1871 Legends of the Holy Symbols of the Passion In Old English of the Eleventh, Fourteenth, EDITED FROM MSS. IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM AND WITH INTRODUCTION, TRANSLATIONS, AND GLOSSARIAL INDEX, Member of the Council of the Philological and Early English Text Societies. PUBLISHED FOR THE EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY, MDCCCLXXI. Price Ten Shillings. Committee of Management: J. MEADOWS COWPER, Esq. FREDERICK J. FURNIVALL, Esq. H. HUCKS GIBBS, Esq. REV. J. RAWSON LUMBY. (With power to add Workers to their number.) Honorary Secretary: HENRY B. WHEATLEY, ESQ., 53, BERNERS STREET, LONDON, W. Bankers: THE UNION BANK OF LONDON, REGENT STREET BRANCH, The Publications for 1865 and 1866 are out of print, but a separate subscription has been opened for their immediate reprint. The Texts for 1864 and all but three for 1865 have been reprinted. Subscribers who desire the Texts of all or any of these years should send their names at once to the Hon. Secretary, as several hundred additional names are required before the Texts for 1866 can be sent to press. The Publications for 1864 (21s.) are: 1. Early English Alliterative Poems, ab. 1360 2. Arthur, ab. 1440, ed. F. J. Furnivall. 4s. 4. Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight, ab. 1360, The Publications for 1865 (21s.) are: 5. Hume's Orthographie and Congruitie of the Britan Tongue, ab. 1617, ed. H. B. Wheatley. 48. 6. Lancelot of the Laik, ab. 1500, ed. Rev. W. W. Skeat. 88. 7. Genesis and Exodus, ab. 1250, ed. R. Morris. 8. Morte Arthure, ab. 1440, ed. Rev. G. G. Perry. 9. Thynne on Chaucer's Works, ab. 1598, ed. Dr. Kingsley. 10. Merlin, ab. 1440, Part I., ed. H. B. Wheatley. 11. Lyndesay's Monarche, etc., 1552, Part I., ed. F. Hall. 12. Wright's Chaste Wife, ab. 1462, ed. F. J. F. The Publications for 1866 are: 13. Seinte Marherete, 1200-1330, ed. Rev. O. Cockayne. 14. Kyng Horn, Floris and Blancheflour, etc., ed. Rev. J. R. Lumby. 15. Political, Religious, and Love Poems, ed. F. J. Furnivall. 16. The Book of Quinte Essence, ab. 1460-70, 17. Parallel Extracts from Twenty-nine MSS. of G. G. Perry. 21. Merlin, Part II. ed. H. B. Wheatley. The Publications for 1867 (21s. less Nos. 24, 25, & 26 out of print) are: 24. Hymns to the Virgin and Christ; the Parliament of Devils, etc, ab. 1430, ed. F. J. Furnivall. 38. 25. The Stacions of Rome. the Pilgrims' Seavoyage, with Clene Maydenhod, ed. F. J. Furnivall. 1s. 26. Religious Pieces in Prose and Verse, from R. Thornton's MS., ab. 1440, ed. Rev. G. G. Perry. 28. 27. Levins's Manipulus Vocabulorum, 1570, ed. 28. William's Vision of Piers Plowman, 1362 The Publications for 1868 (21s.) are: 32. The Babees Book, Urbanitatis, the Bokes of The Publications for 1869 are: 37. Lyndesay's Works, Part IV., containing Ane 38. 39. The Alliterative Romance of the Destruction of Troy, translated from Guido de Colonna. Edited from the unique MS. in the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow, by D. Donaldson, Esq., and the Rev. G. A. Panton. Part I. 10s. 6d. |