صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Armys, s. pl. armour, 1304.
Arofe, Arove, pret. of Arive,

arrived, 1947, 3249.
Arowsmyth, s. a maker of lance
and arrow heads; also, a maker of
arrows, 1588.


Art, pl. artes, artis, s. an art, a
branch of knowledge, 1485, 1497.
=as if, 138; like, like to,
1818; so that, 2671.
Asaye, s. See Assay.
Aske, v. (A.S.) to ask, to require,
420, 1583; to suit, 7067, 11622.
Askes, Askis, Askys, s. Ashes,

570, 1428, 2646,7150.0

Askewse, v. to excuse, to acquit,
12114, 12639.

Aspie, v. (A.N.) to espie, to
watch, 7945; to discover, to seek
out, 11635, 13680.

Assay, Asayè, s. (A.N.) the pro-

cess of drawing a knife along the
belly of a deer to try how fat he is;
it was called, taking assay, 3903.
Assay, Assaie, v. (A.N.) to try,
to prove, to attempt, to set out,
382, 2489, 11793.

Assele, v. to seal, 5358.
Asseměly, 8. a gathering, a
council, 57.

Assent, s. (A.N.) consent, agree-
ment, 1880, 21.03.

Assign, v. to assign, to allot,
1136, 1709.

Astate, s. (A.N.) rank, position,
grandeur, 21, 251.

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Atle, Attell, v. to array, to ar-
range, 855, 2376, 4304; to aim, to
Atter, Attur, s. (A.S. atter) poi-
attempt, 2965, 5727. See Ettle.
son, dregs, 920, 926;
= piss, 303.
Atter, v. (A.S.) to embitter, to
sour, 228,
Attle, v.

See Ettle.
Atyre, v. See Atire.
Aumber, Aumbur, s. amber, 1666,


Aun, Aune, Awne, adj. own, 276,
6211, 6808, 13045.

Aunsetre, Aunsetry, s. (A.N.) an

ancestor, 5; ancestry, 6319, 9362, auncetre

Aunter, Auntre, v. (A.N.) to

venture, to hazard, 314, 724; to
happen, 742, 2862.

Aunter, s. an adventure, a hap, a

chance, 5, 67, 827, 1707; a marvel,

a wonder, 150, 153, 2856. aunters 5, auntres 2856.
Auntrus, Antrus, adj. bold, dar-
ing, adventurous, 537, 1121, 2186.
Aurthewert, 6887, Aurthwart,
6796; Aurthwert, 7676; Aurth-
ward, 7325; Awrthwert, 1862;
Awterwart, 4892; adv. angrily, in
anger. accross, Transversely
Auther, conj. either, 6528, 7761.

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Ayell, s. (A.N.) a grandfather,

Ayle, v. to shelter, to protect,
1577; part. Aylyng.

Ayre, v. to go, 173, 531; to rush
upon, 7312. 73773.

Ayre, v. (A.S.) to plough, 175.
Ayre, s. an heir, 9088, 11745;
Aire, 11684.

Ayre, s. the air, 1639.

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Bak, Bake, s. the back, 1902;
"turnyt the bake = fled, 1348;
"to gyffe bake" to retreat,
Baldly, adv. boldly, fearlessly,
9742.: 5274 boldly 7942!
Bale, s. (A.S. beat) mischief, evil,
destruction, 497, 1433, 2136.
Bale, adj. deadly, sad, miserable,

926, 1388, 2234, 2681.
Balefull, Balfull, adj. evil, bane-
ful, deadly, 1697,899, 945.
Ballit, adj. bald, 3848.
Balsamom, Balsaum, s. (Fr.) bal-
sam, 8777, 9119.
Bame, 8.

See Baume.

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mere, simple, 150, 828; purpose-
less, unproductive, 2502; com-
plete, 483; late, last, 10805; bare- 682
headed, 2018; unarmed, 5065;
adv. alone, deserted, 1320; s. the
naked skin, 5821.

