Aspie, v. (A.N.) to espie, to watch, 7945; to discover, to seek out, 11635, 13680.
Assay, Asaye, s. (A.N.) the pro- cess of drawing a knife along the belly of a deer to try how fat he is; it was called, taking assay, 3903. Assay, Assaie, v. (A.N.) to try, to prove, to attempt, to set out, 382, 2489, 11793. Assele, v. to seal, 5358. Assemely, s. a gathering, a council, 57.
Assent, s. (A.N.) consent, agree- ment, 1880, 2103.
Assign, v. to assign, to allot, 1136, 1709.
Astate, s. (A.N.) rank, position, grandeur, 21, 251.
Astoyne, v. to stun, to bruise, to shatter, 1203.
At, prep. according to, 1633; in, upon, "at sad wordes" = upon oath, 1920; for, 2674; by, out by, 9300.
At, pron. that, 2617, 4734, 9881. Athel, s. See Hathel.
Atire, Atyre, v. (A.N.) to prepare, to fit out, 2013; to dress, to deck, 3026; to repair, 13420.
Atle, Attell, v. to array, to ar- range, 855, 2376, 4304; to aim, to attempt, 2965, 5727. See Ettle. Atter, Attur, s. (A.S.
son, dregs, 920, 926; = piss, 303.
Aun, Aune, Awne, adj. own, 276,
6211, 6808, 13045.
Aunsetre, Aunsetry, s. (A.N.) an ancestor, 5; ancestry, 6319, 9362, 13062.
Aunter, Auntre, v. (A.N.) to
venture, to hazard, 314, 724; to happen, 742, 2862.
Aunter, s. an adventure, a hap, a
chance, 5, 67, 827, 1707; a marvel, a wonder, 150, 153, 2856. Auntrus, Antrus, adj. bold, dar- ing, adventurous, 537, 1121, 2186. Aurthewert, 6887, Aurthwart, 6796; Aurthwert, 7676; Aurth- ward, 7325; Awrthwert, 1862; Awterwart, 4892; adv. angrily, in
Auther, conj. either, 6528, 7761.
Bale, s. (A.S. beal) mischief, evil,
destruction, 497, 1433, 2136. Bale, adj. deadly, sad, miserable,
926, 1388, 2234, 2681. Balefull, Balfull, adj. evil, bane- ful, deadly, 169, 899, 945. Ballit, adj. bald, 3848. Balsamom, Balsaum, 8. (Fr.) bal- sam, 8777, 9119.
Ban, v. (A.N.) to curse, 4935;
Bane, s. (A.S. bana) a murderer, 7926.
Banke, s. the shore, the coast,
Barbur, s. a barber, 1598. Bare, adj. (A.S.) curt, short, 74;
mere, simple, 150, 828; purpose- less, unproductive, 2502; com- plete, 483; late, last, 10805; bare- headed, 2018; unarmed, 5065; adv. alone, deserted, 1320; s. the naked skin, 5821.
Bare, pret. of Bore, pierced, bored, 9432.
Barely, Barly, adv. wholly, en- tirely, 68, 2780, 12090. Baret, s. (A.N.) strife, contention, 5274, 9336; trouble, sorrow, 4167, 5872.
Barge, s. a war-vessel, 90, 9720. Bargen, s. contention, strife, 2502.
Barly, adv. barely; "barly no | Bedaghe, v. (A.S.) to expose, to more" = barely so much, or cer- tainly not any more, 10132. Barn, Barne, s. (A.S.) an infant, a child, 1361, 8143.
Bastel, Bastell, s. (A.N.) a tower, a fortification, 9490, 10569, 13782. The Bastel or Bastile was a movable wooden tower used in warfare; latterly, any tower or fortification was so named.
Bate, s. (A.S.) contention, debate, strife, 5276, 5526.
Bate, v. to attack, to contend
with, to rush at, 5914.
Batell, s. battle, 1216; v. to fight, 945, 1322.
