6 (a). THE PLUPERFECT PARTICIPLE. This participle occurs in all three conjugations. In the first two conjugations (viii. iii. 78), it expresses remote time. Thus, karyā-n, he made (a long time ago); qara bovyāv, he became (a long time ago). In the third conjugation it is used in the sense of an Aorist Participle, and expresses past time indefinitely, with no reference to proximity or distance. It is hence the participle, and the Pluperfect is the tense, of narration in this conjugation. Thus, gura wuphyāv, he flew. In order to supply the place of Pluperfect, a new tense is formed in this conjugation, which may be called the True Pluperfect. Thus, gfara wuphiyāv, he flew a long time ago. The Pluperfect Participle is formed by changing the termination ov of the aorist participle to av (viii. iii. 35). Thus Aorist Participle, af karyōv; Pluperfect Participle, afa karyāv. In the first conjugation, the masculine plural is formed by inserting, before the termination of the masculine plural of the Aorist Participle. Thus, fą karyōv; masc. plur. karyēy; Pluperfect part. masc. plur. ia karēyêy (viii. iii. 36). When the Aorist masc. plural ends in ay (vide, p. 61) this is changed to a āyēy. Thus; Aorist Participle hětsov, taken; masc. plur. la hětsay; Pluperfect Part. masc. plur. la hětsṬyēy (viii. iii. 37). The femi nine singular and plural are the same as those of the Aorist Participle (viii. iii. 38). In the second and third conjugations, the masculine plural is formed by changing av of the singular to Ray (viii, iii, 40). Thus gu wuphyāv, flown; masc. pl., ga See, however, p. 74. wuphyay. The feminine (singular and plural) is formed by changing आब् āv to एथ ēyo. Thus फोयय 200uphyēye (viii, iii. 44 ). 6 (b). THE PLUPERFECT TENSE. This is formed from the Pluperfect Participle, exactly as the Aorist Tense is formed from the Aorist Participle. We thus get the following forms. A. FIRST CONJUGATION. Transitive verb (viii. iii. 35). (c. forms only). 'I made,' lit., he, she, it, etc., was (were) made by me, you, him, us, &c.' From f khi, eat, we have a khěyā-m; plur. ч khěyēyē-m. So from fci, drink. From fa ni, take, fa Similarly, from, f◄ hi, and from fe di, give, fa niyā-m and faââ niyēyē-m. take, a hětsā-m; plur. alâų hětsāyē-m ; ditsām, and featâ ditsāyē-m (see p. 71). Impersonal verbs are similarly conjugated. Thus, qui asā-m, I laughed. Those that are conjugated in the feminine (see pp. 16, 22, 49 and 68), are, of course, the same as the Aorist. Double pronominal suffixes may be added, as in the case of the Past and the Aorist. Thus, afa karya-th-as, thou madest me; f karya-m-ay, I made for thee; afaę karyā-m-as, I made for him. Further examples are unnecessary. See, however, the special cases mentioned after the paradigm of the third conjugation (p. 75). B. SECOND CONJUGATION. Neuter verb (viii. iii. 40). (c. forms only). 'I became a long time ago.' 2 | बव्याख् bövyā-kh. बुब्येयख् bövyēya-kch. बब्याव bövyā-we. जयेयव bövyāye we. 3 | बब्याब् bövyāv. qaa bŏvyēy“. वव्याय् brvyāy. बुब्येय bouyeye. C. THIRD CONJUGATION. In this conjugation, the tense has merely the meaning of an Aorist, not of a Pluperfect, and is the tense used in narration. It is conjugated as follows. Neuter verb (viii. iii. 40, 44). (c. forms only). 1 Içvara-kaula gives a wuphye-wa, which my Pandit says J. 1. 10 In the plural masculine Içvara-kaula gives a wuphyey, but this is directly contrary to the rule (viii. iii. 40) of which the word is given as an example. If it is desired to give the force of the pluperfect to a verb of the 3rd conjugation, we must insert ani before the yāv of the participle. We thus get what I call the True-Pluperfect tense, which is as follows (viii. iii. 50). TRUE PLUPERFECT (3rd conjugation only) (c. forms only). For the plural masculine Içvara-kaula gives (viii. iii. 40) as examples both af mokaliyey and for mokaliyāy, we or they were released. According to his own rule, of which these are examples, the latter is the correct form. For the second person plural feminine he gives (44) afaa naviyēw, you became new, which, according to my Pandit is incorrect for faaaa naviyēy"-wo. This form cannot be used after cases ending in ¶ts, ■ tsh, ♬ z, or ñ. Thus, plup. ar tēzyāv, not af tēziyāv (viii. iii. 51). As an example of the True Pluperfect of the feminine impersonal verbs (see pp. 16, 22, 49, 54, 67, and 68), we may give (viii. iii. 45) ¿à¤¶ tyambiyēya-m, I glanced eagerly. fifa tyambiyēyi-y (see p. 70), thou didst glance eagerly. fatyambiyeya-s, he glanced eagerly. The formation of the Pluperfect and True Pluperfect participles of the following verbs is irregular : PLUPERFECT PARTICIPLE. TRUE PLUPERFECT It will be seen that these Pluperfect Participles (in the sense of the Aorist) are really Aorist Participles of the second conjugation. The feminine, and masculine plural forms, will be found in the list of irregular Aorist Participles (pp. 62 and ff.). When pronominal suffixes are added to this tense, a final vor ay is elided, as in the case of the aorist (p. 66). Thus, ar āyāv+◄◄ as, पायास् āyā-s, he came to him. बायाय् āyāy + बस् as, पायास् āyā-s, they came to him. Other examples of these suffixes are āyā-s+¶¶ as, चायासस् āyā-s-as, I came to him ; चायाथ् āyā-kh+अस् as, बायाहस् āyā-h-as, thou camest to him; ¶¶¶_āyā-wa+¶¶ as, ¶¶¶¶ āyā-wa-s, you came to him (viii. iii. 41). When ay, the suffix of the dative of the second person singular is added ; आब् āv becomes जो 5, and बायु ay, बो (42). Thus, बोय् oy (av+ay), he came for thee; tay, they came for thee; dray, they came out for thee; drōy, he came out for thee; tsōy, he wuphiyōy, he flew for theo ( बुफियाव् wwuphiyāv+ जय् ay). |