Bare, pret. of Bore, pierced, bored,

Ayther, pron. each, both, 70068 Barely, Barly, adv. wholly, en-

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tirely, 68, 2780, 12090. 8722.
Baret, s. (A.N.) strife, contention,

5274, 9336; trouble, sorrow, 4167,
5872. 1812234

Barge, s. a war-vessel, 90, 9720.
Bargen, s. contention, strife, 2502. bargens pr


hairly 748.
10569 Barly, adv. barely; "barly no |
= barely so much, or cer-
tainly not any more, 10132.
ally Barn, Barnes. (A.S.) an infant,
a child, 1361, 8143.dat.sg.
Baronage, s. (A.N.) barons, an
assembly of barons, 211, 232.
Barr, s. a bar, a bolt, 6018.
Barre, s. the girdle (properly, the
under petticoat), 13019.

Barre, v. to shut close, to bolt,
6018, 10463.barre, barrit 7130
6922 Basnet, s. a bassenet, 1248, 5255.
Basson, s. a basin, 3169., 9503.
Bast, s. a mat, matting made of
straw, 4773.



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Bate, v. to attack, to contend
with, to rush at, 5914.
Batell, s. battle, 1216; v. to fight,
945, 1322. tged hom 47.7.
Batell, Batel s. a company, a
division, a host, 1151, 2131
Baume, Bawme, Bame, s. balm,
8777, 8780, 8804, 9119.
Baxter, s. a baker, 1592.
Be, prep. (A.S.) by, 383, 1291,
8601; as be= through or by right
of, 1841.

Be, pres. tense of the verb, 8906;
part. p. 8913.

beau Beayell, s. a grandfather, 13474.
Beccyn, v. to beacon, to blaze,

Become, v. to become, to be be-
coming (pret. become), 1712,
Bed, pret. of Bidde, commanded,

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ven thin

Bedaghe, v. (A.S.) to expose, to
befool, 758; same as Bedaffe.

Bede, v. (A.S.) to profer, to offer ;
"amendes to bede" by way of.
amends, 5027; to order, to bid,

Bedené, By dene, adv. (A.S.) im-
mediately, at once, (suitably, be-
comingly, 429, 1656.

Begile, Begyle, v. to beguile, to
deceive; 8153, 9279, 11197.

Begonnen, part. p. begun, 1620.

Behode, pret. of Behove, behoved,
required, 12679.

Behove, v. (A.S.) to require, to
behove, 900.

Beid, s. a bead, pl. a necklace,
pearls, 7044.

Bein, part. being, 9717.impl.
Beire, v. to bear, to bud, 412; to
bear, to carry, 1772.

Beiryng, s. bearing, manners,

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Belde, v. (A.S.) to build, to
build up, to strengthen, to en-
courage, 4541; to recover strength,
5861. id hym vine,
Bele, v. to settle, to fester like a
boil, 1433.

Belefe, v. (A.S. belifan) to remain,
to be left; part. p. Beleft, forsaken,

Belefe, s. belief, 1686, 4287.
Belirt, pret. of Belere, belied,
deceived, 715; part. p. Belirt, Be-
lirten, 8134, 8447.

Belive, Belyve, adv. (A.S.) im-

mediately, presently, quickly, by
and by, 1163, 1175, 2226, 13206.
Belmaker, s. a bellmaker, 1589.
Belt-stid, s. that part of the body
at which the belt is fixed, 5940,

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to bene 3976-




Be-mard, part. p. damaged,
wounded, 10701.
Bemoth, 8. Behemoth, the great
monster, the devil, 4427.
Bemourn, v. to bemourn, to
lament, 3279.

Ben =

Been, part. p. 891, 1439;

have been, 9, 1728.

Bend, v. (pret. Bend) to bend, to
fit a bow, 9475.

Bent, s. a plain, a common, a
field, a battle-field, 91, 913, 1192,

Bere, v. (A.S.) pret. bere, to bear,
to carry, to drive, 1279, 1333,
1361. $906 verim. Cunto?
Bere, s. (A.S.) a bier, 9084,

Berenes, Berynes, s. burial, sepul-
ture, 4336, 9619, 10132, 12160.
Berief Bery, v. to bury, 7148,

7174, 8399, 9690, 13786.
Beronnen, Beronyn, "Byronnen,
part. pee & p. running, flowing,
swimming, covered, overrun, 1328,
beronen 7033, 9052, 9635 11141; blody
beronyn, covered with blood.

Berslet, s. a slender bough, a
wand, 2196.


thouBes, Bese, pres. t. of Be, 870,
3389, 3487; imper. of Be, 649,
6265, 6947, 13553. See Note, 1.
besines 2750
Besenes, s. eagerness, 10337.
Beside, Besyde, adv. around,


Best, Beste, s. (A.N.) a beast, an

animal, 4428, 11788.