Batell, Batel, s. a company, a division, a host, 1151, 2131. Baume, Bawme, Bame, s. balm, 8777, 8780, 8804, 9119. Baxter, s. a baker, 1592. Be, prep. (A.S.) by, 383, 1291, 8601; as be through or by right of, 1841.
Be, pres. tense of the verb, 8906; part. p. 8913.
Beayell, s. a grandfather, 13474. Beccyn, v. to beacon, to blaze, 6037.
Become, v. to become, to be be-
coming (pret. become), 1712,
1714. Bed, pret. of Bidde, commanded, 6103.
befool, 758; same as Bedaffe. Bede, v. (A.S.) to profer, to offer; "amendes to bede" = by way of amends, 5027; to order, to bid, 389.
Bedene, By dene, adv. (A.S.) im- mediately, at once, suitably, be- Begile, Begyle, v. to beguile, to comingly, 429, 1656.
Begonnen, part. p. begun, 1620.
deceive, 8153, 9279, 11197.
Behode, pret. of Behove, behoved, required, 12679.
Behove, v. (A.S.) to require, to
Beid, s. a bead, pl. a necklace, pearls, 7044.
Bein, part. being, 9717.
Beire, v. to bear, to bud, 412; to
bear, to carry, 1772.
Beiryng, 8. bearing, manners, 4116.
Bekir, v. to skirmish, to battle, 7714.
Bekur, 8. a skirmish, a battle, 8363.
Belde, v. (A.S.) to build, to
build up, to strengthen, to en- courage, 4541; to recover strength, 5864.
Bele, v. to settle, to fester like a boil, 1433.
Belefe, v. (A.S. belifan) to remain, to be left; part. p. Beleft, forsaken, 13456.
Belefe, s. belief, 1686, 4287. Belirt, pret. of Belere, belied, deceived, 715; part. p. Belirt, Be- lirten, 8134, 8447.
Belive, Belyve, adv. (A.S.) im-
mediately, presently, quickly, by Belmaker, s. a bellmaker, 1589. and by, 1163, 1175, 2226, 13206. Belt-stid, s. that part of the body at which the belt is fixed, 5940.
Be-mard, part. p. damaged, wounded, 10701.
Bemoth, s. Behemoth, the great monster, the devil, 4427.
Bete, pret. of Bite, (A.S.) bit, 12150.
Bethink, v. (A.S.) to recollect, to ponder, 143, 147.
Bemourn, v. to bemourn, to Betide, Betyde, v. (A.S.) to
Ben Been, part. p. 891, 1439; have been, 9, 1728.
Bend, v. (pret. Bend) to bend, to fit a bow, 9475.
Bent, s. a plain, a common, a field, a battle-field, 91, 913, 1192, 5864.
Bere, v. (A.S.) pret. bere, to bear, to carry, to drive, 1279, 1333,
Bere, s. (A.S.) a bier, 9084, 11567.
Berenes, Berynes, s. burial, sepul-
ture, 4336, 9619, 10132, 12160. Berie, Bery, v. to bury, 7148, 7174, 8399, 9690, 13786. Beronnen, Beronyn, Byronnen, part. pres. & p. running, flowing, swimming, covered, overrun, 1328, 7033, 9052, 9635, 11141; blody beronyn, covered with blood. Berslet, s. a slender bough, a wand, 2196.
Bes, Bese, pres. t. of Be, 870, 3389, 3487; imper. of Be, 649, 6265, 6947, 13553. See Note, 1. 870.
Besenes, s. eagerness, 10337. Beside, Besyde, adv. around,
Best, Beste, 8. (A.N.) a beast, an animal, 4428, 11788. Bestad, part. p. beset, circum- stanced, surrounded, 5849. Bet, pret. of Beat, 12664. Betaght, pret. & part. of Beteche, gave to, assigned, entrusted to, 6100, 7310, 11741.
Betake, v. (A.S. betecan) to as-
sign, to hand over, to deliver, 5371.
happen, to arise, to befal, 2240, 2722, 2729, 9949; pret. & part. p. Betid.
