SPEAKER: BEING A SELECTION OF PIECES IN PROSE AND VERSE WITH RULES FOR READING AND SPEAKING. BY JOHN GOLDSBURY, A.M., COMPILER OF THE 'COMMON SCHOOL GRAMMAR,' AND 'SEQUEL, AND TEACHER O AND WILLIAM RUSSELL, AUTHOR OF 'LESSONS IN ENUNCIATION,' 'THE AMERICAN ELOCUTIONIST,' 'PRIMAR SIXTY SIXTH THOUSAND. BOSTON: TAPPAN, WHITTEMORE AND MASON, THE SERIES CONSISTS OF SELL'S PRIMER. SELL'S READING AND SPELLING BOOK. SELL'S SEQUEL TO THE PRIMARY READER. SELL AND GOLDSBURY'S AMERICAN COMMON TNAM'S ARITHMETIC. MERICAN COMMON SCHOOL ARITHMETIC; in which ples of the Science are fully explained, and ape Solution of a great variety of Practical Examesigned for the use of Common Schools and s. By RUFUS PUTNAM, Principal of the Bowglish High) School, Salem, Mass. Litions are published of this Arithmetic, one with ntaining answers, and the other without. COMER'S BOOK-ΚΕΕΡΙNG. Method of Keeping Books by Double Entry, without the mula of the Journal. By G. N. Comer, Accountant. FIFTH ered according to Act of Congress in the year 1844, BY JOHN GOLDSBURY, Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts. JOH W Faule Pace for P Pascal E HEARD WHERE Beverence 1 The Geni The Deep The Puric Power of The Up 3. Charact The Fo Hama Grecia Thana Trust By thi 43 54 55 23 Compound Stress. .56 24 Thorough Stress, -Intermitted Stress, ART II. Pieces for Practice in Reading and Declamation. 28. Two Centuries from the Landing of the Pilgrims. 29. The Upright Lawyer. 30. Character of the present Age. 31. The Founders of Boston. 32. Human Culture. 33. Grecian and Roman Eloquence. 34. Thanatopsis.. 35. Trust in God. 36. Memory. CRAFTS. 115 S. GREENLEAF. 116 S. J MAY. 120 J. Q. ADAMS. 123 W. C. BRYANT. 123 Wordsworth. 125 W. G. CLARK. 127 The names of Araerican authors, are distinguished by small Capitals; those of Foreign authors by |