The Aorist Participle Generally. The masculine plural of this participle is formed by changing the final योब् yōv to येय् yey. Thus, कर्याव् karyöv, plural कर्येय् karyey (viii. iii. 15). The feminine is formed a yōv to âu yêya (viii. iii. 16). The feminine singular and the feminine plural are the same. afą karyōv, fem. sing. and plur. da karyèyo. When the base of the participle endsts, Thus, tsh, ♬ z, or ¶ ñ, and elides they in yōv of the masculine singular, the masculine plural becomes ay (viii. iii. 18), and the ч feminine, becomes laye (viii. iii. 17). Thus, yey of the yeya of the Root कन kat, spin. Aorist part. कच्चीब् katsōv; masc. pl. कर्णाच् katsṬy; fem. woth, arise. la katsṬy“. Aorist part. wõtshōv; masc. pl. wutą watsay; fem. la wõtshậy". दज़ daz, burn. Aorist part दज़ोब् dazōv; masc. pl. दर्शाय् dazậy; fem. zala dazāy“. ran, cook. Aorist part. cìa rañōv; masc. pl. całą rañay; fem. la rañāye. Most verbs of the third conjugation ending in these letters do not elide they (see page 60). So also the verbskets, a vyats, ↔ rōts, a wuts (see p. 58) of the second conjugation. These verbs form the masculine plural either in a ậy or va êy, and the feminine in wta dy® or x ēy® (viii. iii. 17). Thus, Rootkas, (second conjugation) be wet; masc. sing. EVE a tez, (third conjugation), be sharp; masc. sing. The following verbs have irregular aorist participles. The irregularities are, of course, carried through the aorist tense. |