Africa, المجلد 33Oxford University Press, 1963 Includes Proceedings of the Executive council and List of members, also section "Review of books". |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-3 من 13
الصفحة 95
... water spirits ; and the actual performance is preceded by invocations and offerings to these spirit ' owners ' . During the play , which usually takes place on the following morning , the water spirits themselves are supposed to be ...
... water spirits ; and the actual performance is preceded by invocations and offerings to these spirit ' owners ' . During the play , which usually takes place on the following morning , the water spirits themselves are supposed to be ...
الصفحة 96
... water spirits who control the community's surrounding creeks , and who there- fore have to be taken into constant account in the struggle to keep alive . Rather , they are drawn from among the countless hosts of water spirits who are ...
... water spirits who control the community's surrounding creeks , and who there- fore have to be taken into constant account in the struggle to keep alive . Rather , they are drawn from among the countless hosts of water spirits who are ...
الصفحة 105
... water spirit ' owners ' or episodes in their lives . To take one example ... spirits and then taken over by men , they imply that the content no more ... water spirits , and in another that they are merely plays once performed by ...
... water spirit ' owners ' or episodes in their lives . To take one example ... spirits and then taken over by men , they imply that the content no more ... water spirits , and in another that they are merely plays once performed by ...
A Therapeutic Model for the Informal Settlement | 1 |
Marriage and the Girls Puberty Ceremony of the Gwi Bushmen G | 12 |
Contributors to this Number | 24 |
26 من الأقسام الأخرى غير ظاهرة
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
accused African Languages African Studies Afrique Angola Arab Azande Bantu Bantu languages Barawa bibl blood covenant Bull Bushmen cartes Central Centre chibuga Coast Congo Côte Côte d'Ivoire culture Czekanowski d'une Dagomba Dahomey dance East economic Ekine members elder European fait forêt G/wi Gbudwe's Ghana girl Guiné Gurage gurda Guynee Hausa Hausa Language Hottentot husband Hyena Ibadan IFAN Inst Kaguru Kalabari kinship l'Afrique labour lineage linguistic London maïs maize Mangbetu maps marriage masquerade matrilineage matrilineal Mbomu medicine ment milho names noire Northern Nigeria notes origin Oxford Paris person play political Portuguese Press Professor Rabbit région relations religious Rhodesia ritual Schweinfurth Senegal Sierra Leone social society sorcerers sorghum strangers Sudan Swahili Tanganyika tion town traditional tribal tribes Univ University village water spirits West Africa wife Willett wives woman women words Yoruba zaburro Zande