صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


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12114, 12639.

Aspie, v. (A.N.) to espie, to
watch, 7945; to discover, to seek
out, 11635, 13680.

Assay, Asaye, s. (A.N.) the pro-
cess of drawing a knife along the
belly of a deer to try how fat he is;
it was called, taking assay, 3903.
Assay, Assaie, v. (A.N.) to try,
to prove, to attempt, to set out,
382, 2489, 11793.
Assele, v. to seal, 5358.
Assemely, s. a gathering, a
council, 57.

Assent, s. (A.N.) consent, agree-
ment, 1880, 2103.

Assign, v. to assign, to allot,
1136, 1709.

Astate, s. (A.N.) rank, position,
grandeur, 21, 251.


[blocks in formation]

Astoyne, v. to stun, to bruise, to
shatter, 1203.

At, prep. according to, 1633; in,
upon, "at sad wordes" = upon
oath, 1920; for, 2674; by, out by,

At, pron. that, 2617, 4734, 9881.
Athel, s. See Hathel.

Atire, Atyre, v. (A.N.) to prepare,
to fit out, 2013; to dress, to deck,
3026; to repair, 13420.

Atle, Attell, v. to array, to ar-
range, 855, 2376, 4304; to aim, to
attempt, 2965, 5727. See Ettle.
Atter, Attur, s. (A.S.

son, dregs, 920, 926;
= piss, 303.

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Aun, Aune, Awne, adj. own, 276,

6211, 6808, 13045.

Aunsetre, Aunsetry, s. (A.N.) an
ancestor, 5; ancestry, 6319, 9362,

Aunter, Auntre, v. (A.N.) to

venture, to hazard, 314, 724; to
happen, 742, 2862.

Aunter, s. an adventure, a hap, a

chance, 5, 67, 827, 1707; a marvel,
a wonder, 150, 153, 2856.
Auntrus, Antrus, adj. bold, dar-
ing, adventurous, 537, 1121, 2186.
Aurthewert, 6887, Aurthwart,
6796; Aurthwert, 7676; Aurth-
ward, 7325; Awrthwert, 1862;
Awterwart, 4892; adv. angrily, in


Auther, conj. either, 6528, 7761.


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[blocks in formation]
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Bale, s. (A.S. beal) mischief, evil,

destruction, 497, 1433, 2136.
Bale, adj. deadly, sad, miserable,

926, 1388, 2234, 2681.
Balefull, Balfull, adj. evil, bane-
ful, deadly, 169, 899, 945.
Ballit, adj. bald, 3848.
Balsamom, Balsaum, 8. (Fr.) bal-
sam, 8777, 9119.

Bame, 8.

See Baume.

Ban, v. (A.N.) to curse, 4935;

Banne, 1388.

Bane, s. (A.S. bana) a murderer,

Banke, s. the shore, the coast,

1069, 1902.

Barbur, s. a barber, 1598.
Bare, adj. (A.S.) curt, short, 74;

mere, simple, 150, 828; purpose-
less, unproductive, 2502; com-
plete, 483; late, last, 10805; bare-
headed, 2018; unarmed, 5065;
adv. alone, deserted, 1320; s. the
naked skin, 5821.

Bare, pret. of Bore, pierced, bored,

Barely, Barly, adv. wholly, en-
tirely, 68, 2780, 12090.
Baret, s. (A.N.) strife, contention,
5274, 9336; trouble, sorrow, 4167,

Barge, s. a war-vessel, 90, 9720.
Bargen, s. contention, strife, 2502.

Barly 3391.

[blocks in formation]

Barly, adv. barely; "barly no | Bedaghe, v. (A.S.) to expose, to
more" = barely so much, or cer-
tainly not any more, 10132.
Barn, Barne, s. (A.S.) an infant,
a child, 1361, 8143.

[blocks in formation]

Bastel, Bastell, s. (A.N.) a tower,
a fortification, 9490, 10569, 13782.
The Bastel or Bastile was a movable
wooden tower used in warfare;
latterly, any tower or fortification
was so named.

Bate, s. (A.S.) contention, debate,
strife, 5276, 5526.

