Julius CaesarCambridge University Press, 28/07/1988 - 184 من الصفحات Spevack emphasizes the complexity of Julius Caesar's seemingly straightforward theatrical experience to focus on the inextricability of private desires and public affairs. The play's stage history supports the work's rich design, and Spevack's commentary is remarkably attentive to questions of production, precise lexical glossing, and the peculiarities of Shakespearean grammar. An extensive appendix, provides lengthy, coherent excerpts from Plutarch's Lives, Shakepeare's main source include images of Caesar from the Renaissance onwards as well as photographs of modern productions and reconstructions of likely Elizbethan stagings of Caesar's entry into Rome, his assassination, Anthony's funeral oration, and the Act 4 meeting between Brutus and Cassius. |
Introduction | 1 |
Sources | 6 |
The play | 13 |
The frame | 14 |
Structure | 15 |
Theme | 23 |
Persons and Politics | 27 |
Julius Caesar on the stage | 31 |
Note on the text | 46 |
Note on the Commentary | 47 |
List of characters | 50 |
THE PLAY | 52 |
Textual analysis | 148 |
Excerpts from Plutarch | 154 |
Reading list | |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Abbott Antony's apud army ARTEMIDORUS assassination battle Brutus and Cassius Brutus's Bullough Caius called Calpurnia Capell Capell Capitol Casca Cassius Cato characters Cicero Cimber Cinna CINNA THE POET CLITUS Collier Collier conj conspiracy conspirators constancy Craik death doth Dyce edited Elizabethan enemies Enter Exeunt Exit F. G. Fleay fear Flavius Folger Folio friends gods hand hath hear heart honour humour Ides of March John Johnson Julius Caesar Keightley King Lepidus Ligarius look lord Lucilius Lucius Marcus Mark Antony Mark Hunter market-place Messala Metellus MURELLUS night noble Octavius Philippi Pindarus play PLEBEIAN Plutarch Pompey Pompey's Pope Portia Publius Roman Rome Rowe Scene Senate Shakespeare slain soldiers SOOTHSAYER speak speech spirit stage Steevens Steevens³ Strato sword Theatre thee Theobald things Thirlby thou art Titinius Tragedies Trebonius unto Varrus Velz verse Volumnius Walter Hodges Warburton word