RUSSELL'S AMERICAN ELOCUTIONIST. THE AMERICAN ELOCUTIONIST; COMPRISING LESSONS IN ENUNCIATION', ‘EXERCISES IN ELO- WITH A SELECTION OF NEW PIECES FOR PRACTICE IN READING AND DECLAMATION; AND ENGRAVED ILLUSTRATIONS IN ATTITUDE AND ACTION. DESIGNED FOR COLLEGES, PROFESSIONAL INSTITUTIONS, ACADEMIES, AND COMMON SCHOOLS. BY WILLIAM RUSSELL, ED. 'AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION,' (FIRST SERIES,) INSTRUCTOR IN ELOCUTION BOSTON: JENKS AND PALMER. In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts. ADVERTISEMENT. THE book now offered, under the title of The American Elocutionist, comprises the author's course of instruction, formerly presented in the three distinct works mentioned in the title-page of this. The change thus made in the form of publication, enables the publishers to afford the whole matter of the original series, at a price very much reduced, with a large addition of pieces for practice, in reading and declamation. ANDOVER, MASS., Feb., 1844. *** Arrangements are made, still to issue the Lessons in Enunciation, in a separate form, for the convenience of schools for the younger class of learners. NOTICES OF THE SEVERAL WORKS COMPRISED IN THE PRESENT VOLUME. From the Phil. U. S. Gazette.-"Those who take an interest in the important part of Elocution to which this book, (Lessons in Enunciation,) refers, will find in its pages much to elucidate the subject, and insure to the scholar valuable attainments. The book should find its way into all our schools." From the Boston Courier.-"This little book, (Lessons in Enunciation,) is one of great value. No schoolmaster, no man who ever ventures to read or speak in public, no professor, no student in any college, should be without it." "We recommend Mr. Russell's Elocution' to the favour of instructors, parents, and pupils. Let those who would read easily and agreeably to themselves, and for the gratification and improvement of others, study it well and faithfully." From the Massachusetts Common School Journal, Dec. 15th, 1843.-"We have used Mr. Russell's Lessons in Enunciation, ever since their first appearance, and never have seen any thing better adapted to their purpose. ED. P. T." From the same."Lessons in Enunciation, a little work which ought to be in the hands of every teacher in the United States; as being the best book, for its purposes, that can be found in the language." Mr. George B. Emerson, of Boston, speaking of the author's Exercises in Elocution, says, "I doubt not,-from the great excellence of your Lessons in Enunciation, which I have used constantly, with all my classes, ever since I first saw the book,— that it must be a valuable addition to our means of instruction." From the Boston Christian Register.-"The number is not small, we trust, of those who have studied with profit the excellent books entitled Lessons in Enunciation, and Rudiments of Gesture. The volume before us, (referring to the Exercises in Elocution,) we have read with great satisfaction; and we strongly recommend it to all who are in search of the best helps in the art of reading and speaking." From Mr. J. E. Murdoch, Elocutionist, Boston.-"I have used Mr. Russell's Lessons in Enunciation, Exercises in Elocution, and Rudiments of Gesture, with my classes, and consider them the best books of any that I have found, in their respective departments, especially as regards systematic instruction in the theory of the art, and the practical application of the principles of the science which are exhibited in Dr. Rush's Philosophy of the Voice."-Boston, April 22d, 1844. Stereotyped by GEORGE A. CURTIS, NEW ENGLAND TYPE AND STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY. 000000000000000000 31-173. |