Bate, v. to attack, to contend

with, to rush at, 5914.

Batell, s. battle, 1216; v. to fight,
945, 1322.

Batell, Batel, s. a company, a
division, a host, 1151, 2131.
Baume, Bawme, Bame, s. balm,
8777, 8780, 8804, 9119.
Baxter, s. a baker, 1592.
Be, prep. (A.S.) by, 383, 1291,
8601; as be through or by right
of, 1841.

Be, pres. tense of the verb, 8906;
part. p. 8913.

Beayell, s. a grandfather, 13474.
Beccyn, v. to beacon, to blaze,

Become, v. to become, to be be-

coming (pret. become), 1712,

Bed, pret. of Bidde, commanded,

befool, 758; same as Bedaffe.
Bede, v. (A.S.) to profer, to offer;
"amendes to bede" = by way of
amends, 5027; to order, to bid,

Bedene, By dene, adv. (A.S.) im-
mediately, at once, suitably, be-
Begile, Begyle, v. to beguile, to
comingly, 429, 1656.

Begonnen, part. p. begun, 1620.

deceive, 8153, 9279, 11197.

Behode, pret. of Behove, behoved,
required, 12679.

Behove, v. (A.S.) to require, to

behove, 900.

Beid, s. a bead, pl. a necklace,
pearls, 7044.

Bein, part. being, 9717.

Beire, v. to bear, to bud, 412; to

bear, to carry, 1772.

Beiryng, 8. bearing, manners,

Bekir, v. to skirmish, to battle,

Bekur, 8. a skirmish, a battle,

Belde, v. (A.S.) to build, to

build up, to strengthen, to en-
courage, 4541; to recover strength,

Bele, v. to settle, to fester like a
boil, 1433.

Belefe, v. (A.S. belifan) to remain,
to be left; part. p. Beleft, forsaken,

Belefe, s. belief, 1686, 4287.
Belirt, pret. of Belere, belied,
deceived, 715; part. p. Belirt, Be-
lirten, 8134, 8447.

Belive, Belyve, adv. (A.S.) im-

mediately, presently, quickly, by
Belmaker, s. a bellmaker, 1589.
and by, 1163, 1175, 2226, 13206.
Belt-stid, s. that part of the body
at which the belt is fixed, 5940.


Be-mard, part. p. damaged,
wounded, 10701.

Bemoth, s. Behemoth, the great
monster, the devil, 4427.

Bete, pret. of Bite, (A.S.) bit,

Bethink, v. (A.S.) to recollect, to
ponder, 143, 147.

Bemourn, v. to bemourn, to Betide, Betyde, v. (A.S.) to

lament, 3279.


Ben Been, part. p. 891, 1439;
have been, 9, 1728.

Bend, v. (pret. Bend) to bend, to
fit a bow, 9475.

Bent, s. a plain, a common, a
field, a battle-field, 91, 913, 1192,

Bere, v. (A.S.) pret. bere, to bear,
to carry, to drive, 1279, 1333,


Bere, s. (A.S.) a bier, 9084,

Berenes, Berynes, s. burial, sepul-

ture, 4336, 9619, 10132, 12160.
Berie, Bery, v. to bury, 7148,
7174, 8399, 9690, 13786.
Beronnen, Beronyn, Byronnen,
part. pres. & p. running, flowing,
swimming, covered, overrun, 1328,
7033, 9052, 9635, 11141; blody
beronyn, covered with blood.
Berslet, s. a slender bough, a
wand, 2196.

Bes, Bese, pres. t. of Be, 870,
3389, 3487; imper. of Be, 649,
6265, 6947, 13553. See Note, 1.

Besenes, s. eagerness, 10337.
Beside, Besyde, adv. around,


Best, Beste, 8. (A.N.) a beast, an
animal, 4428, 11788.
Bestad, part. p. beset, circum-
stanced, surrounded, 5849.
Bet, pret. of Beat, 12664.
Betaght, pret. & part. of Beteche,
gave to, assigned, entrusted to,
6100, 7310, 11741.

