knyghte,

And his worthy" wyghte,


Wt full1 riche daynteths" dyghte,

In siluere futt 16 fchene.




In silu' fa femly 'þay ferue þam' of the beste,
Wt vernage, in verrys and cowppys fa2 clene;

And thus 'thase gleterande gomes, gladdis þaire geftis',

grapeft. 19 Into.


Inwith. + a. 5 chaufe

15 Om. 16 penke rest al. 17 Om. 18
XXXV.—1 Om. 2 Birdes brandeñ aboue, in brend gold.
6 Om.
7 Hay hertly he had, in haches. 8 pei braide. 9 pei.
11 Torches. 12 Thus. 19 worzely.



XXXVI.-1 were ferued. 2 ful.

14 Om. 15 dayntes.

10 Sanape, and 16 fo.

9 Sir Gawayñ pe good, glades ho' gest.

With riche daynteths*, endorrede, in dyfches by-deñe.
When the ryalle renke was gone to his ryste,


The kynge in' to concette hase callede his knyghtis so kene;
Sayfe", "lukes' nowe, 'ze lordyngs, oure lofe be noghte loft,
Who sall encont? with zone" knyghte, 'nowe lukes vs 10 by-twene."
Thane faide 'f Gawayne, "he sall vs noghte" greue;

Here my trouthe" I 30w plyghte",



I salt feghte with zone" knyghte, My"lord, with '30wre lefe.". In be 16 defence of my ryghte,


"I leue wele," quod the kynge, "thi latis are l[izt, But I nolde, for no lordeshipp, fe þi life lorne."]

"Late gaa," quod f Gawayne, "Gode ft [ond with pe rizt,]
If he fkape skatheles, [hit were a foule skorne."]

In the dawynge of pe [day, be doughti were digħt ;]
'Thaye herde matyns [and maffe, erly on morne ;]
By that, one Plu[toñ land a palais was pizt,]
Whare neu' f[reke opoñ folde had fouzten biforne.
pei fetten liftes by-lyue oñ þe lo3 lande ;]

Twa' sop[pes de mayn]

Was b[rought to f Gawayñ,]

For [to confort his brayñ,

+ dayntees. 5 Om. 6 Om.

pe king gared cōmaunde.]·

10 keftes you.


11 Gawayñ

7 loke. 8 lordis. 9 pe. 12 honde. 19 hizt. 14 woll'. 15 pe. 10 Om. 17 Om. 18 by.

pe goode, shal hit not. XXXVII.—1 A large portion of this and the commencement of the succeeding stanza has been torn away in the Lincoln MS. and is here supplied from MS. D. herden. s Thre. + pei.

2 And

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