8. And b'er that stormy sea she flew before the gale, And a pale blue light along her sails and o'er her rigging gleamed. 9. But it showed no seaman's form, no hand her course to guide; 10. The angry tempèst ceased, the winds were hushed to sleep, And calm and bright the sun again shōne out upon the deep. But that gallant ship no more shall roam the ocean free; She has reached her final haven, beneath the dark blue sea. 11. And many a hardy seaman, who fears nor storm nor fight, night; For it augurs death and danger : it bodes a watery grave, With sea-weeds for his pillow-for his shroud, the wandering wave. A II. 136. THE DROWNED MARINER. MARINER sat in the shrouds one night, Now bright, now dimmed was the moonlight pale, As it floundered in the sea; The scud was flying athwart the sky, And the wave, as it towered then fell in spray, 2. The mariner swayed and rocked on the mast, Down the yawning wave his eye he cast, For their broad, damp fins were under the tide, 3. Now freshens the gale, and the brave ship goes Like an uncurbed steed along; A sheet of flame is the spray she throws, 4. Wildly she rocks, but he swingèth at ease, And, as she careens to the crowding breeze, And the surging heareth loud. Was that a face, looking up at him 5. The mariner looked, and he saw, with dread, And the cold eyes glared, the eyes of the dead, Was there a tale to tell? The stout ship rocked with a reeling speed- 6. Bethink thee, mariner, well of the past : Bethink thee of all that is dear to thee, 7. Alone in the dark, alone on the wave To struggle aghast at thy watery grave, The stout limbs yield, for their strength is past; 8. Down, down, where the storm is hushed to sleep, The gem and the pearl lie heaped at thy side; 9. A peopled home is the ocean-bed; The mother and child are there : MRS. SMITH. ELIZABETH OAKES SMITH, the accomplished writer, whose maiden name was Prince, was born near Portland, Maine. She early showed remarkable skill in composition. When sixteen years of age she was married to Mr. Seba Smith, author, who in 1839 removed to New York, where they still reside. Her first published book was entitled "Riches without Wings." In 1844 appeared "The Sinless Child, and other Poems," and since, a number of other works, some of which have passed through many editions. " III. 137. THE DIVER. H, where is the knight or the squire so bold, I cast into the whirlpool a goblet of gold, 2. He spoke, and the cup from the terrible steep, 3. And the knights and the squires that gathered around, 4. And all as before heard in silence the king Till a youth, with an aspect unfearing but gentle, 5. As he strōde to the marge of the summit, and gave 1 Cha rýb dis, one of the two rocks, Scylla and Charybdis, described by Homer as lying near together, between Italy and Sicily; both formidable to ships which had to pass tween them. One contained an immense fig-tree, under which dwelt Charybdis, who thrice every day swallowed down the waters of the sea, and thrice threw them up again. • Guerdon, (ger'don), recompense; reward. 6. And it bubbles and seethes, and it hisses and roars, 7. And at last there lay open the desolate realm! Through the breakers that whitened the waste of the swell, Dark-dark yawned a cleft in the midst of the whelm, The path to the heart of that fathomless hell. Round and round whirled the waves-deep and deeper still driven, Like a gorge thro' the mountainous main thunder-riven. 8. The youth gave his trust to his Maker! Before That path through the riven abyss closed againHark! a shriek from the crowd rang aloft from the shore, And, behold! he is whirled in the grasp of the main! And o'er him the breakers mysteriously rolled, And the giant-mouth closed on the swimmer so bold. 9. O'er the surface grim silence lay dark and profound, And still ever deepening that wail as of woe, 10. If thou should'st in those waters thy diadem fling, For never did lips of the living reveal, 11. Oh many a ship, to that breast grappled fast, Has gone down to the fearful and fathomless grave; Again, crashed together, the keel and the mast, To be seen, tossed aloft in the glee of the wave.Like the growth of a storm ever louder and clearer, Grows the roar of the gulf rising nearer and nearer. |