صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

from next camp to the Raja. This was sad want of faith, and a clear demonstration of the poor opinion they have of European integrity. I tried to ascertain the amount which the Raja had paid, but could not get at the real truth, though it was evident it must have been much; I repeated my assurances that there was no chance of the road passing near Keunjur, and stated that the Raja would be very wrong if he gave a single farthing more, and I requested that he would complain of any person who might in future make any such demands.

The vakeel complained loudly of the trouble, expense, and hardships, their master and his ryots had been put to, by the constant cutting of jungle, and exploring and opening new roads by the postmaster's moonshís; however much exaggeration there may be, it is evident that these worthies have certainly much abused their power, and have lived (together with their servants) gratis on the fat of the land, I resolved on putting a final stop to this source of annoyance, by requesting the Raja to refuse to do any thing more, unless he received positive instructions from the proper authorities.

At sunrise I commenced my march towards Gorapursa, a dawk station twelve miles distant; I first crossed the Byeturní which was fast rising, and was attended to the opposite bank (the boundary of Mohurbhunj) by the vakeels and their followers, who were then dismissed, I reached Gorapursa at 10 A. M.; the country I passed over had a gradual rise the whole way with several light undulations, there appeared to be much heavy jungle to the right of the road, but in its immediate vicinity there is a fair proportion of clear and cultivated land. I passed one large village called Sukroorí two miles before reaching that of Terentí, where there is a dawk station; from thence to Gorapursa there is one continued forest of small trees and underwood, the distance is about seven miles, and Terentí above six from the Byturní; four miles beyond Terentí I crossed the Krère Bundun river, this water was about two and a half feet deep, and running very rapidly, the bed is gravelly and the banks exceedingly steep.

I encamped under a noble banyan tree and passed a pleasant day, for the air was very much cooled by the previous night's rain, the country in the immediate vicinity is also high and tolerably open, nevertheless it is dreadfully unhealthy; there is a guard of a native officer and thirty men from the Ramgurh battalion stationed here, it suffers much, there are seldom more than one-third of the men fit for duty, the rest being laid up with fever; I found the native officer to be a very well informed man, he was very attentive to my wants and gave me much valuable information; I got him to write a letter to the Raja of Keunjur at my direction, touching his offer of bribes, and sent

it off by the messenger who had accompanied me from Gobindpúr. I considered it advisable to have some respectable witness to this unpleasant business, for many good reasons.

I was about to resume my march at 5 P. M. when a dark northwest horizon indicated the approach of more bad weather; a range of new huts had just been completed, I removed my palkee &c. into the largest which was also the most sheltered, it was that of my attentive host, the native officer; I had barely time to remove when a fearful hurricane came on accompanied with heavy rain, and hail stones of great size; almost every hut was blown down, or so much out of the perpendicular that they were rendered useless, the water was ancle deep; I had taken the precaution to place my palkee on four large stones, so that I escaped the wet; the storm lasted till near midnight continuing more or less violent; I was more fortunate than I had been the previous night, and felt grateful for such shelter.

3rd June. I was unable to march before sunrise for want of coolies; I then started onwards for Nowagaon, the second dawk stage in advance; I had a very unpleasant trip, owing to the muddy state of the greater part of the road, my progress was very slow, not reaching my ground till one P. M.; the distance travelled sixteen miles, the direction of the road was slightly to the southward of east, the country undulating as usual. For three or four miles it runs through a thin jungle, and then enters the clear land in the vicinity of the Buddaum pahar and of Jushpurgurh, at the eighth mile I reached a large village called Maldapursa, I rested here and breakfasted, after taking the compass bearings and sketching the features of the country; I then proceeded on my journey,-the first mile or more is over the plain, the road then crosses the continuation of the Buddaum chain of hills, which ends three miles to the south-west by Jushpur; there are three rugged ascents, and as many descents, they are impassable for cattle (laden) therefore very difficult for a palkee to be carried by, I walked the whole way, I was informed that there was a passage round these hills by which the ghat, which is called "Tinderí ghat" can be avoided; in my travels this year I have proved this to be correct, I shall allude to the subject in a future page. From the ghat to within a few hundred yards of Nowagaon, the forest is very heavy, but the road is good.

