صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


"Where blooms and warbles glad a rifing age *: "What smiles of praife! And, while their song ascends, "The lift'ning seraph lays his lute aside.

"HARK! the gay Muses raise a nobler strain, "With active nature, warm impassion'd truth, "Engaging fable, lucid order, notes


" Of various string, and heart-felt image fill'd. 670 "Behold! I fee the dread delightful School " Of teraper'd Paffions, and of polisi'd Life, "Reftor'd: behold! the well-diffembled scene

" Calls from embellifh'd eyes the lovely tear, " Or lights up mirth in modest cheeks again. "Lo! vanish'd Monster-land. Lo! driv'n away "Those that Apollo's facred walks profane : "Their wild creation scatter'd, where a world "Unknown to Nature, Chaos more confus'd, "O'er the brute scene its Ouran-Outangs † pours; 680 "Detested forms! that, on the mind imprest,


" Corrupt, confound, and barbarize an age.

" Behold! all thine again the SISTER-ARTS, "Thy Graces they, knit in harmonious dance. " Nurs'd by the treasure from a nation drain'd "Their works to purchase, they to nobler roufe " Their untam'd genius, their unfetter'd thought; "Of pompous tyrants, and of dreaming monks, "The gaudy tools, and prifoners, no more.


"Lo! num'rous DOMES A BURLINGTON confefs : " For Kings and Senates fit, the Palace fee!

* An hofpital for foundlings.


† A creature which, of all trates, most resembles man. See

Dr. Tyfa's treatife on this animal.


"The Temple breathing a religious awe; " Ev'n fram'd with elegance the plain Retreat, "The private dwelling. Certain in his aim, "Taste, never idly working, saves expence. "See! SYLVAN SCENES, where Art, alone, pretends "To dress her Mistress, and difclose her charms: "Such as a POPE in miniature has shown; " A BATHURST O'er the wid'ning forest spreads *; "And fuch as form a RICHMOND, CHISWICK, STOWE.

"August, around, what PUBLIC WORKS I see! 701 "Lo! stately Streets, lo! Squares that court the breeze, " In spite of those to whom pertains the care,

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Ingulphing more than founded Roman ways, "Lo! ray'd from cities o'er the brighten'd land, 705

"Connecting sea to fea, the folid Road.

"Lo! the proud Arch (no vile exactor's stand) "With easy sweep bestrides the chafing flood. "See! long Canals and deepen'd Rivers join "Each part with each, and with the circling main 710 "The whole enliven'd ifle. Lo! Ports expand, " Free as the winds and waves, their shelt'ring arms. "Lo! streaming comfort o'er the troubled deep, "On ev'ry pointed coast the Light-house tow'rs; "And, by the broad imperious Mole repell'd, "Hark! how the baffled storm indignant roars." As thick to view THESE VARIED WONDERS rofe, Shook all my foul with transport, unassur'd, The VISION broke; and, on my waking eye, Rush'd the still RUINS of dejected ROME.

* Okely woods, near Cirencefter.



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