Oh let not then waste luxury impair And your own proper happiness creates ! Oh let not the soft, penetrating plague 250 Creep on the free-born mind; and working there, Endless, and idle all, eat out the heart Sloth, ignorance, dejection, flatt'ry, fear. Whence heroes, bards, and patriots borrow flame, 255 260 265 270 275 And may a public spirit from the throne, Where ev'ry virtue fits, go copious forth But haste we from these melancholy shores, 280 285 That let us roam; and where we find a spark Of public virtue, blow it into flame. 290 And shed the spirit of Britannia round. This faid; her fleeting form, and airy train, Sunk in the gale; and nought but ragged rocks Rush'd on the broken eye; and nought was heard But the rough cadence of the dashing wave. 295 : |