I shall not say more of Nowagaon at present than that it is near the western extremity of a long narrow and once thickly populated valley in the zemindarí of Baumunghattí, the whole of which is now a vast forest, having been devastated during the Cole insurrection consequent on the difference which existed between Narindra Maha

patur, Zemindar of the Purgunnah, and his lord the Mohurbhunj Raja ; there are about twenty-eight miles of dawk road down the valley, and four dawk stages, viz. Nowagaon, where I encamped, Arjunbilla, Pooranapání, and Kurrumbilla, this last place is at the eastern extremity at the top of the Nittai Maunghur ghat by which you descend to the plains.

I left Nowagaon before sunset, and pushed on to Pooranapání, where I rested part of the night; I had much difficulty in procuring even a couple of coolies to replace two who had escaped, in consequence of this I discovered another piece of impudent roguery of one of the Cuttack myrmidons, a servant of mine having peached against him, it was this;-I had tried all manner of means to prevent him from pilfering as he passed through the villages, he had however managed to collect a heavy cooly load of bows, arrows, banghy sticks, latties (walking clubs) and fowls, added to these a charpoy, this I took away during his absence, and threw it into a thicket, the former articles I hid in the thatches of the huts, took the cooly for myself, and marched on.

About three A. M. of the 4th June, I continued my journey, reaching Bissáí, a large village three miles from Pooranapání, at day break; I here changed coolies, and proceeded on to Nowagaon Oopurbaugh which place I reached at noon, having travelled forty-nine miles, within little more than twenty-four hours; at four P. M. I resumed my march towards Seersa, on the banks of the Subunreeka, which place I reached a little after sunset; the distance was only five miles, but I was detained for an hour in a large village owing to a severe north-wester; I found my dawk ready, and bidding farewell to the jungles started for Mednipúr, which station I reached the following morning; I rested there during the day, and continued on my dawk trip to Oolooberriah, arriving at ten A. M; having procured a boat, I left this place by water and reached Calcutta at sunset; thus ended my labours for the year 1838, having from the 16th December previous up to the 5th of June, travelled upwards of 2100 miles.

Having passed so rapidly from Gorapursa to Mednípúr I could not observe much, I have this year reconnoitred all this tract of country in the course of my survey duties, I shall therefore conclude with a few marks on its features and capabilities.

(To be continued.)

[blocks in formation]


Of the Mercury.

Of the Air.


Of an Evapg.

Of the Air.


Aspect of the Sky.

[blocks in formation]

89,0 84,5 S. W. Cloudy (Cirro-strati.)

29,600 81,9 80,880,0 79,0 S. W. Overcast raining.
,600 80,0 79,089,085,2 S. W. Cloudy.

,522 80,2 80,084,4 82,8 W.

Nimbi raining. 85,0 82,5 WbS. Light Nimbi.

,474 80,0 79,083,2 81,5 S..... Cloudy Nimbi Drizzling rain. ,580 81,2 80,089,0 84,8 S..... Cumuli.

,630 81,5 81,991,0 85,8 S..... To the N. Cum-str. rest Cum.
640 81,9 81,590,8 85,0 S..... Cumuli.

,648 83,0 80,091,0 84,9 S. E. Cumuli.
,650 82,9 81,885,4 83,0 S...
,700 82,5 80,885,7 82,0 S...
,650 83,0 81,884,5 82,5 S.....

Nimbi interspersed.
657 82,4 82, 89,0 83,2 s. high Hazy and Misty.
682 82,5 82,88,2 83,5 s. high

Light Clouds and Misty.

702 83,4 83,089,5 83,9 Sb W. Cirro-strati and Cumuli.

,739 83,5 82,986,0 83,0 S..
,700 83,3 82,586,5 82,5 S..
,680 82,5 82, 88,5 83,5 S.
,684 82,6 82,


89 51 83.5 S...

Detached Clouds and Haze.

To the N. Nimbi Zenith Clear.

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[blocks in formation]
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