Bestad, part. p. beset, circum-
/// stanced, surrounded, 5849. 3692
Bet, pret, of, Beat, 12664.

Betaght, pret. & part. of Beteche,
gave to, assigned, entrusted to,
6100, 7310, 11741.

Betake, v. (A.S. betecan) to as-
sign, to hand over, to deliver, 5371.

Bete, pret. of Bite, (A.S.) bit,


Bethink, v. (A.S.) to recollect, to
ponder, 143, 147.
Betide, Betyde,

S.) to

happen, to arise, to befal, 2240,
2722, 2729, 9949; pret. & part. p.
Betid, betul2722.
Betoke, pret. of Betake, gave,
1391. inf.

Betraut, v. to betray, 731, 11767;
pret. betrat, 12026.
Bi, prep. by, 12097.
Bickre, Byccer. See Biker.
Bide, Byde, v. (A.S. bidan) to 10388.
stop, to stay, to dwell, to abide, too bide.
endure, 362, 570, 2254, 3483, 5677,


487186, 8126; pret. Bode. bygg2 1535-
Big, Byg, adj. great, noted, re- bigge
nowned, 1029, 1032. Comp. Bigger,
stronger, 2121.74 elokes 2236
biggest byg
Bigge, v. (A.S.) to build, to set
up, 1598, 5216.biggit impf.
Bigger, adv. better, 2199.
Biggyng, s. (A.S.) a building,
13452; Byggyng 1379,l. 2
Bigli, Bigly, Bygly, adv. boldly, ()7527.
strongly, manfully, 691, (6018, figly 8708
Biker, Bikere, Bikre, Bicker, bykint
Bycker, Byccer, Bickre, Bykre, v.
(A.S.) to battle, to batter, 2944,
5728, 727117294, 7400. bykrit pt.
Biker, s. a battle, a fight, 4722.

6035; in force, 10405.

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10226 1

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stayed, 5940, 5954, 6939.
Bodeword, s. (A.S.) a message,
6262, 8315. dword

Birthe, s. a child, a babe, 10826. | Bode, pret. of Bide, stopped,
Bisè, Bisi, adj. busy, 6047; with
striving difficulty, 10388 vide note.
Blab, v. to lie, to deceive.
Blackon, v, to become black,
8038. et im.

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Blisse, s. (A.S.) happiness, com-
fort, 1695, 2483.

Blissful adj. happy, 2256.
Blithe, adj. kind, affectionate,
2342. f

Blithe, s. face, favour, 2196.
Blithe, v. to gladden, to please,
2554. ht out het ali⋅
Blithely, adv. properly, honour-
ably, 9109.
Bloberond, part. bubbling, gurg-
ling, 9642.

Blody, adv. with blood,, 1328,
7033, 10424, 11141. 7240ady.
Blonke, s. (A.S.) a steed, a war-
horse, 2371.

Blusshe, v. to look, 1316; to gaze,

2428; to shine forth, 4665.

Blym, v. for Blynn, to cease,
5075. tir

Bobb, v. (A.S.) to strike, to beat,

Bocher, s. a butcher, 1592.

Bode, s. (A.S.) delay, 2568.

Bodyn, pret. of Bide, stopped,
stayed, 12658.

Bogh, s. a bough, a branch, 2371.
Bogh, v. to wend, to steal away,


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Bold, Bolde, adj. used as a s. in
pl. 1210, 1405, 7679, 9464, a bold or
brave man.

(Bolde,) v. (A.S.) to embolden;
part. Boldyng, emboldening, 14,v.6 ·
1182 ger

Boldly, adv. boldly, fearlessly,
978; unquestionably, 840.
Bole, s. the body or trunk of a
tree, 4960.

Bolne, v. (A.S.) to swell, 5052.
Bolnet, adj. swollen, 3839.
Bolnyng, s. swelling, 5066.
Bond, pret. of Bind, 7527.
Bone, s. (A.S.) a request, a com-

mand, 505, 4795, 7895.

Bone, s. arrest, seizure, 11964.
Bonke, s. a bank, a shore, 2807./2490.
Borde, s. (A.S.) a table, 1657,

2562. See Burd.

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