INDEX TO JOURNAL, ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL, PART I, Assi khamba or Chhatthí Pálná of Maha- BAGURA, or Bogra, antiquities of, 88 Chhatthí Pálná or Assí khamba of Ma. Columns, medieval Hindú, from Sahár, Copperplate grant from Banda, 73; tran- DARD race, 27; grammatical forms of the Dard dialects, 38 EXPLORATIONS, recent trans-fron- tier, 78 FESTIVAL of Holi in Braj, 120 Frescocs in Ajanta, 62 GOBIND DEVA, temple of, at Brinda- ban, 115 Gosain Hari Vans of Brindában, 97 Growse, T. S., Mathurá notes, 97 HADT Siddha, 137 Hamirpur, N. W. P., two ancient inscrip- Hírá, the harlot, 145. INSCRIPTIONS, two ancient on copper. plate in Hamirpur, N. W. P., 80 LYALL, C. J., the Mo'allaqah of Zuheyr rendered into English, with notes, 1 MAHABAN, the Chhatthí Palna Assi Khamba of, 113 Pálná or OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL.. VOL. XLVII. PART II. (NATURAL HISTORY, &C.) EDITED BY THE NATURAL HISTORY SECRETARY. "It will flourish, if naturalists, chemists, antiquaries, philologers, and men of science in different parts of Asia, will commit their observations to writing, and send them to the Asiatic Society at Calcutta. It will languish, if such communications shall be long intermitted; and it will die away, if they shall entirely cease." SIR WM. JONES. CALCUTΤΑ: PRINTED BY G. H. ROUSE, AT THE BAPTIST MISSION PRESS, AND PUBLISHED AT THE ASIATIC SOCIETY'S ROOMS, 57, PARK STREET. 1878. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. ANDERSON, J.;-On the Indian Species of the Genus Erinaceus, ... and Burma, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... (Erinaceus niger) from Muscat in Arabia, BRANFILL, B. R.; - Physiographical Notes &c., on Tanjore (Tan Page 193 214 1 ... 125 150 ... ;-Description of a supposed new Hedgehog BROUGH, R. S. ;--On the proper relative Sectional Area for Copper and Lightning Rods, GODWIN-AUSTEN, H. H.;-Sixth List of Birds from the Hill Ran KEATINGE, R. H. COLONEL ; - Record of the Occurrence of Earth quakes in Assam during 1877, LYDEKKER, R.;-Aberrant Dentition of Felis Tigris, SHARP, D.;-Preliminary diagnoses of new Coleopterous Insects belonging to the families Dytiscidæ, Staphylinidæ, and Scarabæidæ, THEOBALD, W.;-Notes on the Land and Fresh-water Shells of Kashmir, more particularly of the Jhilum valley below Srinagar and WATERHOUSE, J. CAPTAIN ;-An Account of the Tidal Observations in the Gulf of Cutch, conducted by the Great Trigonometrical Survey, ... ... ... ... ... ;-The Application of Photography to the Reproduction of Maps and Plans by Photo-mechanical and other |