Betoke, pret. of Betake, gave,
Betraut, v. to betray, 731, 11767; pret. betrat, 12026. Bi, prep. by, 12097. Bickre, Byccer. See Biker. Bide, Byde, v. (A.S. bidan) to stop, to stay, to dwell, to abide, to endure, 362, 570, 2254, 3483, 5677, 7186, 8126; pret. Bode. Big, Byg, adj. great, noted, re- nowned, 1029, 1032. Comp. Bigger, stronger, 2121.
Bigge, v. (A.S.) to build, to set up, 1598, 5216.
Bigger, adv. better, 2199. Biggyng, s. (A.S.) a building, 13452; Byggyng, 1379. Bigli, Bigly, Bygly, adv. boldly, strongly, manfully, 691, 6018, Biker, Bikere, Bikre, Bicker, 6035; in force, 10405. Bycker, Byccer, Bickre, Bykre, v. (A.S.) to battle, to batter, 2944, 5728, 7271, 7294, 7400.
Bild, Byld, v. (A S.) to build, Biker, s. a battle, a fight, 4722.
282, 321, 1535, 1569, 1603; part. p. bild, bilde. Bioustious, adj. See Boistous. Bir, Birr, Birre, s. (A.S. or O.F. birer) force, impetus, 171, 570; wind, a strong wind, 1982, 12490; a thrust, a blow, 1244; a struggle, a battle, 11141.
Birie, v. to bury, 13674, 13963. Birle, v. (A.S.) to strike, to thrust with force, 9061.
Blawe, v. to blow, 1308, 4622. Ble, s. (A.S. bleo) colour, com- plexion, countenance, 7888, 9134. Blenke, v. to deceive, 2483. Blent, pret. & part. p. of Blend,
mingled, 1695, 3493.
Bleryng, s. blearing, defiling, 9134.
Blisse, 8. (A.S.) happiness, com- fort, 1695, 2483.
Blissful, adj. happy, 2256. Blithe, adj. kind, affectionate, 2342.
Blithe, s. face, favour, 2196. Blithe, v. to gladden, to please,
Blithely, adv. properly, honour-
Bloberond, part. bubbling, gurg- ling, 9642.
Blody, adv. with blood, 1328,
7033, 10424, 11141.
Blonke, s. (A.S.) a steed, a war- horse, 2371.
Blusshe, v. to look, 1316; to gaze,
2428; to shine forth, 4665.
Blym, v. for Blynn, to cease, 5075.
Bobb, v. (A.S.) to strike, to beat, 7316.
Bocher, s. a butcher, 1592. Bode, s. (A.S.) delay, 2568.
Bode, pret. of Bide, stopped, stayed, 5940, 5954, 6939. Bodeword, s. (A.S.) a message, 6262, 8315.
Bodyn, pret. of Bide, stopped, stayed, 12658.
Bogh, s. a bough, a branch, 2371. Bogh, v. to wend, to steal away, 12608.
Boght, pret. of Buy, bought,
Boistous, adj. Bioustious, rough,
Bokebynder, 8. a bookbinder,
Boldly, adv. boldly, fearlessly, 978; unquestionably, 840. Bole, s. the body or trunk of a tree, 4960.
Bolne, v. (A.S.) to swell, 5052. Bolnet, adj. swollen, 3839. Bolnyng, 8. swelling, 5066. Bond, pret. of Bind, 7527. Bone, s. (A.S.) a request, a com-
mand, 505, 4795, 7895. Bone, s. arrest, seizure, 11964. Bonke, s. a bank, a shore, 2807. Borde, s. (A.S.) a table, 1657, 2562. See Burd.
Borly, adj. large, great, burly, 3769, 4964.
Born, part. p. of Bere, brought, 10805.
Borne, part. p. of Bere, born, 10826.
Boss, v. to carve, 1564.
Bossh, v. to gush, to flow, 11120; pret. Bost, spread, 3022.
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