| Moses Mendez - 1770 - عدد الصفحات: 334
...fram'd with mirth, a gay fantaftic round, Loofe were her trefles feen, her zone unbound, And he, amidft his frolic play, As if he would the charming air repay. Shook thoufand odours from his dewy wings. OMufic! O Mufic ! fphere-defctnded maid, Friend of pleafure, wifdom's... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1779 - عدد الصفحات: 628
...fram'd with Mirth a gay fantaftic round, Loofe were her treiTes feen, her zone unbound, And he, amic.li, his frolic play, As if he would the charming air repay, Shook thoufand odours from his dewy wings. O Mufie, fphere-defcended maid, Friend of pleafure, wifdom's aid,... | |
| 1781 - عدد الصفحات: 512
...Friend of pleafure, wifdom's aid. Why, Goddefs, why to us denied ? Lay'ft thou thy ancient lyre afide ? As in that lov'd Athenian bower, You learn'd an all-commanding power, Thy mimick foul, O nymph endear 'd, Can well recall what then it heard. Where is thy native, fample heart.... | |
| William Collins - 1781 - عدد الصفحات: 200
...fram'd with Mirth, a gay fantaftic round, Loofe were her trefles feen, her zone unbound, And he, amidft his frolic play, As if he would the charming air repay, Shook thoufand odours from his dewy wings. O Mufic, fphere-defcended maid, Friend of pleafure, wifdom's aid,... | |
| John Walter - 1785 - عدد الصفحات: 258
...fram'd with: Mirth a gay fantaftic round, Loofe were her trefles feen, her zone unbound, And he amidft his frolic play, As if he would the charming air repay, Shook thoufand odours from his dewy wings. O Muficl fphere-defcended maid, Friend of pleafure, wifdom's aid,... | |
| Beauties - 1791 - عدد الصفحات: 214
...fram'd with Mirth a gay fantaftic round, , Loofe were her trefles feen, her zone unbound, And he, amidft his frolic play, As if he would the charming air repay, Shook thoufand odours from his dewy wings. O Mufic ! O Mufic ! fphere-defeended maid, Friend 6f pleafure,... | |
| 1792 - عدد الصفحات: 822
...with Mirth, a gay fantaftic round, Loofe were her trèfles feen, her zone unbound, „ And he, amidft his frolic play, As if he would the charming air repay. Shook thoufand odours from his dewy wings. > О Mule, fphere-defcending maid, Friend of pleafure, wifdom's... | |
| James Roach - 1794 - عدد الصفحات: 272
...fram'd with Mirth a gay famallic round ; Loofe were her trefTei feen, her zone unbound, And he, arnidft his frolic play, As if he would the charming air repay, Shook thoufand odours from his dewy wings. O Mufie, fphere-defcended maid, Friend of pleafure, wifdom's aid,... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - 1796 - عدد الصفحات: 476
...fram'd with Mirth a gay fantaftic round ; Loofe were her trèfles fccn, her zone unbound, And he, amidft his frolic play, As if he would the charming air repay, Shook thoufand odours from his dewy wings О Mufic, fphcre-dcfcended maid, Friend of pîeafure, wifdom's... | |
| William Collins - 1797 - عدد الصفحات: 198
...Friend of pleafure, wifdom's aid, Why, Goddels, why to us denied ? Lay'ft thou thy ancient lyre afide ? As in that lov'd Athenian bower, You learn'd an all-commanding power, Thy mimic foul, O nymph endear'd, Can well recall what then it heard. Where is thy native fimple heart, Devote... | |
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