صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Of þe more & be myne, & m'ci besechez,
& of abfolucioú he on þe fegge calles ;

& he afoyled hy furely, & fette hý fo clene,
As domez-day fchulde haf ben dist on þe morn.
& fyren he mace hy as mery amōg þe fre ladyes,
W comlych caroles, & alle kynes ioye,

As neu? he did bot þat daye, to je derk nyzt,
Vche mon hade daynte pare,

Of hy, & fayde I wyffe,

I wt blys ;

p9 myry he watz neu? are,

Syn he com hider, er þis.


Now hý lenge i þat lee, Pluf hy bi-tyde ;
3et is þe lorde on þe laūde, ledande his gomnes,
He hatz forfaren his fox, pt he folzed longe;
As he fprent ou a spēne, to spye þe schrewe,

[fol. 116.] þer as he herd þe howndes, þat hafted hy swyfe,
Renaud com richchande furz a roze greue,
& alle be rabel i a res, ryzt at his helez.

Þe wyze watz war of þe wylde, & warly abides,

& braydez out þe bryst bronde, & at þe best caste;;
& he schüt for þe fcharp, & fchulde haf arered,

A rach rapes hý to, ryzt er he myzt,

& ryzt bifore be hors fete pay fel on hy alle,
& woried me pis wyly wyth a wroth noyse.
pe lorde lyztez bi-lyue, & cachez by 1 fone,
Rafed hy ful radly out of pe rach mouþes,
Haldez heze ou? his hede, halowez faste,

1 hy?






& p9 bayen hy mony bray hoūdez;
Hūtes hyzen hem þeder, wt hornez ful mony,
Ay rechatande ary3t, til þay þe renk sezen ;
Bi þat watz comen his compeyny noble,
Alle þat eu? ber bugle blowed at ones,
& alle pife op halowed, þat hade no hornes,
Hit watz þe myriest mute þat eu? mē herde,

pe rich rurd þat þ watz rayfed for renaude faule,
Hor houdez pay p9 rewarde,

Her' hedez þay fawne & frote,

& fyben þay tan reynarde,

& turnen of his cote.

wt lote;




& pene pay helden to home, fór hit watz niez nyzt,
Strakande ful ftoutly i hor store hornez;

þe lorde is lyst at þe laste at hys lef home,
Fyndez fire vpon flet, þe freke p by-fide,
Sir Gawayn þe gode, þat glad watz wt alle,
Amōg þe ladies for luf he ladde much ioye.

He were a bleaūt of blwe, þat bradde to be erþe,
His furkot femed hy wel, þat fofte watz forred,
& his hode of þat ilke henged on his schulder,
Blande al of blaūner were boþe al aboute.
He metez me pis god man i myddez þe flore,

& al with gomen he hy gret, & goudly he fayde,
"I fchal fylle vpon fyrft oure forwardez noupe,

[fol. 117.] þat we fpedly han spoken, per fpared watz no drynk;
pen acoles he [be] knyzt, & kyffes hý þryes,

1 her her, MS.




As fauerly & fadly as he hem fette coupe.

"Bi kryft," q þat op knyzt, "ze cach much fele,

I cheuifaūce of þis chaffer, zif ze hade goud chepez."

[ocr errors]

ze of þe chepe no charg," q chefly þat op,

"As is pertly payed þe chepez þat I azte."

[ocr errors]

Mary," q þat op9 mon, myn is bi-hynde, For I haf hūted al pis day, & nozt haf I geten, Bot þis foule fox felle, þe fende haf þe godez,

& þat is ful pore, for to pay for fuche prys þiges,


зе haf þryzt me here, pro fuche pre coffes, Ino3," q f Gawayn,

"I bonk yow, bi þe rode; "

& how he fox watz flayn,

He tolde hy, as þay stode.


fo gode."



With m'pe & mynstralsye, wyth metez at hor wylle, þay maden as mery as any mē mozten,

Wt lazyg of ladies, wt lotez of bordez;

Gawayn & pe gode mō fo glad were pay bope,


Bot if þe douthe had doted, op dronken ben op,

Bope pe mon & pe meyny maden mony iapez,

Til þe fefoū watz fezen, þat þay feu? mofte;
Burnez to hor bedde be-houed at þe laste.
pēne lozly his leue at þe lorde fyrst
Fechchez pis fre mon, & fayre he hy ponkkez,-
"Of fuch a fellyly' foiorne, as I haf hade here,
Yo hono", at þis hyze fest, þe hyze kýg yow zelde !
I zef yow me for on of yo°ez, if yowre felf lykez,

1 felly?


For I mot nedes, as ze wot, meue to morne ;
& ze me take fu tolke, to teche, as ze hyzt,
pe gate to be grene chapel, as god wyl me fuffer
To dele, on nwzerez day, þe dome of my wyrdes."
"In god faybe," q þe god mon, "wyth a goud wylle ;
Al þat eu? I yow hyzt, halde schal I rede."

þer afygnes he a feruaut, to fett hy i þe waye,

[fol. 117b.] & coūdue hy by þe downez, þat he no drechch had, For to ferk' þurz þe fryth, & fare at þe gaynest,

pe lorde Gawayn con ponk,

Such worchip he wolde hy weue;

pē at po ladyez wlonk,

þe knyzt hatz tan his leue.

|| bi greue.





With care & wyth kyffyg he carppez hem tille,
& fele pryuande ponkkez he prat hom to haue,
& þay zelden hy azayn 3eply þat ilk ;


pay bikende hy to kryft, wt ful colde fykygez.
Sypen fro þe meyny he menskly departes ;
Vche mon þat he mette, he made hem a ponke,
For his feruyfe, & his folace, & his fere pyne,
þat þay wyth busynes had ben, aboute hy to ferue;
& vche fegge as fore, to feu? wt hy þere,
As þay hade wonde worþyly wt þat wlonk eu?.

pē wt ledes & lyzt he watz ladde to his chambre,

& blypely brozt to his bedde, to be at his reft;

3if he ne flepe foūdyly, fay ne dar I,

For he hade muche on þe morn to myne, zif he wolde,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Let hy lyze þere stille,

He hatz nere þat he fozt,

& ze wyl a whyle be stylle,

I fchal telle yow how pay wrozt.




ow nezez þe nwzere, & pe ny3t paffez,

Fe day dryuez to þe derk, as dryztyn biddez;
Bot wylde wederez of þe worlde wakned peroute,
Clowdes keften kenly be colde to be erpe,

Wyth nyze in nogh of þe norpe, pe naked to tene;
pe fnawe fnitered ful fnart, þat fnayped þe wylde ;
þe werbelande wynde wapped fro pe hyze,
& drof vche dale ful of dryftes ful grete.
pe leude lyftened ful wel, þat lez i his bedde,
paz he lowkez his liddez, ful lyttel he flepes;

Bi vch kok þat crue, he knwe wel þe steuen '.

[fol. 118.] Deliu'ly he dreffed vp, er þe day fprenged,

For þere watz lyzt of a laupe', þat lemed i his chambre;
He called to his chamberlayn, þat cofly hy swared,

& bede hy bryg hy his bruny, & his blonk fadel;
þat op ferkez hy vp, & fechez hy his wedez,
& graybez me f Gawayn vpon a grett wyfe.
Fyrst he clad hy i his clopez, pe colde forto were ;

This word is doubtful in the MS.

2 laumpe?






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