Betake, v. (A.S. betecan) to as-

sign, to hand over, to deliver, 5371.

happen, to arise, to befal, 2240,
2722, 2729, 9949; pret. & part. p.

Betoke, pret. of Betake, gave,


Betraut, v. to betray, 731, 11767;
pret. betrat, 12026.
Bi, prep. by, 12097.
Bickre, Byccer. See Biker.
Bide, Byde, v. (A.S. bidan) to
stop, to stay, to dwell, to abide, to
endure, 362, 570, 2254, 3483, 5677,
7186, 8126; pret. Bode.
Big, Byg, adj. great, noted, re-
nowned, 1029, 1032. Comp. Bigger,
stronger, 2121.

Bigge, v. (A.S.) to build, to set
up, 1598, 5216.

Bigger, adv. better, 2199.
Biggyng, s. (A.S.) a building,
13452; Byggyng, 1379.
Bigli, Bigly, Bygly, adv. boldly,
strongly, manfully, 691, 6018,
Biker, Bikere, Bikre, Bicker,
6035; in force, 10405.
Bycker, Byccer, Bickre, Bykre, v.
(A.S.) to battle, to batter, 2944,
5728, 7271, 7294, 7400.

Bild, Byld, v. (A S.) to build,
Biker, s. a battle, a fight, 4722.

282, 321, 1535, 1569, 1603; part.
p. bild, bilde.
Bioustious, adj. See Boistous.
Bir, Birr, Birre, s. (A.S. or O.F.
birer) force, impetus, 171, 570;
wind, a strong wind, 1982, 12490;
a thrust, a blow, 1244; a struggle,
a battle, 11141.

Birie, v. to bury, 13674, 13963.
Birle, v. (A.S.) to strike, to thrust
with force, 9061.

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Blawe, v. to blow, 1308, 4622.
Ble, s. (A.S. bleo) colour, com-
plexion, countenance, 7888, 9134.
Blenke, v. to deceive, 2483.
Blent, pret. & part. p. of Blend,

mingled, 1695, 3493.

Bleryng, s. blearing, defiling,

Blisse, 8. (A.S.) happiness, com-
fort, 1695, 2483.

Blissful, adj. happy, 2256.
Blithe, adj. kind, affectionate,

Blithe, s. face, favour, 2196.
Blithe, v. to gladden, to please,


Blithely, adv. properly, honour-

ably, 9109.

Bloberond, part. bubbling, gurg-
ling, 9642.

Blody, adv. with blood, 1328,

7033, 10424, 11141.

Blonke, s. (A.S.) a steed, a war-
horse, 2371.

Blusshe, v. to look, 1316; to gaze,

2428; to shine forth, 4665.

Blym, v. for Blynn, to cease,

Bobb, v. (A.S.) to strike, to beat,

Bocher, s. a butcher, 1592.
Bode, s. (A.S.) delay, 2568.

Bode, pret. of Bide, stopped,
stayed, 5940, 5954, 6939.
Bodeword, s. (A.S.) a message,
6262, 8315.

Bodyn, pret. of Bide, stopped,
stayed, 12658.

Bogh, s. a bough, a branch, 2371.
Bogh, v. to wend, to steal away,

Boght, pret. of Buy, bought,


Boistous, adj. Bioustious, rough,

boisterous, 4116.

Bokebynder, 8. a bookbinder,

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Boldly, adv. boldly, fearlessly,
978; unquestionably, 840.
Bole, s. the body or trunk of a
tree, 4960.

Bolne, v. (A.S.) to swell, 5052.
Bolnet, adj. swollen, 3839.
Bolnyng, 8. swelling, 5066.
Bond, pret. of Bind, 7527.
Bone, s. (A.S.) a request, a com-

mand, 505, 4795, 7895.
Bone, s. arrest, seizure, 11964.
Bonke, s. a bank, a shore, 2807.
Borde, s. (A.S.) a table, 1657,
2562. See Burd.

Borly, adj. large, great, burly,
3769, 4964.

Born, part. p. of Bere, brought,

Borne, part. p. of Bere, born,

Boss, v. to carve, 1564.

Bossh, v. to gush, to flow, 11120;
pret. Bost, spread, 3022.

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